How many beer gardens can one city — even a fiercely pro-beer-garden city like New York — possibly have?
“Basically, this is too much,” said Larry Spacek, manager of the Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden in Astoria, the 100-year-old paterfamilias of the New York beer garden world. “Everybody sees our success and is copycatting us. I don’t know if it is progress, but probably we are reaching an era of beer gardens.”
According to Mr. Spacek — he pronounces his name SPAH-check (“I am not related to Sissy”) — a successful beer garden requires both the beer and the garden, and if there also happen to be bratwurst, schnitzels and enough communal tables to, as he put it, “sit around with 600 other fellows singing karaoke,” that’s all to the good. The problem, he suggested, resides with those beer gardens lacking foliage. It is true, he acknowledged, that some of these less-than-green newcomers have cut into the Bohemian Hall’s business. “But sooner or later,” he said, “the fact that we are in a real park, with real trees, will bring people back. This is very important.”
Hipsters EVERYWHERE = Beergardens EVERYWHERE
I'm surprised (and a little disappointed) there isn't a beer garden somewhere in Glendale near Zum Stammtisch or in Ridgewood near Gottscheer Hall.
I guess these days only hipsters actually drink enough beer to make a beer garden profitable.
Vallonia tried to develop this spot too but fortunately, outsiders came in and saved it.
Hit the fridge. Pour yourself a tall, cold one. Sit back, relax and listen:
The Queens Crap Cyber Beer Garden
I feel very bad for anyone who lives near this place. I have been here a couple of times and had a blast each time. However the noise this place generates must be a nightmare to the neighbors, live music coupled with hundreds of typically drunk people, all outdoors, seems like a nightmare for the neighborhood.
I feel very bad for anyone who lives near this place. I have been here a couple of times and had a blast each time. However the noise this place generates must be a nightmare to the neighbors, live music coupled with hundreds of typically drunk people, all outdoors, seems like a nightmare for the neighborhood.
oh, pa-lease, this was the crap used in the 90s trying to get it torn down and developed.
No one gives a shit about hooka smoke.
No one gives a shit about the greek bars on 30th Ave.
No one gives a shit about the rumors of the growing crime around Studio Square.
So who gives a shit to your comments?
Ever see Broadway around the el?
How about Shore Road in Astoria Park
No one gives a shit in that neighborhood. The cops a joke it seems if you read the blogs.
Queens take note: think about these things when offices as Borough President and District Attorney are open.
So who gives a shit to your comments?
Plop Plop
Fizz Fizz
Oh what a relief it is!
So who gives a shit to your comments?
Fuck, I'm not asking for support or sympathy. I don't live there. I'm just saying, as a two or three time visitor to the establishment discussed in the article, I feel bad for the people living near there. Glad there isn't any beer garden near me. If there was I would move immediately.
Bohemian Hall has been there for 100 years. Longer than anyone living close enough to be bothered by the noise has been there. If the noise of the place bothers them, they should pack up and move back to where they came from. It's not some trendy fly-by-night establishment like Studio Square that will be out of business then the trendiness has worn off.
So who gives a shit to your comments?
Evidently you do Dolt!
It figures Vallone would want to tear down part of his community like this place to put up another luxury condo for his friends.
Over my dead body, buddy!
When I lived in Australia, many of my friends or their Dad's brewed their own beer at home (beer prices are much higher in OZ), So they always had a cold one ready to offer and they could proudly say they made it themselves. It become their hobby. Many people wonder how to homebrew and a lot of people either think that if they home brew their own beer, it will either be expensive, taste Disgusting or, be Really Difficult to Do. And to be honest, that's what we thought many moons ago before we started to homebrew our own beer. http://bars-and-bartending.com/how-to-homebrew.html has all the directions, ingredients and supplies.
I feel bad for the people living near there. Glad there isn't any beer garden near me. If there was I would move immediately.
Funny, no one seems to give a shit if they tear down a house and put a 20 story hotel in a back yard, or a long term resident moves out and they cut up your neighbor's house into a barracks of a rat maze, or a bar spills out into the street until 5 AM.
Funny how like a moth to a flame they still come back again and again to Bohemian Hall like a zombie remembering when it was in the market a chance missed ....
I'm curious as to how a private club is allowed to serve the public on such a large scale , and still retain its club status
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