New York City doesn’t have a lot of real estate to build a full-fledged house. But a few industrious homeowners found space where they could, like these homes atop buildings. It’s penthouse living at its best.
ceiling on my head lady
What an improvement over Queens where they build the house over your dead body!
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Why your neighborhood is full of Queens Crap
"The difference between dishonest and honest graft: for dishonest graft one worked solely for one's own interests, while for honest graft one pursued the interests of one's party, one's state, and one's personal interests all together." - George Washington Plunkitt
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What an improvement over Queens where they build the house over your dead body!
How is this even allowed?
How is this even allowed?
How isnt it? Its no different than if someone added two floors to a tower. Just because it LOOKS like a suburban home does not mean anything.
So long as its meets code, it can look like anything the owner wants.
Living with a water tower hovering next to my house? That's just weird, even if it is up to code.
Also, would love to learn the purpose of the pod thing seen when you click the enclosed link.
what is the address?
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