Sometimes developers just make you scratch your head. Case in point, this house at 481 Fairview Avenue in Ridgewood. It looks as though half of a story was added onto the roof of this house, but the explanation is more than meets the eye. The most recently applied for and rejected permits were for a "mezzanine" on the top floor to allow for storage space and an additional bedroom above the roof. Now, in order to capitalize on a "mezzanine" there has to be an existing story above it, which was not the case here. Unfortunately, the construction was done anyway, because in this city, "build first and pay a fine (or don't) if you get caught" is the way to go.

This address has a litany of uncured, unpaid violations.
Sort of a crap cap for the top of the building.
It looks like the outhouse is on the roof.
That is a real crap cap!
Check out Oasis in Bayside
If this doesn't get torn down - it will be imitated. Eventually, you'll notice the house that doesn't have one.
A big monstrosity is going up on Dekalb just south of Tonys pizza @Knickebocker.
250 foot crane hogging 1/2 the street, crap all over the place. Whatever this thing is already towers 70 feet over the existing buildings and is clearly going higher.
And oh man is it ugly box, the worst looking skeleton I seen going up to date !!!
It could very well be ready a for a community bathroom & shower with a couple pipes.
Who knows how many illegal room partitions, plumbing and electrical alterations are in that building.
How do DOB, FDNY, and Community Boards allow this ??!!
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