After 315 years, it’s not surprising the landmarked Quaker Meeting House in Flushing needed some repairs. With the exterior work recently finished, the Religious Society of Friends still needs $75,000 for serious interior updates.
Although the Friends group has only around 29 members, they have managed to raise $25,000 to match a grant from the Landmarks Conservancy. But a total of $125,000 is needed to install a modern sprinkler system at the meeting house at 137-16 Northern Blvd. “We are determined to get the money,” said Linda Shirley, who heads the Fundraising Committee.
Members are thrilled at the completed exterior work, which includes a new roof, wooden shingles, Yankee gutters, a few new windows and a restored porch. “It looks like it always did, which is the way it’s supposed to look,” said Wendy Burns, the incoming co-clerk of the Flushing group.
It's in John Liu's council district. Any questions?
"Although the Friends group has only around 29 members"
there is a reason why they only have 29 members. They don't want anyone else at their club.
Not true #2!
Anyone is most welcome to visit or attend meeting for worship without becoming a Friend (Quaker).
I've been attending for 37 years.
My wife became a convinced Friend about 33 years ago.
She was originally Jewish.
Poster #1.
I'm not normally fond of praising politicians but just to set the record straight...it was through Councilman Liu's office that the Quakers got about a half million dollars to preserve this treasure which was badly in need of repair.
Any further questions you might have?
Any further questions you might have?
Yeah, where did the money go? What repairs have been made with those specific funds? And finally, where did the money come from in the first place? I don't trust Liu any further than I can throw him. Any more questions?
I guess poster #4 has nothing else to say to defend Liu. Didn't think so. Troll!
Unfortunately, neighborhoods change, and while local Protestant and Catholic churches have made great efforts to attract new immigrants, why is the Quaker Meeting House still low on members?
To answer #5.
Since all monies were allocated through New York City it's a matter of public record.
Perhaps you should look it all up online.
Anyway...I think that the Quakers are holding a celebration on the completion of the work on the old meetinghouse next Sunday.
Why not come and have a look see for yourself and ask some questions.
Nobody is likely to bite you... especially not Quakers.
Some refreshments will be served.
And no...I don't work for John Liu.
Personally I don't trust or like him either.
It's hard, I suppose, to follow the principles of that peaceful religion.
Surprisingly...the Flushing Quakers HAVE attracted some new immigrant members.
But actually the largest Quaker fellowships (I believe) are located in Africa!
I guess peace, gentleness, tolerance charity are the requirements to join such "an exclusive club".
I consider that my own personal beliefs don't qualify me to seek ' Official" membership but I do attend occasionally.
Like I've said #6...I'm not a Liu defender or connected to him in any way...just stating a fact that the money came through his office!
If you'd had secured the restoration funds then credit would have been given to "Anonymous poster #6" (or whomever).
Liu getting a city grant for the work done doesn't excuse him for being a treacherous "troll" in general.
In this case some good was done for a very worthy landmark.
One has nothing to do with the other...capeeesh?
Perhaps you should look it all up online.
Why don't you provide a link? The 2005 city budget (where the money was allocated) seems to be missing the specific line item for this allocation!
Did Liu do some sneaky accounting back then? Even if the purpose was good, I don't trust him with my money! If you feel the same way, why defend him so staunchly?
Well, Liu's accountability is very suspect. The question remains, where (in the city budget) did the money come from and how was it specifically allocated?
Sheesh. The trolls love defending this Liu-ser, even if they "don't trust or like him either" so why do they even post? The people on this blog are a lot more intelligent than you anticipate. If you know so much, give us the info so we don't have to hunt around for it. Otherwise, you are just a nuisance. The bottom line is that an important piece of history in Flushing is being preserved...but at what REAL cost? Where are the records and are they available to the public?
Then "foil" that financial shit for yourself you missing link...if you can't find the info you want online!
Perhaps you want me to hold your "pishy" while you take a leak too?
The old Quaker meetinghouse was built in 1694, & expanded between 1710-14 (I believe those are the right dates). The doors, the windows, the porch all needed restoration or replacement, and the walls were separating from the roof, so work had to be done on that, plus some new siding was required. Historic restoration is a very expensive, highly specialized kind of labor.
