This photo was snapped this past Monday, January 20th, 2014 along Grand Avenue. There are 2 things that are
very, very wrong with this newspaper vending box. Let's see if you can pick them out. (You may have click on it to enlarge it in order to spot the problems.)
That's an old ediition in the window and where is the coin return tray?
this might have been a NY times or wall st. journal box from the 80s or 90s,judging by the suggested coin deposits.nice paint job,too,probably by the same dopes who whitewashed the 5 pointz building.
the other thing wrong is that they expect you to pay for a town paper,isn't this the same type of weekly as the queens chronicle or the forum?
I believe the Queens Ledger is a free newspaper, but someone is charging 35 cents for it.
It says 5 Dimes and 2 Quarters but the paper is 35 cents.
It's the October 10th edition, giveaway was the photo of Groundbreaking at the "New" expensive bocce courts in Juniper.
it's not a free paper check the price just above the letters "ER" in Ledger
why would anyone pay for a paper newspaper in 2014?
The Queens Ledger is the worst community newspaper of the Queens bunch. (One step below the Gazette.) It's got one foot in Queens and the other foot in northern Brooklyn. Too schizophrenic! The printer's inking sucks. The design sucks. It is a nightmare to read. Sanchez, puleeze straighten this mess out.
"why would anyone pay for a paper newspaper in 2014?"
I pay $2.50/day for the NY Times and $5.00 on Sunday. $20/week x 52weeks = $1040/year. Why? Because I've got to get away from the computer. It's not healthy for you. Too much computer is not good for the eyes and the posture. Plus I write the $1040 off on my Schedule C (1040) as a business expense. Other print publications too. There used to be a business expense entry for "Publications" on the Schedule C but was done away with a few years ago. But I still list these expenses in the "Other" section.
The date on the newspaper is October 10th, 2013. That's not "news" anymore in January 2014.
For one thing The slots call for 1 Dimes & 2 Quarters, yet the price is clearly stated both on both the machine and the paper as 35 cents. The second could be the pluralization of the word "dime" where it it should be singular.
What's the answer Crappy?
The two problems I saw were the age of the edition in the window and the price not jibing with the coins amounts posted. As usual, my readers found a lot more. Bravo.
And the golden crapper goes to...
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