This petition is a sure sign of the pussification of NYC. Here we have a bunch of people who MOVED IN NEXT TO AN ACTIVE RAILROAD YARD, whining about the noise and pollution that come from it. Uhm, did you morons NOT see it RIGHT THERE when you closed on your little habit trail apartments? Did you not expect a lot of noise living in the middle of a city, in a glass fishbowl of an apartment building with little if any soundproofing? Did you not do any research on the area you were investing in? It’s pretty hard not to notice a fucking railroad yard that has been at that location for WELL OVER 100 YEARS.
Simple. Ask the petition signers to pony up for those new electric engines.
Tough bananas to them. When I was young, I lived on 23rd Street in Astoria, a few blocks from the Central Corridor for Amtrac.
Stop all traffic on the east coast of the United States, the trains are disturbing my beauty rest!
"if you build it, they will complain" A typical New Torker
That's what happens when you live in an ivory tower unto yourself.
The world goes on right under your nose and in right your face.
Move to Nebraska if you want peace and quiet!
HA, HA, HA...caveat emptor..."real estate investor"!
You've just been bamboozled by some hip sales agent!
So the hypocrites here complain about protecting the environment, then complain when people in LIC are petitioning to do something to help the environment.
Welcome to asthma alley and noise pollution corner!
Wadda ya expect...paradise?
You've been had fella!
"Oh the railroad goes through the middle of my house...."!
Trains remove cars from the road and are very environmentally sound. In fact, if I had my way, I would reopen a ton of abandoned rail right of ways and get them moving freight instead of using fossil-fuel intensive trucks.
These people in Long Island City are rich, spoiled brats, not environmentalists. I live in Astoria, home of 5 electric power plants. People mock us because we put up with this sh*t, yet, they still run their air conditioners and turn on their lights.
If the eyesore moves next to you, you should fight. But if you move next to it yourself, and if it is a necessary public benefit, you have only yourself to blame.
They're the last resort of desperate, powerless people!
You're already cooked...just waiting to be plated and served up on your developer's table!
True dat...
about using the rail yards for receiving cross country freight and then off-loading it onto trucks.
Much more environmentally friendly!
Don't develop NYC's rail yards!
Hey Crappy these cry babies are requesting to donate/pay for this petition! What a joke...
If you don't like it move...Tower people!
Try up the and coming Montrose Ave. vicinity around Bushwick where the muggers love to eat hipsters on Friday nights!
Then you'll be glad for a little train noise and fumes...heh, heh, heh!
Don't make me laugh you spoiled fagots!
Railroads can handle local traffic. Quite a few factories have rail spurs that could be reopened. As far as the cross-country traffic goes, we are already getting it, except by truck instead.
We have to examine all transportation modalities including rail, river, road, due to the huge size of the city and our vulnerability to total paralysis in the event of terrorist attacks.
It is just a matter of picking the best of a bad lot.
You must not have visited your cramped over-priced shit-hole of a Condo before you got off the Ohio Express and put 200 grand down since its SO HIP to live in NYC. If you actually walked down Borden Avenue before you moved in, you would've noticed the incessant 24-hour noise from the diesel trains. The LIRR came to LIC in the 1850s and it will be here long after you're dead and gone. If you dont like it, then get packing.
The rest of us.
Reminds me of the morons that move in next to JFK's runway and complain about all the planes.... Losers.
Hey do you guys know why nobody else in LIC complains about the noise? Because nobody else in LIC GETS AN APT 15 FEET FROM THE DIESEL ENGINES!
I'm confused, so now you are for the Cross Harbor tunnel to Maspeth?
The Cross Harbor Tunnel wouldn't go to Maspeth.
if you yokels sit idling in your nova's for more than 10 minutes, the cops will you a ticket for the same reason this petition was drawn up, it pollutes the environment.... I never realized how many hicks really occupy this city.
idiots thats all that an be said who would live in a place without looking at the area location location location they picked next to a railyard in plain sight it was not hidden idiots
Except that idling your car is almost never necessary while idling a diesel train almost always is.
You don't have to switch engines on a car...
Not only that, but a lot of the people coming in on the LIRR once lived in Astoria and Long Island City, but were forced out by the high cost of living created by these high-earning tower people.
A bus driver I met on the 19A that runs on 21st Street in Astoria told me he used to live here, but the cost drove him to Union City, NJ.
Too bad other people have to live. If you want them available to serve you they may need affordable housing and transportation.
"The Cross Harbor Tunnel wouldn't go to Maspeth."
Oh, yeah? That's not what I heard.
Then you heard incorrectly. The Cross Harbor Tunnel would be between NJ and Brooklyn.
Look it up.
