Just a note to those thinking of buying a dwelling in landmarked Jackson Heights...

Yes, if you live within these boundaries, your abode will have extra protection against becoming crappified.

No, it doesn't prevent a piece of Queens Crap from being built right outside your window and blocking your light, air and views.
Taken from the 7 train (apologies for the scratchiti).
Well...at least it blocks their view (and maybe some of the noise) of the "picturesque" #7 el line!
Living in the JH historic district is like being sequestered in a smug pretentious little ghetto!
No thanx...I'd prefer Douglas Manor!
oh really? Wow. I had no idea that when you buy a property that is on the boundary of a place that you can't control what's on the other side of the boundary. Thanks for this advice!!!!
Actually, the LPC is supposed to review applications for their affect on landmarked properties. Unfortunately, they don't give a rat's ass about Queens. If this were Brooklyn Heights, that building wouldn't be built up to the windows like that.
Actually, the LPC is supposed to review applications for their affect on landmarked properties.
Sorry, that's not how it works.
Actually, it is. And if a property is on the national register, a SEQRA review is required.
Look at all the crap you've got to walk through before you finally get to your abode in the JH historic district!
Doesn't sound or smell all that good.
Oh...I see...it's another one of those "vibrant and bustling" communities!
Is that code for ghetto?
The preservation community fails us. Time to overturn the law and start fresh.
The Greenwich Village Historic District ends at Washington Street, a block east of the West Side Highway. This has allowed developers to construct 30-story apartments and a huge hotel between the highway and Washington Street from 14th to Houston Streets.
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