Yes, this is a stretch of a Brooklyn street that resembles a ghetto. We have hanging of the wash on the front gate, and a giant piece of crap next to a bungalow that can't decide whether to wear brick or aluminum. But the cherry on top is the misspelling of the illegally painted word "parking". Apparently a "K" was squeezed in once the mistake was noticed.
Queens used have the largest number of model housing and planned communities in the nation.
Immigrant, or native born, fresh off the boat, or resident of the tony East Side, Queens was once the choice of all with the space and range of tastes that could accomodate any desire.
This picture captures the world the clubhouse has made for us.
Thank you.
You bastards.
Now the borough is a cow to be milked, a place filled with people that have no vested interest in the place.
You are right. Within a generation, most of the borough will look like this.
That's pretty sad. Unfortunately there are lots of houses in Queens and Brooklyn that look like that..go over to Greenpoint or over by the USPS distribution station in East New York...
Also its pretty bad when you cannot spell "Parking"
Mr. Mojo Risin
Ya gotta love those "columns" on the far right of this monstrosity. What a splendid classical touch. The mismatched balconies lend a further air of nobility.
"Ya gotta love those "columns" on the far right of this monstrosity. What a splendid classical touch. The mismatched balconies lend a further air of nobility."
As opposed to the lovely "bungalow" next door with the expansive front yard and a tree for a child to hang a tire and swing from....Are you people really serious? Both places are a dump, and the new construction isnt worse than what was already there....and by the looks of it for a pretty long time, so please dont all be so nostalgic for what this neighborhood used to be....the proof of what was there in the past is in that picture and it's not pretty, and I doubt it ever was. Complain when the really nice places get destroyed.
The bungalow has a backyard. The other thing sure as shit doesn't.
Well, as far as this thing is concerned, it may not be more offensive visually than the bungalow, but how many units were there before? Also, shouldn't we strive to do better?
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