Mayor Michael Bloomberg was greeted by protesters Tuesday while attending a campaign breakfast for seniors in Chinatown.
Protesters say the mayor's policies only serve the wealthy, while destroying the predominantly working families and small business community of Chinatown.
Among their complaints are the continued closure of Park Row, a rezoning plan they say has caused dozens of long-time residents to be evicted, and increases in water rates and rents on small businesses.
"Bloomberg is not welcome in Chinatown. Today he thinks he can come here and buy a few votes by giving a free lunch. But a free lunch is not going to make up for eight years of destroying the community," said one protestor.
I can picture Nazli feverishly typing a nasty letter to these folks right about now.
Tonight when the mayor comes to the Bay Terrace Jewish Center, no doubt he'll be praised for what great things he's done for our borough. There will be no protest. Because although Bloomberg is full of shit, Queens is full of sheep.
Because although Bloomberg is full of shit, Queens is full of sheep.
Crappy there are moments when this blog raised to sublime heights.
This was one of them.
They 'wish' that he would go away. They 'hope' that someone will take care of him.
They must be respectful. They must be polite. There is always a nitwit that the 'boys' will give a knife to who will stab them in the back.
If you don't want to sing in the chorus, you can only leave the church.
Ah, the penalty we all pay for being born with a brain and living witih a conscience!
Tonight when the mayor comes to the Bay Terrace Jewish Center, no doubt he'll be praised for what great things he's done for our borough. There will be no protest.
A jewish friend of mine praised Bloomturd for being a good businessman. I reminded her of his overturning democracy. Had no effect.
I then reminded her the Goebbels was a good businessman, too.
Wish I was there!
My new Youtube about how Bloomberg and Quinn won't answer journalist Rafael Martinez's questions...how Espada's son attacked him when Rafael asked his father important questions...hear what he asked. Espada responded with words that only a thug would say as his son attacked Rafael, 74 years old and broke his camera.
Kind of ironic that timid Asians protest, while Queens whites sit on their hands.
Boy, other than placard issues, people in Chinatown really have got it backwards when it comes to transportation policy. Some "leaders" they have.
Queens Crapper hates Queenians!
I can report there was much more enthusiasm for Thompson than there was for Bloombucks at the forum last night.
And it's true about Bloomscuz being a midget.
Queens is full of sheep (dip too)!
And the silence of these lambs will cause them to be led to slaughter!
A mere 5' 6" or 7"..."Italian girl...strictly cocktail shrimp!
Yet on his curriculum vitae (a friend once told me) he lists his height as 5' 10"...adding a few more inches.
Hell, if I had his wealth I wouldn't give a crap if I were 4' 8"!
I wonder if a certain appendage of his is in direct proportion with the rest of him.
Perhaps Mayor Mike is overcompensating there too!
Notice how it always seems to be the little guys who wind up being the world's worst despots...like Napoleon!
5'10"??? No way.
5'7" looks to be about right.
He just seems like such a cold fish, devoid of any personality.
Queens Crapper hates Queenians!
Spoken like a true asshole troll! Please crawl back underneath the rock from which you emerged...and take Bloomcrap with you!
"Queens is full of sheep" LOL, tell me about it. Where are all your balls? we should have riots in the street.
because although Bloomberg is full of shit, Queens is full of sheep.
best line ever. I think it should be a campaign slogan for Bloomberg's Queens Headquarters.
I have this to say to this Transportation alternatives commenter who anonymously criticizes Chinatown residents as BACKWARDS.
Here is his comment :
Boy, other than placard issues, people in Chinatown really have got it backwards when it comes to transportation policy. Some "leaders" they have."
Here is my response:
It is YOU who have it backwards, Chinatown is so far the only community who stands united against the Bloomberg agenda, one which has little transient "ants" like you who comb blogs to look for people who are working against your "god" Sadik Kahn, and her master "Bloomberg". Chinatown GOT IT RIGHT, we have guts, we have faces, and we are not afraid to show them. You on the other hand still hide behind the anonymity of the internet and cont. to piss in the wind. Bloomberg and his Commissioner continue to IGNORE the many deaths and injuries in Chinatown at the very location where WE , the residents, have directed them to, the Manhattan Bridge. You have NOT stood with us to demand signage and traffic measures at the Manhattan Bridge . You have not been in the discussions over the Manhattan Bridge.
You are a coward.
You are afraid of the people in Chinatown, and you don't matter to us.
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