Rejecting multiple motions to dismiss assault charges against State Senator Hiram Monserrate, a queens judge said the case would go to trial on Sept. 14.
At a brief hearing in State Supreme Court in Queens, the judge revealed his decision, then held a private conference with the lawyers. He made no mention of whether he would allow the prosecution to show a videotape from Mr. Monserrate’s building on the night of the episode, Dec. 19, 2008.
It'll get adjourned until after Election Day. No way he pleads guilty or goes to trial before then. The Dems won't allow it.
Isnt that the same date and courthouse Curtus Sliwa and Carmine Agnello wrap up the Cappa De Tucci case ?
If so the powers pulling the strings are pretty slick, since all the attention will be on the Gotti's and Agnello.
Hirams goona walk, its sure looks like he has "friends"
Why doesnt someone ask 'Honest Joe' Crowley about this, or Gary 'Silver Slipper' Ackerman?
Popcorn and a front row seat for me. I'll invite all my friends.
Let's see how the news of this affects the voting on Primary day, September 15.
That pussy will take a no jailtime plea.................even though he has publicly said he would not.
The local Congressman & his lawyer buddies won't allow this slug to get any jail time. Let's face it, if it were one of us our butts would be in jail now but because it's one of the Dems favorite people, he'll walk. What a laugh...and we keep voting them in. Wake up people, vote them out!!!!!
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