Queens fire officials are warning residents not to use gasoline or gasoline products if the bedbugs bite.
FDNY officials said several Astoria residents called 911 over the past few months after they smelled gasoline coming from adjacent apartments. Firefighters responding to the calls found that residents had poured gasoline on mattresses to kill bedbugs and had even wiped the flammable liquid on their arms and their children’s to stop the bugs from biting.
The incidents prompted FDNY officials to issue a stern warning about possibly fatal consequences that could result from the practice.
Fire sources said gasoline is a highly explosive compound that could ignite and “pop” from something as simple as flicking a light switch. Fire officials are advising residents to notify their landlords or seek help from professional exterminators to rid their apartments of bedbugs or other insects or rodents.
Queens residents are urged to call “311” for assistance from the NYC Health Department, fire officials said.
Huh, I wonder if the crazy old lady that lit up her astoria house today poured gas on her mattress?
You might find it interesting that some of the first fire trucks at this fire came from other parts of queens. I'm sure our esteemed mayor will still try to shut down more fire houses this year though.
It shows how maddening these bugs are that people would risk their lives that way. I'm sure pain and desperation more than idiocy drove this.
In the meantime, mattresses can be sealed in special mattress covers to keep them from biting and don't forget to launder your linens.
No rescuing discarded furniture either.
And in which wonderful land full of glorious people does this fantastic treatment come from?
Man, you have to really love and admire those home-spun remedies. Such fantastic diverse home-land knowledge.
We are REALLY lucky they are bringing this kind of enlightenment and folksy traditions to our city.
And in which wonderful land full of glorious people does this fantastic treatment come from?
Man, you have to really love and admire those home-spun remedies. Such fantastic diverse home-land knowledge.
We are REALLY lucky they are bringing this kind of enlightenment and folksy traditions to our city.
I'm sure our esteemed mayor will still try to shut down more fire houses this year though.
You from Astoria? Cause everyone there blaims the mayor, the governor, the Port Authority, Con Ed, the president, the gods, everyone but the real culprits.
The clubhhouse cronies from Powhatan that run the place.
Yup, you are looking at a major bump up in development, and no one is going after the big lag in infrastructure.
Go after Bricklayer Onorato and Junior Vallone and Mike (MIA) Gianaris.
Astoria is going to hell in a handbasket.
Wait till they develop 31st Street - the new Roosevelt Avenue.
How STUPID do you have to be to douse your mattress with gasoline and then inhale the vapors!?
it's because the landlords are not exterminating entire buildings on a regular basis. bedbugs travel to apartments next door, below and above. and thank you so much illegal aliens for bringing bedbugs to Queens.
Hey Claire, got a match?
Depends (which I'm wearing). Does my ass and face count?
Depends (which I'm wearing). Does my ass and face count?
is this what it will take to get the city to take action against the horrible bed bug epidemic? one of these days, Bloomberg is going to wake up covered in bites, then things will change.
Gasoline indoors, wow how common sense has escaped our society. Its bad enough that it leaves vapors and odor, but it goes on fire very easily..DUH!!!
Panzer65, I came home to find my landlord painting my banisters with gasoline and he was shocked, shocked to discover the gas when I called the fire department.
I am lucky to be alive. Gasoline is not just flammable, it is explosive too.
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