A Marist poll out Friday showed 59% of voters think he is doing an excellent or good job, down from 68% a month ago.
It's the first time his popularity has fallen below 60% since August 2005.
But perhaps more damaging for the billionaire-turned-politician is that his lead over rivals for next year's mayoral race is thin.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg's approval rating drops to 3-year low after term limits, tax hike
Why is Tony Avella, who is also running for mayor never mentioned in these articles?
59% approval after eight years is pretty impressive
68% is unheard of.
Ok, so let's recap
Bloomberg overturns the people's wishes with term limits, then tells us that he's going to raise the income tax to 15%, then tells us that he's going to stop giving homeowners $400, then the MTA says they're going to slash service, and lots of other things that would be considered "political suicide" with the future looking grim, and he only looses 8% of people who think he is doing an excellent job to doing a fair job? Not only that he CREAMS ever possible opponent next fall. Yeah I think he's won in 2009 without spending a dime.
Oh and Tony Avella is never mentioned because without Michael Bloomberg Tony's just another douche-bag from Bayside.
and just so the tone of the comment is clear: BLOOMBERG '09!!
By November 2009 Bloomberg's numbers will be in the cellar and whoever runs against him will win.
That's right folks, he ain't done yet. Wait til we see fullblown 1970s on the streets again. It's already happening.
The slim lead "can be troublesome for an incumbent," said Marist pollster Lee Miringoff who added that "51% is about as slim a majority as you can have at this point."
It's called Serf Syndrome. Der Mayor is in mucho trouble!
Try to recall who was measuring the curtains for the White House just less than 2 years ago.
Who was it preparing for the coronation?
Commissar Death and taxes is cooked. He doesn't even get to go out with the recyclables. He's just so much smelly garbage.
That probably explains why he's cutting back on the Sanitation Dept. Hopes to save himself from being kicked to the curb.
I have to agree with Anonymous #1 and Sal on this one - an almost 60% approval rating after seven years in office is petty amazing, especially after the man has made a number of unpopular moves. There's not a politician in the free world who would't give his right arm for that. I doubt that the term limit revision will hurt him in the long run - who actually votes on such a secondary issue? No, what's going to get him elected or not is the strength of his opposition and his managing of the city during this economic crisis. On the first count - while he barely breaks 50% against Weiner or Bill Thompson they don't even approach 40% against him. As for the second, only time will tell. But my prediction is another four years of Bloomberg.
"petty amazing" is a good way to describe it as well as Ridgewoodian's petty amazement.
The reason Weiner, Avella and Thompson are not polling higher is because they are not as well known as the mayor. But the high number of undecideds spell trouble for Bloomie. That means they are looking for change.
My approval rating has taken a nosedive?
Hmmm....time to import more "guest workers" from the south.
If the people of the city won't re-elect me, then I'll simply elect a new people.
PS: That Ridgewoodian fella is a petty amazing fellow. That's a compliment, coming from a petty dictator such as myself. I might just give this schmuck a job on my staff, I'm always looking for a good minister of propaganda.
Yes, that PETTY was a typo. Even Homer nods. Funny that you don't jump on anyone else's typing or spelling or grammar. But if that's all you cunts have, that's all you cunts have.
Anyway I stand by what I wrote. Let's not forget, Bloomberg has more money than god to throw around in the next election and he hasn't begun to spend it yet. That's one thing I've never liked about him - he basically bought his first election and more or less did the same the second time around. Once he gets into campaign mode Weiner or whoever goes up against him will have a tough time competing with him. It'll be Bloomberg pretty comfortably. I'm not saying this is a good thing - I didn't vote for him either time - but it seems to be wishful thinking on all your parts to think that he's gone into a real terminal nosedive.
Just imagine if Thompson won:
Black President
Black Governor
Black Mayor
I would not believe the polls. Bloomberg has lost his popularity. It will be confirmed where it counts, at the voting booth!
Just imagine if Thompson won:
Black President
Black Governor
Black Mayor
Is that a good thing? Or are you simply "talking" out loud, in amazement?
Look at some of the cities headed by black mayors - Detroit, Washington D.C., Newark, Philadelphia, etc.
I'll let you fill in the blanks.
Even Homer nods.
C'mon, you're no Homer. A homer-sexual maybe, but definitely no Homer. I've written term papers in junior high school that are Shakespearean prose compared to what you write today.
Lastly, keep a civil tongue. There's better ways to insult people intelligently then throwing around the C-word.
