Embattled City Councilman Dan Halloran showed his face at the Council for the first time since he was hit with federal corruption charges nearly two months ago.
The Queens Republican showed up at City Hall for Wednesday’s meeting of the full Council, after skipping its last two meetings while battling charges he joined a scheme to buy Sen. Malcolm Smith a spot on the Republican mayoral ballot and offered Council member item cash in exchange for bribes.
“I’m here fulfilling my obligations,” Halloran said. “I’m here doing my job, the job I was elected to do.”
It look like he's still in denial.
Well, what do you expect from a Theod tribal worshipper and Libertarian tea party Republican jerk?
When Halloran is eventually placed in a padded cell, his God complex will come to the forefront.
"Here's where we put all the God-heads, right next door to the Napoleons" the psycho ward attendant will explain.
It's kind of sad. Dan could have been a great leader.
What a crumb.
What is it that's said of birds of a feather? Oh, yeah...they flock together. Halloran and Ulrich, a pair of phonies.
When you talk to God, it's prayer.
When God talks to you, it's schizophrenia.
How come no one attacks Hindu Politicians, those who worship dozens of gods? Halloran IS eccentric and a bit nuts, but to call him a tea party republican jerk is just wrong. If he's anything he's a libertarian republican jerk...
If he's anything he's a libertarian republican jerk.
What part makes him a jerk? Libertarian? Republican? or is he just a jerk?
Had I actually overheard him say.....
"I'm here doing my job... blah, blah, blah..."
I swear I would have kicked him in the balls!
All 3 make Halloran a triple jerk wad!
Wait, there's more coming http://www.amny.com/urbanite-1.812039/editorial-dan-halloran-charges-put-spotlight-on-member-items-1.5002363
The same treatment we gave Halloran will be given to the next worthless pro developer who takes on northeast queens. always push them out.
No shame!
What is happening with Quinn's ethics investigation of Dan the Man?
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