A lot that was a popular dumping ground up until two months ago in the Jamaica section of Queens is now much cleaner. When NY1 first reported on the area in March, garbage was piling up in vacant lots and on the streets near 107th Avenue and Sutphin Boulevard.
The garbage problem still exists, but the Department of Sanitation has made significant improvements in the area. Sanitation department officials said they have cleared 37 lots and and a number of people have received tickets for failing to maintain their property. One homeowner was fined for having garbage all over the yard.
Sanitation officers are also trying to catch people dumping illegally, but they have to be in the right place at the right time. NY1's Ruschell Boone saw men unloading garbage from a white van under a train trestle, but then they picked up the bags after spotting the NY1 news camera.
Some have praised the agency's efforts since NY1's last report, but some South Jamaica residents protested at Borough Hall after Borough President Helen Marshall refused to meet with them about the issue.
A spokesperson said Marshall has met with sanitation officials and is comfortable with the agency's plan to try to fix the problem. The protesters, however, are not satisfied.
Maybe these "brothers" and "sisters" should talk to their fellow "brothers" and "sisters" to clean up their acts.
I was watching a Welsbach Electric employee truck #767 cleaning traffic light poles the other day on Merrick Blvd and Ursina Rd. After scraping off flyers and other stuff taped to the poles, he just left the garbage on the ground and moved on. Why couldn’t he clean up his mess? I called the company, they blew me off. I called the Community Board office, they didn’t return my call. I never got around to calling the local Council member and didn’t want to waste my time calling 311. This guy gets paid good money and the company has a nice contract with the city.
Do your job and stop shitting on the community.
To ANON #2:
I sent your comment to Councilman Leroy Comrie, Senator James Sanders, Assembly Member William Scarborough, the community boards, Ido Shargal,(Queens Borough Director,Office of the Mayor | Community Affairs Unit) and all my media contacts. Let's see if they act on this.
what a waste of effort. Of course, they cant go and tell other blacks and minorities that they are behaving like animals. No, thats against the agenda, so instead, they feel its better to tell white politicians about a problem they have no control over.
This guy gets paid good money and the company has a nice contract with the city.
Do your job and stop shitting on the community.
Don't know if this is the same situation, but I've seen similar behavior at work; for example, the carpenter or the maintenance man takes care of something, but leaves a mess because it's the custodian that is supposed to clean up. Not my yob.
This guy gets paid good money and the company has a nice contract with the city.
Do your job and stop shitting on the community.
If his union contract doesnt say he has to clean up, you bet your ass he isnt going to be cleaning up.
Lip service to balance the constant drumbeat of Queens squalor (first time that word is used) does not make 'some progress' or, indeed, 'any progress.'
'Progress' will be accomplished only when systematic changes are implemented and are being maintained over time.
#2...Helen Marshall is black.
Barely "Black"!
When I first encountered Marshall at a Mitchell-Linden event, I though she was some old Jewish lady returning from Florida with a slight sun tan.
She's "Hi-yaller".
How could you possibly clean up Jamaica without removing or incarcerating 90% of its inhabitants?
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