From the Queens Tribune:
How well do you know your elected officials? Not in the banal sense of their actual name, party affiliation, voting records or any of the other political lucre they peddle during election season. Forget all of that.
If you’re an Astoria native, Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. (D-Astoria) may be a familiar face, now well into his third term in office. But how about his boyish joy in ripping along neighborhood streets, his Harley Davidson hog rumbling beneath his derriere?
Northeast Queens voters may be surprised by Councilman Dan Halloran’s (R-Whitestone) penchant for rebuilding pickup trucks – and his everyman-like troubles with DIY repairs.
Sure, Assemblyman Rory Lancman (D-Hillcrest) doesn’t exactly spark cries of excitement whenever he addresses a crowd – but the guy is a veritable cutup on Twitter.
Such hobbies and personality quirks were once the domain of private life and perhaps the occasional sentence within a profile in community weeklies such as the one you’re holding. But the explosion of social networking sites has forced us to question the delineation between professional, public and personal life – and politicians aren’t immune.
How could you not mention Weiner? Have you folks read the latest on that?
"how could they not LOVE the ween"?
Indeed. How could they not?
In search of the "perfect p***y"
You know folks, I've always wanted to know where that "perfect p***y" was hiding.
Thank you "rockoh 77" for divulging its whereabouts.
(Whaddit I tell yas? This site is so-o-o educational.)
have you seen the way he speaks to his constituents? the comments he posts, the back and forths? he is a nasty rude man who forgets who he works for. halloran that is
"Doofy" Dan Hollerin!
C'mon Danny boy....
you're supposed to a grown up public official not a sophomore.
Start acting like one.
So you need a drink?
That's right you ol' son of the sod....add to the stereotype of all Irishmen being drunks!
Bend your arm for your constituents instead of hoisting a pint with your pals, Joey "D'or" Franco, at the "White House Restaurant"in Whitestone!
No matter....you're toast after the next election.
Halloran's drinking antics and his disrespect to constituents will be quickly made history in the next election, he's a mistake looking for a place to be corrected.
So dan likes to drink once in a while
just like the generals in the armed forces
if you wanted to get realy sick imagine you can see the perverted sexual antics that go on behind closed doors in the queens democratic party. some dems in queens would make you vomit.
queens dem says,
i am only going to the next queens young dem party if i get to be the cowboy
Those Friday night pull-your-putz parties on Austin Street are great . That's where I learned my ropes. We all joined our peepees together chanting "Joe, Joe, Joe!"
Anon No. 4:
You've been there to see that?
Absolutely, so he drinks, who cares, so he lies about work slowdowns and outs innocent workers from the wrong agency, so he has an affair with his intern, so he engages in debates on Facebook in which he berates and insultes taxpayers in his district, so he sells out his district to
developers , banks, and banquet hall owners, SO WHAT!
Vallone talks about his baby Harley and his band , might not like graffiti Pete but at least he is respectful.
queens dem says
i wanna be the construction worker with no shirt and a helmet
"so he sells out his district to
developers, banks, and banquet hall owners"
Don't forget mobsters.
queens dem says
i wont even win the bay terrace
queens dem says,
live with my parents by day
black pumps and spiked dog collers by night.
At least General Grant won the Civil War for the Union!
Drunk or sober HE DELIVERED results!
Maybe Halloran needs a few drinks to reinforce his legendary status that exists only in his mind.
There is certainly no evidence of any major improvements in the district he's supposed to be representing.
Anyway, we thought that Danny was boycotting Queens Crap.
It's either 'ol Dan "himself" or one of his trolls busy here today dropping comments.
LOL....is he still wearing his Theod mini skirt?
Using social media is a great way to keep your constituents informed its a great idea cant wait to see the videos doofey uploads
I am a Face book follower of Dan and many other elected officials and I must say while he posts some great stuff. Like keeping us updated about the brown outs, storms, and hurricanes. He has also shocked me with his inappropriate comments and location updates, especially when he goes off on tirades. I guess the social media has both good and bad. Hey Peter, get a mans bike will ya
whats funny are all the rejects who think they are going to run against dan in north queens
gerry and paul are the only ones who may have a shot
Dans a putz,!!! The district needs strong honest leadership by someone with scruples, who is not beholden to ANY special interest and or developer! Someone who will not sell out a working man, who was duped into agreeing with him. Someone who is a family man and represents what our community is about! Not someone who spends more time taking pictures with daddy Vallone at the Manhattan Columbus day parade as he vies for a judgeship, instead of taking care of the events in his community! Someone who uses his monies for the community and not some special interest wannabe puppet master and his bogus
squares! To think I spent days and election night as a poll
watcher for this guy! Oye! Ive grown tired of this man and
what he HAS NOT done! He needs to go, it can't wait another year, it is time to call for his resignation! This is all VALLONES fault! He should never have primaried Jerry and split the vote! Now we are stuck with this putz
Can anyone tell me what this buffoon has done for the people that voted for him and don't tell me he gave some
money to some community groups, they all do that. So far we have a loudmouth rude do nothing who announces his bar visits , helps goumbas, outs regular citizens, approves large out of character banks, and penalizes seniors because of his ego.
whats funny are all the rejects who think they are going to run against dan in north queens
gerry and paul are the only ones who may have a shot
Jerry and Paul have machines behind them and both are nice fellas. However, we need to stifle the machines and show them that the people are in charge. Even if you decide to vote for one of them, you should write their names in. Me, I am writing in someone else. Not sure who yet but definitely someone else.
Awww, look at our local pols, so accessible with their facebook posts and tweets. Yeah right.
Whenever I try applying to work for a local pol, I never hear back from them, and I've been an active and loyal Democratic voter for years.
They talk about creating jobs, but it's lip service.
A man I knew who recently passed away once said "If I am going to do or say something stupid why would I let people know that I was that stupid?"
This was his interpretation of the Facebook, YouTube, Twitter generation...
i read plenty of allegations here , but no listing of proof ,indictments,or convictions. this is all political spin at your political target.
the d.o.s. driver of the plow kept it raised when he drove over the snow on my street.
the poorly planned PlaNyc 2030 "GREENIE" conversion from concrete playground to uneeded 19 tree park @ P.S.159 Q, had no provision (PAY) for the custodian unlocking the gates for the community teens to play.
CM Halloran got the gates unlocked and the teens use the play spaces.
P.S. look for the sewer drains :on the track lane and under hoop #4 ??????
i am a senior citizen. he has not "penalized" me.
btw , please detail the meaning of "his ego penalizing seniors ?
i read plenty of allegations here , but no listing of proof ,indictments,or convictions. this is all political spin at your political target.
the d.o.s. driver of the plow kept it raised when he drove over the snow on my street.
the poorly planned PlaNyc 2030 "GREENIE" conversion from concrete playground to uneeded 19 tree park @ P.S.159 Q, had no provision (PAY) for the custodian unlocking the gates for the community teens to play.
CM Halloran got the gates unlocked and the teens use the play spaces.
P.S. look for the sewer drains :on the track lane and under hoop #4 ??????
i am a senior citizen. he has not "penalized" me.
btw , please detail the meaning of "his ego penalizing seniors ?
I'm more concerned about his comment about his drinking than his ego. That might explain a few things.
am a senior citizen. he has not "penalized" me.
btw , please detail the meaning of "his ego penalizing seniors ?
ask the armory.
Dan should take Paulie's offer and move on!
Man I need a drink!
RE:DENNIS, how does one "ASK THE ARMORY", an inanimate structure ?
Halloran is a whirlwind of hard work.
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