A 115-unit apartment building is in the works for the corner of Reeder Street and Queens Boulvard in Elmhurst. The site is right across from the new rental building known as The Elm as well as the Grand Avenue/Newtown R stop. DOB documents state that the building will include 27,801 square feet of commercial space, 26,273 square feet of community space, and 93,940 square feet of residential space. It’ll rise seven stories tall. The DOB disapproved a building plan earlier this summer and has not yet issued permits. We’ll letcha know when they do…
This is the Wendy's site. And if you know anything about the development that's occurred along that stretch, you know those new buildings are mostly empty.
"yes, yes. Fuck you, too!"
Somewhere Cleo McDowell and Prince Akeem are weeping.
This is all monies directly from china.
This section of Queens needs help desperately. The buildings being built look awful and attract no one to this area. If building please build to beautify and clean up the mess. But in a short time we will see another monster building with leaking bricks, rusting gates, clothes and storage on balconies. That's a sight to look at while driving down Queens Blvd.
Elmhurst is screaming save me!!!!
The area is full of empty building carcasses - all waiting for ?????? So building another is just another garbage pail building mostly to siphon cash from Chinese immigrants and illegals that their richer relatives buy to house them when not slaving for them!
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