And because the city's corporation counsel took almost a year to clarify all the possible legal issues the costs of doing everything went up, and other work that needed doing, like the sprinkler system, could no longer be addressed. The building also has a 50-60 year old heating system, but at this point there is little hope of getting $$ to update that.
The congregation is tiny but diverse. The testimonies of Friends-- equality (including no hierarchy within the church body), integrity (absolute truth-telling, no taking of oaths, high moral standards in all dealings, including business), peace (non-violence) and simplicity (non-materialism)-- seem to be alien to mainstream US culture. Plus the mode of worship-- prayer & meditation out of silence, with occasional vocal sharing from worshipers-- also does not seem to meet the needs of most people. But for the small number for whom it works it is precious and grounds our being.
I hope people who are suspicious of us will come meet us on Oct. 4 or any other First Day (Sunday). We're just folks, really.
The celebration starts at 11 am with worship, followed at noon by a potluck lunch. Please join us in celebrating this important milestone for the building and the historic neighborhood in which it stands.
Hey, you can be as suspicious as John Liu as you want, but don't practice guilt by association. This is the kind of "good work" politicians have to do for credibility. What would it have look like if this 300-year-old+ national landmark had collapsed under his watch? I believe Liu announced the grant right before his last re-election bid. Typical oily pol.
Then "foil" that financial shit for yourself you missing link...if you can't find the info you want online!
Perhaps you want me to hold your "pishy" while you take a leak too?
Why post and make rude comments if you can't back up what you say, troll! The truth will eventually come out.
"Then "foil" that financial shit for yourself you missing link"
Obviously, you never tried to "foil" the city for any information. The time and expense is not worth it for this matter. However, why don't you provide the info requested? Perhaps you're the missing link.
How about Bowne House?
And I like how the Sacred Sites Program was involved with the farce known as St Saviours.
What, $120,000 spent on daylaborers going at a historic buidling hammer and crowbar in 2 weeks to 'save' a small fraction of it?
It smells like a wicked (and jealous) wind is blowing in from Astoria.
There appears to be a lazy wannabee "descendant" out there who's still got an ax to grind regarding the crumbling Bowne House that's been closed for years.
"Joe"...maybe you don't know how to apply the right pressure.
I've been successful at foiling the Port Authority!
And they make NYC look like wimps!
Try again!
Maybe beat up some Quakers for the info.
If you big burly brutes have got issues with John Liu...fine!
I hate his guts!
But what's this vendetta against a peaceful religious society all about?
It must be a slow news day!
Yeah bub...it will all "eventually come out".
If you keep a close watch on your own ass...no doubt it will come to pass!
The corner of your mouth appears to be dripping a trifle too.
How's that for "rude"...you lazy phony?
My, my, my...
such a quiet peaceful subject and so many noisy antagonistic comments?
Thee have much to learn friends.
I guess Liu's association with this project has caused the Quakers to catch fire.
What a bunch of bullies you all are...beating up on a "peace church"!
I suggest saving your general displaced rage for the councilman and not for the Religious Society of Friends.
But what's this vendetta against a peaceful religious society all about?
There is no "vendetta" against the Quakers, or any group for that matter. The point is, and was, that John Liu is not to be trusted with anyone else's money, no matter what the source. Why does someone get their feathers ruffled when someone requests an accounting of the funds? Obviously, a lot of good has been done with the money but Liu's reputation precedes him and he has cast a shadow of doubt because he is involved.
How's that for "rude"...you lazy phony?
Breakfast's ready. Better hurry before I flush, jerk wad!
FYI some recent Flushing Quaker history:
The Ciampa Organization had once offered the old Flushing meeting house ONE MILLION DOLLARS for their air rights so that they might be permitted to build to the max!
The Quakers REFUSED TO SELL THEM... and at a time when money was sorely needed by them!
Their position was that they were the stewards of that historic structure and wanted to guarantee its survival for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.
They did not want a mega structure built right next door which would have cast a huge shadow on an otherwise peaceful oasis.
That's why today the current residential buildings (to the right) DO NOT TOWER over the meeting house.
Thus, the Quakers fought... peacefully yet successfully... against the over development that would have ensued had they sold off and transferred their air rights!
Now pause...take a deep breath and count to 10...before you choose to hurl any epithets or criticism toward such a generous and peace loving people.
