Traffic will only get worse in northeast Queens while the MTA completes work on the Queens approach to the Whitestone Bridge, which will leave a lane closed for more than a year and the 3rd Avenue exit off the Whitestone Expressway shut down for two.
Commuting will be rough for nearly four years while construction is underway on the vital connector between Queens and the Bronx, but officials said at a meeting with Community Board 7 members and community leaders last week that the payoff will be worth the headache.
The bad news is that there will be 378 days of lane closures during that phase of construction and the 3rd Avenue exit off the Whitestone Expressway will be closed for up to two years while the work is underway, according to the MTA. For most of that period, only one lane will be shut down at a time in order to allow crews to replace the bridge’s 72-year-old roadway decking.
Although it will inconvenience millions of drivers for the next few years, the project is a necessity for the future of interborough travel, according to Ray Webb, general manager of the bridge.
The future of the playground at Francis Lewis Park below the bridge’s Queens approach has been a sticking point with residents. The existing playground will close permanently Sept. 22 and a replacement playground is slated to open to residents in March 2012, MTA officials said.
So if its closing permanently where is the new one going to be located?
Just can't get enough of that Whitestone Expressway traffic!!
Cough! Cough! Hack! Hack!
Can't wait for the Wallets Point project to be completed!
Ever hear of the Grand Central parking lot? You will, my friends. YOU WILL!
PS It's right near the Long Island Distressway leading to the Van Wycked. I saw it on Google with the new App "FutureQueens".
Maybe they're going to build a new exit ramp right through Gene Kelty's Whitestone home.
Look out Eugene....eminent domain, as in Willets Point, could be coming to your door this time!
So how come "the mob" can't grease this all through?
Hasn't Whitestone/Malba/Beechurst become the new primo mafia locale of Queens?
If the dons can't do it better, who can?
Maybe Dan Halloran will put down his glass for a minute and help get the Gambino mob involved.
He just helped out Joey "D'or" didn't he?
Maybe Dan's too busy plugging one of his staffers.
There is never any working going on - only lane closures. They spend more time closing and opening rather than repairing or replacing road beds.
Wouldn't it be cheaper in the long run, to build another brand new bridge alongside it?
Then tear down the old one instead of constantly repairing it's rotten steelwork.
I appear to have crossed the line again, for one of my posts has just been removed.
Just as well, because sometimes
I never know when I've gone too far.
Will there be a bicycle path on the new roadway?
Thank God they are closing the 3rd ave exit, finally a repreive from all the traffic. why not keep that exit closed except for emergency vehicles like on the Cross Island Parkway near Baybridge, Bay Terrace!!!
Maybe Dan Halloran will put down his glass for a minute and help get the Gambino mob involved.
The problem with Halloran is that he has a ringing in his ears...and he keeps trying to answer it!!!
Oh no you di-int! Hello? Hello? Someone want to get that? What is that echo???
We initially brought up the need for sound barrier walls from the approach of the Bridge all the way to the end of the Park area as soon as I heard about the new "Breakdown" road , that will soon protrude 18 feet closer to the residential community surrounding the Bridge.
My civic association has recieved several emails voicing their concerns due to the fact that several people have either been struck by, or almost struck by debris being thrown out of passing cars on the Bridge approach. This can also be witnessed by the amount of Debris strewn all over the Weeded area from the Bridge approach down to the service road.
While the new lane will be a "Breakdown" Lane, it will also be lane for Emergency Vehicles, these Emergency Vehicles hav flashing lights and loud Sirens that will be 18 feet closer to the residential community that surrounds the Bridge approach. Also, when there is and accident or a "Break Down" at the approach, all the traffic may very well be diverted around it into the "Break Down" lane bringing traffic 18 feet closer to the Residential Community.
We feel that the best way to resolve these issue would be to
A: Put up a sound barrier wall at the begining approach to the Bridge continuing all the way up to the end of the "Break Down" lane.
B: Beautify and landscape the Weeded area from the edge of the approach to the Service road of the Whitestone Expressway.
This will minimize any new noise that will occur due to the new proximity of the road. I will also insure the safety and security of the residents in the community. The beautification is needed just because of the disgusting condition that area is currently in.
That's the back way I go to the stores on 20th Ave. I take the Whitestone Bridge exit off the CIP. Then I get off at 3rd Ave, go around through Malba, and end up on the Whitestone Expway service road. Now I'll have to travel on the CIP to the Whitestone Expway and cut across 2 lanes of southbound traffic coming off the Whitestone Bridge to get off at 20th Ave., always a traffic nightmare, and of course a brilliant, safe design. I'm so screwed....
Here is an exerpt from the original story that was ommited:
"Another key concern of many neighbors, including Malba Gardens Civic Association President Al Centola, is the possibility that noise levels will increase in the area when the work is complete".
