Forgotten New York found "The Perfect Fedders" in Corona:
I was stopped on the railroad on Tuesday right in front of what may be the most iconic, emblematic Fedders building I’ve seen in Queens, on 44th Avenue in Corona facing the LIRR embankment.
It’s all here… the concrete lawn with sport utility vehicle parking, the Fedders AC cutouts, the meters front and center, the bland blond brick, the rusted fire escapes. The only nod to any design at all is a little flourish in the brickwork. Bars on the windows just add to the whole package.
We call this look "prison moderne".
Looks like one of those hell holes you'd find in a crime infested neighborhood in Los Angeles. Very similar architecture.
Looks like the middle east-- Shit hole neighborhoods I saw in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Guess it's the future.
Not enough crap on the balconies - that's how you know you're in Flooshing!
Three styles of buildings: 1900, 1950, 2000.
Corona could still be made a cute place if the garbage built in the last 20 years could be torn down.
But this represents starkly the future of Queens: a hive for the worker bees of Manhattan who live in their cells and exist for the cosmopolitan elites across the river.
You can thank our friends who look out for the working man's interests, the Democratic Machine, for betraying our trust in them.
With such an ugly design, you can be sure it will never be landmarked. So perhaps in as little as 50 years, this box of bricks will be torn in favor of something more inspiring.
This is a thing of beauty! Perfect for the Queens-ite who doesn't want a front lawn to mow or search for that pesky parking spot that eludes you after a night drinking Ouzo in Astoria.
Notice the bit of flora emerging from the space of loam between the two slabs of cement which comprise the front yards between these two gorgeous multiple abodes.
Notice the electric meters which adorn the lower façades of both edifices. How sly was the architect and builder to get DOB approval to hide an apartment in each these buildings. Most likely a partially below ground penthouse. How lucky to be able to awake each morn to the beauty of dandelions and urban crab turf. And for those residents who are gifted to have a terrace facing the wondrous mass transit system of Long Island imagine the thrill of hearing the WHOOSH and feeling breeze from the carriers rushing to their destination.
I am totally impressed!
Fedderistically Craptastic!
I hope a train comes.
You see this crap all over certain parts of Jamaica, nice homes torn down to put up these new “mini projects”. On top of being major eyesores in the community, they tend to house low class slobs and attract a certain type of element and the property owners do very little to maintain the property and let the tenants do whatever they want. Usually garbage is all over the place, garbage containers are overflowing and as years go by they look worse and worse. These places normally have so many violations, even from the get go when they were being built. What has happened to Queens?
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