New Yorkers are loud and clear about their number one quality of life complaint.
The city's 311 hotline received more than 260,000 calls about noise last year.
That's up 30 percent over the past two years, even though the city filed thousands of noise violation notices in 2013 related to noise.
Those notices can lead to tickets costing up to $350 for honking a car horn, or up to $8,000 for nightclubs playing their music too loudly.
Even with all those tickets, health officials warn that there are places in the city where noise levels stay above 85 decibels, which they say can cause hearing damage over a long period of time.
Well what the hell do you expect when you add another 1,000,000 people to the city and say nothing morons!!
Unlike the ex-mayor that dreamed this up, you do not have a Bermuda retreat to get away from it.
I agree anonymous 1......too many people in so many square feet, you're bound to have noise.
I hate to sound racist but Asians and Latinos are really loud! I'm not sure if it's every Asian language but the Chinese are extremely loud!
It's unpleasant to shop at certain stores in Flushing because the people are so busy screaming at one another, their kids are screaming, the parents are screaming at their kids. It's a zoo at the the stores on 20th Ave. BJs and Target are out of control - kids have no place in a big box store.
It's definitely the low-class people of Queens - you don't see this behavior as much on Long Island. Or in upscale locations.
"Even with all those tickets..."
Even with all WHAT tickets? Out of 260K complaints, how many tickets were issued?
Yeah, call 311 and MAYBE a response in two weeks: how does that relate to a ticket for someone honking their horn? C'mon, already. There have been complaints about barking dogs and pianos lessons since the 1800s. Let's look at stuff that CAN be fixed - like open industrail use lots: thanks to cheap (undocumented) labor, these places can now run 24/7, and due to the massive neighborhood rapes that took place in the course of zoning, in the 60s, many of these lots are adjacent to residential zones. There are all kinds of "performance standards" addressing noise, and dust... but zero enforcement. We're not talking about a moving vehicle, yet no one gives a damn except the people living next to these facilities.
It's definitely the low-class people of Queens - you don't see this behavior as much on Long Island. Or in upscale locations.
Tell this to places like the Village or LES where hipster college kids get together.
Ever been in Manhattan on St Paddy's day? 5th Avenue during a parade?
Don't get out much do you? Queens people - as a group - really need to see more of the other parts of the city.
Greetings to our fellow-sufferers, from Staten Island! Check this out: the Bayonne Bridge construction is taking place right next to an elementary school and a high school. Noise has been measured in excess of 90 decibels. Our community board tells us that the Dept. of Ed says "up to 85 decibels" is acceptable. Go figure.
Well first off the law needs changed. Right now there is an 8 hour window when a noise complaint is made. So for some issues, once it is checked out, of course, the noise has stopped.
This and other quality of life laws need changed to be on the same level as the problems.
I have put in several 311 complaints about various issues, only to find that the precinct marked them as unfounded 10 minutes after they were submitted and never even responded.
"I hate to sound racist but Asians and Latinos are really loud! I'm not sure if it's every Asian language but the Chinese are extremely loud!"
Why do you need to apologize? You're not engaging in "racism". You are making an astute SOCIOLOGICAL observation. You get an "A" for the 3- credit Graduate course: Field Work in Applied Sociology
I hate to sound racist but Asians and Latinos are really loud! I'm not sure if it's every Asian language but the Chinese are extremely loud!
Yeah, i don't get it. Two Chinese women could be standing right next to each other on the subway, and you can hear them yelling from the other end of the car.
It is as if they have no "indoor voice"
Talking about my trashy and noisy neighbors.
Why THE HELL are people still calling 311?
Take matters into your own hands and take a crap on your neighbors steps the next time they are rude.
That'll shut them up!
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