Is that a good thing? Or are you simply "talking" out loud, in amazement?
Look at some of the cities headed by black mayors - Detroit, Washington D.C., Newark, Philadelphia, etc.
All shit cities just like NYC and getting worse.Debt debt and run like crap.Remeber the 1970's when Ford said no money for NYC??
*Lastly, keep a civil tongue. There's better ways to insult people intelligently then throwing around the C-word.
What a hypocrite there little wade.Wade wade your funny kid.
C'mon, you're no Homer. A homer-sexual maybe, but definitely no Homer. I've written term papers in junior high school that are Shakespearean prose compared to what you write today.
The c word there wade pseudo intellectual.Nice way to push racism by saying all black mayors cant manage a city.Bush cant manage a country and either can Arnie in CALEfornioa.Pawlenty in Minn has destroyed everthing.Daley is obviously no genius on crime.Death of the dollar is due to bush spending like a drunking salior giving tax money to private companies.
Homer sexual ?Homo phobe wade.
Do you know any other philosophers besides that arm chair nod.I dont think you wrote tems papers worth a drop.One who meets difficulties with calm composure!Not wade.What a hypocrite you are asinene sloppy "writer".
wade said...
"Is that a good thing? Or are you simply "talking" out loud, in amazement?"
Not a good thing or bad. Just - wow.
hey ridgewoodian:
The C word? Come on.
Can't wait to vote Bloomberg out in the next election. My vote will go to Thompson. After all, he is the Comptroller and has knowledge about the budget and the numbers. He was against term limits and against Bloomberg on the $400 real estate rebate. Thompson says the money is in the budget and it should be dispensed. After all, it is our money. I hope all New Yorkers vote Bloomberg out. If they don't, they deserve what they get.
"59% approval after eight years is pretty impressive
68% is unheard of."
All of it media manufactured. Nobody I ever met has any deep approval of the Commissar.
He's just another rich, turtle faced tantrum thrower who has no friends. He buys and sells his "supporters".
The Commissar has no clothes.
taxpayer is right.
Who are they polling? Everyone I know thinks he's a loser especially after what he pulled with the city council on term limits.
Bloomie, wouldn't it have been better you went out on a good note?
WADE NICHOLS: C'mon, you're no Homer. A homer-sexual maybe, but definitely no Homer.
Well, Wade, I’ve probably forgotten more ancient Greek than you’ll ever know (and I’ve forgotten almost all of what I once knew) but my point was ironic; a first class intelligence would have recognized both the saying (which apparently originated with the Roman poet Horace) and the irony. Also, it would have been ashamed to put forth a weak pun as some kind of argument. Especially when it saddles itself with the name of a gay porn star. So who you calling a fag, fag?
WADE NICHOLS: I've written term papers in junior high school that are Shakespearean prose compared to what you write today.
Well, as you perhaps know, Wade, the vast majority of what has come down to us of Shakespeare is in verse and not prose. (Yes, I know, all, or almost all, of Falstaff is in prose and significant portions of Hamlet, too, but you, sir, are no Sir John and as for the Prince of Denmark - Hyperion to a satyr.) What prose we do have of his is dramatic, not expository, so unless your term papers were in the form of plays you’ve literally written NOTHING like Shakespeare. Now, perhaps you mean to compare yourself to the great prose stylists of the era, Sir Francis Bacon, say, or maybe (a bit later) Sir Thomas Browne. But if you were that good, what happened? I hear too may poppers and doses of the clap make the brain go soft. (Probably not JUST the brain, in your case.) Is that it? Sure, you have just enough grey goo left to put sentences together marginally better than most of the nincompoops on this site - CONGRATULATIONS! You’re a better writer than Joe or Taxpayer of Georgetheathiest. Still, no man of taste or discernment looks upon your works and despairs.
WADE NICHOLS: Lastly, keep a civil tongue.
That is funny coming from the likes of you. And it’s not my tongue I’m using, it’s my keyboard. And please do not presume to tell me what to do.
WADE NICHOLS: …the C-word.
Here’s the thing: I wanted to abuse those silly people who were bothering me about “petty/pretty” in the most demeaning, dehumanizing, contemptible terms they could understand. If you can think of an alternative to “cunt” do please suggest it and I’ll try it out.
WADE NICHOLS Look at some of the cities headed by black mayors - Detroit, Washington D.C., Newark, Philadelphia, etc. I'll let you fill in the blanks.
