From DNA Info:
Queensbridge Park is going green — the waterfront space in Long Island City has been allotted $2.5 million for the complete renovation of its park house, a building that’s been out of use for decades, city officials announced Tuesday.
The Parks Department will hold public scoping meetings to see what park users would like to see in the greenspace, which could include amenities like a modern comfort station, storage facilities for athletic teams and offices for the park’s staff.
City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer secured the funding for the renovation, which he says is part of a larger effort to improve and “reawaken” Queensbridge Park.
“It is extremely important that every single senior and child who lives in Queensbridge know that our City has allocated every single cent we could to make sure that Western Queens has a park that rivals Central Park in Manhattan or any other park in the City of New York,” the councilman said in a statement.
Seniors and children. Seniors and children. Everyone else is chopped liver and don't visit parks, apparently.
"...offices for the park’s staff."
Typical, when they want to raise taxes, it’s always for teachers and firemen — but when they actually get the money, it goes to buy leather chairs for guys you’ve never heard of.
Ah our Culutral Czar has read too many cultural program forms that direct culture into safe white bread programs with those that can provide photo ops (seniors - one of the last groups to still vote) and safe topics (green education films for kids to watch in Jacob Riis while they drink from plastic bottles and eat from Styrofoam trays).
You do not want any programs aimed at education in the community on civic involvement, or understanding the very real issue of displacement once waterfront development plans are in place.
Everything for Long Island City, fuck everyone else in Queens.
Sounds just like the two-million dollar toilets they installed in a park in Elmhurst. I could build a mansion for that kind of money. No wonder the city is broke.
Correction Joe:
The development does not help the community of Long Island City - they are being displaced for new towers that are being financed with their own taxes.
It helps the politicians of Long Island City and their goons in the community boards and local civics that do their bidding.
$2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million...
If you say it fast and often $2.5 million doesn't sound like a lot.
$2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million, $2.5 million...
The first step to opening the park to tower people and easing out Queensbridge.
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