Start-up on Flushing Commons is more problematic. Although the city gave TDC the go-ahead last July to redevelop the parking lot site, Meyer said the firm is looking to have all the necessary financing in place first. “The market is weak now,” he said. “We are focusing on bringing capital from China.”
He hopes work can begin in a year. About six months to a year after that, TDC will raze its Flushing Mall on 39th Avenue to make way for interim parking during construction of Flushing Commons. The developer said it’s too early to know how the mall site will be used following completion of Flushing Commons.
TDC was also one of two finalists in the city’s plan to redevelop the 60-acre Willets Point area several years ago, but now the city is dividing the project into three phases and is again seeking requests for proposals from developers, which are due in August.
“It’s not fair,” Meyer said. “We spent $500,000 on the first proposal, but we have to start again.”
However, since his firm is so familiar with the site, Meyer believes TDC is ready for the challenge. “There may be a lot of interest and submissions, but I question whether there’ll be many teams capable of pulling off such a challenging large-scale project with a plan that can be truly feasible in the marketplace,” he said.
So you're having trouble getting Flushing Commons off the ground but you think you can handle Willets Point? Sad thing is I bet the City gives it to them...
“We are focusing on bringing capital from China.”
Don't expect TDC's projects will bring any jobs to NYC during construction. I bet TDC will use the Chinese construction companies with laborers from China.
'Shanghai Construction Corp', a company owned by the Chinese government, is doing construction on one of their new hotel project at the corner of Prince St. and Roosevelt Ave. in Flushing. (There is a sign posted on the fence)
So the city approved this boondoggle purely on spec.
The builders never had a dime for the project AND they PUBLICLY admitted that.
I believe it was at a CB#7 meeting or in the press it was mentioned....
"We're shopping for financing", yadda, yadda.....something like that.
So the Bloomberg administration is turning over the most valuable piece of real estate in Flushing to a developer that had no money to begin the project.
Very nice!
I would have leased the land to them.
This way if their contract was broken NYC had recourse.
Now let's see if TDC's GOOD FRIEND,
Wellington Zhou Chen, can bag some golden won tons in China for the faltering Flush-Com job.
In the meantime Mike Meyers & Mike Lee (and Koo too) can put in a good supply of "Immodium" to soothe their bowels.
Now the remaining question is, who's going to apply the Cocoa Butter ointment to Chen's sore ass?
If this weren't so shady, it would be hilarious.
Aren't the RKO Keith's builders considering using a Chinese construction firm too?
Where are all the local jobs?
All we're getting are hand jobs without the "happy ending"!
Zhou (Wellington) Chen's major connections ARE with Shanghai.
Wasn't he the one who was responsible for getting the Shanghai-ese to invest in "Queens Crossing"?
Hasn't he been the puppet master in Flushing for years?
He was, after all, conveniently implanted within CB#7 and the NYC Board of Standards and Appeals?
TDC's offices are, in fact, based in Flushing ("Queens Crossing") and Shanghai, China.
What has Congressman Gary Ackerman (of the Asia Committee) got to say?
He's been running interference all these years for the likes of Tommy Huang and company?
And that shameful bunch of sellouts at CB#7 just signed their approval on the dotted line....to sell off their own town to foreign interests....without any guarantee that TDC had the money to do the project properly.
It's time to dump all these developers' bobble heads into the filthy Flushing Creek!
Michael Meyers
is strictly mediocre caliber.
He couldn't score a real job with any top drawer western firm...
so a Chinese development company hired him as their "White pussy-boy" front.
Maybe you can catch him at some subterranean Bayard Street bath house one night.
In addition to being a light weight, he does appear to be a little "light on his feet".
"F&T" connected to "Fultonex", "TDC Rockefeller Group"...built a residential tower at the southeast corner of 14th Street & 3rd Ave. in Manhattan.
They are all "familiars" of Wellington Zhou Chen.
Please to look the other way!!!
Why don't we just cede Flooshing to China already and be done with it?
Why don't we just cede Flooshing to China already and be done with it?
Been there, done that!
At the point where you cannot find one company in this hemisphere to finance this project, isn't it time to walk away?
Anony2 said...
At the point where you cannot find one company in this hemisphere to finance this project, isn't it time to walk away?
Well said!
That's what logic would dictate but we're dealing with Shillman, Marshill, Hackerman, Stashitsky, and the rest of the band of tweeders. They still need their collective palms greased!
That's what logic would dictate but we're dealing with Shillman, Marshill, Hackerman, Stashitsky, and the rest of the band of tweeders. They still need their collective palms greased!
Leaving out CB7 are we?
I don't get it.. It seems like there is always something bad to say about developers. They are the ones with money, not you complainers. If you think there is a better way, then go play head to head with them and that is to go find money and construct something else yourself.
I mean it's not like they are building commercial buildings in a residential or something. Heck, Manhattan at first was like this and people complained.. Well, look at it now.
I don't get it.. It seems like there is always something bad to say about developers. They are the ones with money, not you complainers. If you think there is a better way, then go play head to head with them and that is to go find money and construct something else yourself.
I mean it's not like they are building commercial buildings in a residential or something. Heck, Manhattan at first was like this and people complained.. Well, look at it now.
Are you kidding? What part of planning for development by considering infrastructure do you not understand? You know that smell you've been complaining about? Try removing your head from your asshole. It'll be a breath of fresher air. Fresh air has been lost due to overdevelopment!!! Now go outside and play in traffic and leave the adults to undertake the discourse.
Sorry about that, folks. I warned Evan to stay away from Queens Crap when he forgets to take his meds. It won't happen again.
PS How would Evan know about fresh air when he grew up living with my stench. So there!
If the developers you love so much...troll...agree to live in the project they're building and put up with inferior infrastructure...then OK with blessings attached!.
But they DON'T want to live in the messes they create!
Most live in far away prime residential nabes that aren't affected by their blight
So FU in spades you phony jerk-wad developer's ass kisser!
Let's take this opportunity to specially thank that notorious board of the rubber stamp, CB#7, for selling Muni Lot #1 to communist Chinese interests.
Perhaps Chairman Gene Kelty, that "great" American will be chosen to hoist the red flag over Flush Com if it's ever completed.
Perhaps Chairman Gene Kelty, that "great" American will be chosen to hoist the red flag over Flush Com if it's ever completed.
Why not? It's quite clear he's good at hoisting and if you've noticed his ever-expanding waistline, he needs something other than beers to raise!
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