The new commissioner of the city Department of Environmental Protection updated the Borough Board Monday on the hundreds of millions of dollars in sewer projects planned for Queens.
“I am keenly aware of many of the issues this community faces,” said DEP Commissioner Caswell Holloway. “Sewer investments in Queens are a major priority for the administration and they’re a major priority for me.”
From 2010-14, the city plans to spend $571 million on water and sewer projects in the borough, including $109 million within Community Boards 8, 12 and 13.
Holloway said southeast Queens, the Rockaways and parts of Whitestone lack storm sewers. He said the chronic flooding in southeast Queens is due to topography and a lack of infrastructure.
Yeah, that we know. What we don't understand is why City Planning went apeshit with the upzoning all over the place knowing this to be the case.
what the hell does he know? We need to build build build build
I am glad to see that Pratt and all the other urban think tanks have given this a lot of thought when the talk about the 'inevitability' of development.
At some point its going to have to be Zero Population Growth.
and he plans on spending big $$$ on putting new decals on every car with the tacky new logo. Maybe he'll bring in another friend to look at the problem. Curious to see when Sergej Manofsky is appointed new ACCO (my own rumor, no one else's)
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