The Queens Democratic Party voted overwhelmingly this morning to endorse Councilman John Liu for comptroller, according to a source who was at the organization's meeting.
This is a blow for two other Queens Council members - Melinda Katz and David Weprin - who are also running to replace Comptroller Bill Thompson.
The vote: Liu 49, Weprin 6, Katz 3.
John Liu is endorsed by the Chinese Communist Party. Look at his contributions, money streaming from so many chineses. $1,000/ $5,000 contributions from people in areas that can't afford such money. The money is funnel through the chinese community. Just as his father who was convicted of Bank fraud had his employees contribute to Liu's campaign. Don't trust Liu, He is SHADY. he received over 30 grand to increase tow fares from towing companies. This man belongs in JAIL not in OFFICE
No surprise that Crooked Charles Rangel supports John Liu. John Liu is using the dumb blacks and latinos to vote for him.
Ragusa if you can't nominate a Republican money-man to run against this scoundrel and his familial ties (and win!), you prove you are a lost cause. This race should be like stealing candy from a baby.
Of course I want to vote for the son of a bank crook and cousin of a devious developer. This is NYC, isn't it? Democracy is such a wonderful thang. Stay tuned for the best government that money can buy!!!!!!!
Awwww, poor Melinda, she must really be a biotch today, like she always is when she doesn't get her way.
lmao, and where does he have the experience with finances or a degree? his uncle screwed enough communities and now it's his turn to screw the city!
"Ragusa if you can't nominate a Republican money-man to run against this scoundrel and his familial ties (and win!), you prove you are a lost cause. This race should be like stealing candy from a baby."
Once again you fail to undertsand that it's all about the registerry! All the moral outrage in the world cannot win an election where one party outnumebrs the other, countywide, 8 to 1.
I don't know if i can agree with you on that. Mr. Lui's dad robbed a lot of asians, so they may not entirely like him or are you calling them dumb? When it comes to money all races are smart when it comes to their mighty dollar.. also a lot of folks don't like his cousin Mr. Haung (if that's how you spell it) destroyed a lot of homes all around Queens.
The mainstream media really sucks. I was there when the Daily News interviewed Liu, and they left out this exchange:
Daily News Reporter: "So Mr. Liu, why do you want to be city comptroller?"
John Liu (doing his best Willie Sutton impersonation): "Because that's where the money is."
I call Blacks and latinos DUMB because I am latino and LIU is coming to our community and buying our votes with his story of his immigrant status and his job at a sweat shop factory in Queens. LIU is so fucking crooked and a fucking liar. Where is the NEWS? do some reporting on his contributions. YOu will note that some chinese NYC residents donated over 5 grand to his campaign. Do you really think that is their money? he is funneling money from somewhere. fucking crook
Is it really a fact that John Liu is Tommy Huang's cousin?
wow i think we got a smart one in the group :) didn't even think about that until now. his uncle and his crooked dad is funneling the money, wow we can't allow this man to become a comptroller.
thanks for waking me up!
hey Mr. Lui why didn't you back us in Maspeth about the HS and why haven't we heard back from you about all the trucks on Grand Avenue. You're a liar like the rest of them. time to throw his ass out too.
Anonymous said...
John Liu is endorsed by the Chinese Communist Party. Look at his contributions, money streaming from so many chineses. $1,000/ $5,000 contributions from people in areas that can't afford such money. The money is funnel through the chinese community. Just as his father who was convicted of Bank fraud had his employees contribute to Liu's campaign. Don't trust Liu, He is SHADY. he received over 30 grand to increase tow fares from towing companies. This man belongs in JAIL not in OFFICE
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
There are enough issues to use against the guy. Skip the McCarthyistic crap, ok?
Linda, you didn't hear from lying crooked Liu because you didn't Pay him off. Liu is whore and his ass is up in the air for the highest bidder. He received over 30 thousands from towing companies to increase the towing fares
It is not crap. Lookat his financial disclosure in the election website. He have several donations of thousands dollars from NYC Chinese residents. Do you really think we are dumb to believe it's their money. He is funneling the moneyfrom China so as comptroller he will give them NYC businesses. wake up! Do you want him in charge of our pension funds?
