From Gov. Cuomo comes the welcome news that Aqueduct’s days as a shabby and underutilized thoroughbred track are likely numbered.
In its heyday, Aqueduct drew tens of thousands of horse racing fans every day during its meet. Now, with racing’s steep decline and the availability of off-track wagering, it’s a hulking shell onto which has been grafted a video slot-machine casino.
The track and parking lots cover almost 200 acres of land in southern Queens that could be put to productive use — for example, as the site of affordable housing. This page has long called for shutting the place and moving its races to Belmont Park, just 8 miles to the east.
“I agree,” Cuomo said at a recent meeting with the Daily News Editorial Board.
“It’s been a waste,” he said. “You could do anything at Aqueduct. I mean, you’re right at the airport. It’s a great piece of property. It’s one of the largest pieces of property, probably, in the city of New York....
Here comes another taxpayer funded development scheme to benefit one of the Governor's friends...
If Coma wants to improve the economy, he should develop the natural resources in the state. Fracking is improving the economies of many states. They produce something useful. Creates jobs and tax revenue to the state.
No doubt! The poor private developers are going to need plenty of taxpayer help! Remember that son of Mario is right out of HUD. Your money is the states money!
They would need to modify Belmont then because Belmont is not made for racing in the winter. Belmont has a big opened space to view the track....aqueduct is enclosed.
Horse racing is not big like it use to be. My father loves it and goes to bet everyday! At 72 years old, it keeps him out of my hair and gives him a hobby during his retirement years!
Though I'm not hopeful that it won't go to tweeding, it would be a good place to start building some affordable housing.
Here we go again "affordable housing". Sounds like tax dollars for developers with big union backing.
$2k per month for a one BR apt is not " affordable housing".
The developers deserve all the money they get. If they're smart enough to put a plan together and make things happen, they should get compensated for it.
How else is anything else going to be built there? The government??? Are you nuts?
These "friends of Cuomo" are job creators folks. They are critical to our economy. You want fair? Not only should they get deals to build but they should be tax-exempt. From everything.
If you're not a job creator, you should pay taxes. Be glad these folks are willing to stay in NY and make jobs for you.
Well then everyone who employs anyone should be tax exempt yet. Wait, that won't work? Okay, then.
Developers don't put a plan together and make things happen. They put a plan together and then the government and taxpayers make things happen.
Developers have done nothing but turn Queens into a pile of shit ! Develop for development sake....that's our city's and electeds mindset. They could care less about the dignity and quality of life of its constituents. They all have their hands out...
Well folks at last we've heard the developer, big union, politician point of view. Now if their so smart fella, then why do they always need my tax money to role their money making scheme? Let them go to their friendly finance boys downtown and put their money where your mouth is. I and most New Yorkers don't need their help. You do! They can turn that track into a super fuckin' Wal Mart or leave it a track or a wildlife preserve for all I care. Leave your grubby paws off our tax money!
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