Centola is worried that the added width of the bridge will eventually bring vehicle traffic closer to homes, which the MTA says will not happen because the new capacity will be reserved only for use as a breakdown lane".
Why is he the only one pointing out the obvious?
Malba Gardener, Thank you for your suggestions and continous attempts to maintain our neighborhood.
That's the back way I go to the stores on 20th Ave. I take the Whitestone Bridge exit off the CIP. Then I get off at 3rd Ave, go around through Malba, and end up on the Whitestone Expway service road. Now I'll have to travel on the CIP to the Whitestone Expway and cut across 2 lanes of southbound traffic coming off the Whitestone Bridge to get off at 20th Ave., always a traffic nightmare, and of course a brilliant, safe design. I'm so screwed....
You hear that Halloran? or Chrissy? CB7, Braunstein, Avella?
This is exactly what is going on in our neighborhood. Yet everybody sits back and pretends nothing is wrong. MALBA, YOU PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP AS WELL. NO MORE NIMBY!!
As well all those trucks that attempt to avoid truck enforcement on 14th avenue and shoot thru 5th avenue. Let us not forget the 100 plus speeding cars per hour!
This is why our Residential neighborhood is a race track.
When are the Feds picking up Dan again? You know lying about the snow storm, creating a media frenzy, waisting taxpayers time and Money. What about the crap his former Chief of Staff and he were involved in? What about the Meagan affair (pun intended)? "Ring"ing in his ear is rignt.
I could address numerous issues regarding the already lengthy construction (over five plus years)project that has been taking place on the bridge; what have they been doing for the past five years that will now require an additional four years of construction?? Yet that is not what I am very interested in knowing.
Anyone who left a comment re:their desire to permanently having the 3rd Ave. exit closed, I would be interested to know how many years you have lived in Whitestone? Was it over the years that it became an irritation to you or was it something that you were never too keen on when you purchased your home yet didn't realize how bothersome it would become to you? Lastly, is it the noise,the amount of vehicular traffic that passes by your home or some other specific reason(I believe one comment mentioned a danger factor). All responses would be most welcome & quite helpful.
So how come "the mob" can't grease this all through?
Breaking up the mob was the most detrimental thing Rudy G did to Queens and Manhattan.
What replaced them was WORSE or total disorganized morons.
The mob hated attention therefore avoided accidents using skilled workers and the best equipment.
Has anybody seen a whole sidewalk broken up, removed, cement delivered, pored and leveled out complete with expansion joints and grade AAA finishing details in 4 hours since 1985 ?
In the good old days on Knickerbocker ave or even Ridhewood if somebody was doing a bum job or rented to people who were a problem all involved would end up with a talking to or tuneup.
That 4 year bridge repair is likely to become 9 years at 4X the cost including lots of lost lives.
Oh those spoiled little Malba brats.
You should have never given up your private streets.
Now you can have a taste of downtown Flushing congestion...."Big" Al.
Let's face it, Malba ain't what it used to be in the good old days.
re:their desire to permanently having the 3rd Ave. exit closed, I would be interested to know how many years you have lived in Whitestone? Was it over the years that it became an irritation to you or was it something that you were never too keen on when you purchased your home yet didn't realize how bothersome it would become to you? Lastly, is it the noise,the amount of vehicular traffic that passes by your home or some other specific reason(I believe one comment mentioned a danger factor). All responses would be most welcome & quite helpful.
Lived in Whitestone well over 40 years and until the recent overdevelopment there was no major issue with traffic. All of these new CRAP homes built on the site of the old CYO, with 55 more on the horizon, the 28 homes on the old Grace property (which by the way is contaminated, but who cares i guess), The neighborhood has been saturated with development with no thought or concern for the existing community.
Those poor people on 5th avenue had the problem of 100 plus cars and trucks thrown on their street after BOB TRAMUNTI of 6th ave and THEN President oF " THE GREATER WHITESTONE TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION" , pulled strings and got the concret divider off the exit extended in effect preventing cars and trucks from turning onto 6th avenue. My gradmother lived in Whitestone before the bridge and FYI 7th ave was the avenue designed to handle the exit traffic, note it is 70 feet wide instead of 28 feet (as are all the other streets in that area).
BOB TRAMUNTI of 6th ave and THEN President oF " THE GREATER WHITESTONE TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION" , pulled strings and got the concret divider off the exit extended in effect preventing cars and trucks from turning onto 6th avenue.
THAT WAS 1997, FROM 1939 TO 1997,
1997 , 1997
So when most of THOSE people moved on that block it was not an issue.
Maybe Tony avella could do something OOOOPPPSSS
all maba gardens civics has to do is right a check to the parkside group they have not figured that out yet
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