I will put link tonight. Check tomorrow and see all the Chinese names in Chinatown and flushing that donated him thousand dolllars. It is unusual. He is funneling money
I see party loyalty did not help Weprin.
The Queens Democratic party wants no connection to the Katz-Hevesi
corruption that will soon unwind into a mega news flash.
Anonymous said...
It is not crap. Lookat his financial disclosure in the election website. He have several donations of thousands dollars from NYC Chinese residents. Do you really think we are dumb to believe it's their money. He is funneling the moneyfrom China so as comptroller he will give them NYC businesses. wake up! Do you want him in charge of our pension funds?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I don't, but for real reasons, not red-scare and racist crap.
Felt the connection with Alan Hevesi would hurt Katz, but what really did it for me was her buddy Gallagher. By the way, he was the first to endorse her, that's when I walked out.
look at this link and see how many residents of flushing donated 2, 000 dollars to Liu, Do you really believe it is their money. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RED SCARE but with corruption.
#1 - People always give to their own kind, white catholics to whaite catholics, Irish to irish, italian to italian, and chinese to chinese. So what is wrong with people wanting someone who has their background getting elected?
Ben Franklin onced warned that the Germans and Irish were growing so much in population that they were a cause for alarm for National Security reasons. Are we that closed minded?
#2 - Katz confirmed months ago she had no chance for the Queens Dem nomination because they have only supported her when they had no choice. So guys, stop with the lies.
Just bash them for being ineffective (which they are)but stop with the kiddie gossip
John Liu's father was a f-----g bank robber!
Daddy Joe was indicted and convicted of bank fraud by the feds...The Great Eastern Bank job!
Isn't that financial experience enough to qualify his #1 son Johnny boy to make a super comptroller for NYC (ha, ha, ha)? !!!
Better hold onto your purses and wallets very tight all you NYC taxpayers if this son of a crook gets in.
I just reviewed the list of contributors and happened to notice something interesting that many people have overlooked. There were 958 total contributions to his campaign war chest. However, less than 10% (90), came from his council district! There were 42 contributors from 11354 and 48 from 11355.
Actually, I live in that council district and you can ask the people around here, both Asian and non-Asian, and I am sure that you will hear that he has been a failure to the community...a no show...unless there is a TV camera nearby!
He practically spent both of his council terms promoting himself and networking for a higher position. He refused to challenge the mayor, the EDC, or any other entity that have caused problems to the commnity he was elected to serve. In fact, he supported projects and proposals detrimental to this community. If he gets elected, this will be a major problem for all of the communities of New York City. Heaven help us!
He has served the machine well. He will be rewarded. At this very moment Evan is jumping up and down and singing with glee.
To the anonymous poster the reviewed the list. I saw that about "There were 42 contributors from 11354 and 48 from 11355." too.
I also saw names like Huang, Liu and others numerous times. Unless these are like Smith and Jones that seems odd.
I also see DAMON J. HEMMERDINGER donated $400...
I also see the same names multiple times with the same amounts and check numbers and dates...
Do people actually look over these disclosure reports? There seems to be patterns and irregularities.
I also see DAMON J. HEMMERDINGER donated $400...
He practically spent both of his council terms promoting himself and networking for a higher position. He refused to challenge the mayor, the EDC, or any other entity that have caused problems to the commnity he was elected to serve. In fact, he supported projects and proposals detrimental to this community.
If you look at CM Jessica Lappin's contributions from her uppper East side then you will note that her RICH residents donated between 200 to 500 dollars and they are RICH. do you really think people who live in Flushing and other parts of Queens can afford $2,000 donations? Liu is very untrustworthy and I have lots of doubts on these numbers. I think that the money is from another source. This is not kitty gossip but when compare to other contributions of other city council members, Liu's numbers are STRANGE
Katz is a lying amoral skank. Too bad for Weprin. He's a loyal guy.
I guess go with Yassky. You can't be looking at contributers with Katz in the race.
Re Lappin contributions. The answer is simple. Upper east side residents are mined for $ by just about every person running for city-wide and national office. Upper east siders like to spread their $ around, so of course they are not making large contributions to their council member. Lappin is also running for council, which has a smaller contribution limit.
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