If you think these people are nuts complaining about living next to a railroad track, wait until they build "luxury" housing at willet's point. Those idiots will buy the properties and then complain about the noise of the airplanes on the direct path to LaGuardia. Let me tell you, these planes fly LOW. Trust me -- it will happen. No common sense on the part of the developers or the buyers.
The trains were there first. Go FLIck yourselves!
Just wondering if any of these imbeceles have complained about their neighbors at 21-10 Boorden Ave yet. Wait till some genius decides to build condos or convert loft space over there.
i think the petition will work. the people who live in these buildings are lawyers, doctors, media people, etc. they have the means to make change ($$$).
The trains are the least of their problems. For Doctors, lawyers and media people they are just plain dumb. Do they know that Sunnyside yards, a hop skip and a jump away is a superfund site. How about the other superfund site in Greenpoint, or the proposed superfund site in Newtown avenue.
How about the fact that the area is saturated with petroleum and heavy metals from industry that was in that area since the civil war.
Then there are the prostitutes. Then the bloods running the prostitutes. The halfway house. The drop-off point for return Riker's Island inmates. The list goes on...
hey crapper the morons that think that the tunnel is coming to maspeth, do they mean possilby the garbage freight? yeah they load the trains to move it out from LIC.. great investments. now call the mayor and complain with the smell.. can you imagine the complaint when those trains are idling, lmao.....
Opps, I meant the Superfund site in Newtown creek. Newtown avenue and 18th Street was where a builder demolished a home by accident. Mea Culpa. Wrong atrocity.
Yes exactly!
Do they know that Sunnyside yards, a hop skip and a jump away is a superfund site. How about the other superfund site in Greenpoint, or the proposed superfund site in Newtown avenue.
How about the fact that the area is saturated with petroleum and heavy metals from industry that was in that area since the civil war.
Then there are the prostitutes. Then the bloods running the prostitutes. The halfway house. The drop-off point for return Riker's Island inmates. The list goes on...
Right on the money. Do these uppity condo dwellers have a clue about the area pollution or shady activity that still goes on around there?? Apparently not a clue for these sad folks. Karma is bitch. Breath safely with your nose in the air,better than thou people.
I believe the hick now days is an ignorant,vapid, money can buy happiness condo dweller that cares nothing for the areas history and neighbors.
Why are the trains idling? If there's no purpose to them idling, why not reduce pollution?
Diesal train services runs on tracks from Long Island until they have to enter the tunnels into Penn Station. At that point, the more expensive to run electrical trains are used.
The trains have to idle while the cars are switched from one to the other. People who have never taken LIRR are unfamiliar with this fact of life. They do not know that autos and trains don't work the same way.
Here are two articles that explain how a diesel engine works:
In a nutshell, the engine uses an ultra-high compression engine to generate the heat used to ignite the fuel. Shut it down, let it cool off and it isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. Not practical for a commuter railroad in constant service.
LOL. I just signed the petition. thanks for bringing it to my attention. Mark my words. We will get this resolved. When will you simpltons learn that the only thing that matters is money. With it you get access and prompt attention. Without it you post on Queens Crap and bitch and moan about how screwed up things are. As more affluent and politically active people move into the area we will remake this area of Queens to our liking. All of those irritating warehouses and relics of industrial past will soon be gone and replaced with french bistros where we can sip coffee and discuss our stock portfolios. That's why we already have new schools, roads, sewers, libraries, parks, etc. while you complain about school overcrowding, potholes, flooding and dying trees. Its how playas roll. don't hate.
"LOL. I just signed the petition. thanks for bringing it to my attention."
No you didn't because the same lame 35 signatures are on it that were there yesterday.
If you were truly affluent, you'd be living in Manhattan. Overspending on a condo in LIC just makes you stupid.
And as for changing things to your liking...is that why you were able to avoid the 7 train service disruptions this year?
LOL! - Quite the contrary. I'm affluent because I can afford to blow a wad on LIC. They way you and I think about money are quite different. Never having had that kind of money to play around with you would worry about putting it where it is "safe" I put my money where the risk/reward is such that there is opportunity for growth and appreciation. When prices regularly go over $1M do you think it is not possible for these people to live in Manhattan? Don't be silly. You may have Manhattan envy (its just dripping from your post), but I don't. I can easily live there, but choose not to. It will take time as it does with all things, but the changes that have already happened can not be disputed.
Yes the changes cannot be disputed. They upzoned a polluted industrial area for housing and then developers built crap as cheaply as possible and made a killing off know-nothings who wanted to live "one stop from Midtown" and steps from the Hamptons train but don't want to see, hear or smell it.
Do people still use the term "LOL?" I thought that went out years ago. Just like living in LIC.
I still can't get over that "affluent" people moved to LIC knowing it was surrounded by Superfund sites and a diesel train yard. Oh well I guess we all can't be Harvard grads.
Yo this a$$hole is baiting you. Don't waste the key strokes.
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