Dead grass abounds, long since replaced by patches of dirt and rocks. The uneven terrain has proved a potent trip hazard. And then there is the mud puddle that has been present almost every day of the summer. A wonderful breeding ground for mosquitoes that make the park a sorry place to be at dusk.
- Ted, Kew Gardens
The US Open is coming up so Parks needs to concentrate all of its incompetant resources into making things look pretty over there. Perhaps Parks will get to Forest Park next spring . Observe he their staff works. Lazy, half-ass work ethic with no supervision. It's no wonder Queens Parks look as shoddy as they do!
Parks can't even paint the litter basket...shows you they just don't friggin care.
Where' are all the supervisors fom Parks . Don't they see this? Can't they roll up their sleeves and get the job done and earn their pay? This is so bad. Fire them all and get workers that care and want to work.
Not to mention all those slobs who use it as a doggy run in the wee hours of the morning and leave their SH&T all over the place. My kid's team had a practice their one morning and a kid sat in dog right behind home plate.
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