You may, however, feel free to cast your word/stones at Liu.
Why did the Quakers use these funds to employ illegal aliens?
The Quakers are not what they claim to be.
Look further....
To Quote from the other posters
"Unfortunately, neighborhoods change, and while local Protestant and Catholic churches have made great efforts to attract new immigrants, why is the Quaker Meeting House still low on members?"
Answer: they want to keep it that way. they don't want anyone muddling up their club especially not the educated/aware American/NY working class
"Since all monies were allocated through New York City it's a matter of public record."
Answer: let's give more US Government money and tax payers dollars to illegal immigrants, it's so PC
Yes and please attend their annual X-mas party where a big fat cop turned lawyer plays Santa in order to fondle little children.
Why did the Quakers use these funds to employ illegal aliens?
Asian or Hispanic? Hmmm.........
After you bub.
I've got manners...so you get to nibble on your own fresh hot breakfast sausage.
Mind you now...don't get your head stuck in the bowl.
Plumbers cost a fortune these days.
After you bub.
I've got manners...so you get to nibble on your own fresh hot breakfast sausage.
Mind you now...don't get your head stuck in the bowl.
Plumbers cost a fortune these days.
Instead of ludicrous and childish personal attacks against commenters, why don't you add something useful to this discussion such as facts??? Is it because you are a troll who has no life? If you can't be intelligent here, please go somewhere else and be stupid!
The workers who did the restoration were ALL UNION MEMBERS!
Hate to put a crimp in your hate mongering but no "illegal aliens" were employed.
In fact their own union newspaper ran an article about the job they did.
Now that we've established that this was a UNION JOB you can now begin to blast unions for want of a new rage outlet.
What a sorrowful, pitiful soul you must be.
Since the meeting house is a municipal landmark the LPC had to approve WHO DID the work.
You can give them a call to find out the name of firm.
I don't know it or I'd post it.
Their credentials certainly passed muster.
I do know that the company's level of expert craftsmanship was never in question.
I wouldn't call that Santa Claus lawyer a pedophile.
You might get sued!
I'm e-mailing your post to him as we speak.
I guess I gottcha your goat.
Trolls live under bridges.
(Heh, heh, closer t
Wanna continue or call your mommy?
Transmission error addendum with regards to trolls:
Closer to Queensboro Bridges...I suspect.
Wanna continue or call your mommy?
Looks like this troll chose stupid and continues to post here anyhow. Amazing how some childlike fool will make attacks against an anonymous poster without making any useful contributions to this thread. Asshole!
When dealing with childish idiots who insist on posting bile and vitriol I am forced to speak their language.
I'll return intelligent discourse with intelligent discourse.
Until then... YOU CHOSE to open up your can of worms...now you may eat them!
It's your play now!
Until then... YOU CHOSE to open up your can of worms...now you may eat them!
It's your play now!
Looks like we pissed off John Liu!!!!!
Obviously another "troll" has too much spare time on his hands.
Enjoy your cyber soap box?
Try standing fire at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park (that's in London, England).
That's where the real deal go to vent their spleens.
Ah, but that takes too much effort.
No I'm not John Liu.
He's not that fluent in the English idiom.
You should have recognized that.
Slow work day Bob...I mean bub?
H-m-m-m...sounds like a past disgruntled attender with an unfounded twisted grudge against the "Friends" may be posting.
Whattsa matta...did that "fat/ ex-cop/lawyer/Santa Claus" leave coal in your gift stocking at one of the annual X-mas parties?
You low down coward!
If John Liu's name could create such controversy as a city council representative, how much damage can he do as comptroller? Look out NYC, here he comes!!!
Wouldn't it be nice if the 2 candidates running for Liu's council seat make a committment to the Quaker House in order to preserve the structure? Enough of Flushing history has already been destroyed and I believe we should save what we can! Future generations would benefit and appreciate the effort. Enough bickering. I don't believe that anyone reading this would like to see the demise of the Quaker House, no matter what they believe in.
Since we're apparently hot on the trail of John Liu...Google "Epoch Times John Liu" and have an interesting time reading about the councilman!
Scalding stuff if it's all accurate.
Well said Flushing Friend!
The entire country owes a debt of gratitude to the Quakers and Flushing for the recognition of freedom to worship in our constitution.
Here is an article:
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