Hmmm….let’s see, off the top of my head - Detroit, a city that’s be devastated by the decline of the U.S. auto industry, Washington D.C., a city constantly meddled with by Congress, Newark, well maybe you have a point there about their last criminal mayor, Philadelphia, a city full of Santa Claus haters. All of these places have been beset by problems far beyond the skin color of their chief executives. Now, are you saying that blacks are generically unable to be successful mayors? Or are you making some other point that, in you Baconian wisdom, we’re unable to grasp?
Do Ridgewoodian and Wade even live in NY?
Are they both poseurs?
Gathering material for a play?
Cyber play?
Wouldn't give 'em one season on these streets.
Snake Plissskin: Do Ridgewoodian and Wade even live in NY?
(Heard you were dead.)
Can't speak for the Wademeister but I've been here just over nineteen years, fifteen in Queens, and seven in Ridgewood. Now that Isaac Hayes has gone on to his reward in the bosom of Elron, I feel I have as good a claim as any to be the Duke of New York, A-Number One.
yea, yea now I rememba you. You flew the Gullfire over Leningrad.
This blog is about the survival of
New York City, Ridgewoodian.
Something you don't give a shit about.
Now lets hear from Wade.
*This blog is about the survival of
New York City, Ridgewoodian.
Something you don't give a shit about.
Now lets hear from Wade.
Thats funny because half the time its about stereotyping,misplacing blame on others who post on here who share a similiar view but are not entirely like you, and spouting about the decline and fluctuation of NYC even though that happens every day here.Yes we all care about the city.Lets not hear from Wade if hes going to attack others who didnt address him in there post in the first place as he tries to sound like a master of language.
Theres no reason to think Ridgewoodian doesnt care about the city at all.Hes rational and stays on topic usually.
HUH! Wouldn't give 'em one season on these streets.
Go back to grade school with the ramblings that has nothing to do with bloomberg.The POST.Remember??
"Theres no reason to think Ridgewoodian doesnt care about the city at all.Hes rational and stays on topic usually."
Theres no reason to think Ridgewoodian doesnt care about the city at all.Hes rational and stays on topic usually.
Ridgewoodian shares one trait in common with Obama - they both only care about one thing - themselves.
wade said...
"Ridgewoodian shares one trait in common with Obama - they both only care about one thing - themselves."
Don't know about ridgewoodian, but Obama? Come on wade. Don't be silly.
oh, Wade seems to be a bit out of touch: perhaps (s)he is out of circulation down on some little island in the middle of nowhere.
But like her/his buddy, Bloomberg, cushioned by lot$ of bucks. Well you got it and as the old saw states, dont dream for something for you might get it and find...
So when are you coming back to civilization kiddo?
But more on that later.
Yes, lets get on topic. It should be interesting to see how the media handles Bloomberg.
A darling for the elite of this city, a touchstone for revenue stream, yet, as a public offical, paying for it by bulldozing the rank and file.
Its up to Crappie to drive home to the public time and again: their taxes are being used to subsidize the developers. And as things head south, they will be squeezed to keep this going.
When, like a little piggie, will they squeal "enough is enough!"
Now give me another dark n stormy Mandy.
Don't know about ridgewoodian, but Obama? Come on wade. Don't be silly.
Ever read anything about Chicago's notoriously corrupt political system? Tony Rezko ring a bell?
Probably not. Most Obama supporters know didley about their man.
Google "America's half blood prince". Read the free book. (I know you won't!)
Arguing over politics is like arguing over religion. Both involve trying to justify absurdities.
Why can't you just admit that Obama may be the best thing that ever happened to this country, especially for minorities. They no longer have an excuse for failure.
" Most Obama supporters know didley about their man."
Maybe. But I can guarantee most Republicans know even less about their candidates.
Tony Rezko? Would Obama be the first politician to have shady connections?
You are so stubborn. Why can't you just admit that I'm right?
Why can't you just admit that Obama may be the best thing that ever happened to this country
Sliced bread was the best thing that ever happened to this country. Obama is still #2.
especially for minorities. They no longer have an excuse for failure.
How has Obama becoming president changed anything? The black out of wedlock birth rate is almost 70%. About 54% of black women never get married in this country. These are things that even "The One" can't change. He may be able to change water into wine, or walk on water, but even "The One" isn't going to convince black people to get married first and then have children, turn the damn television off, and read a book.
"The black out of wedlock birth rate is almost 70%. About 54% of black women never get married in this country."
And who's fault is that? It's definitely not the women. What are they supposed to do when the men in their culture are in jail or not marriage-material? It'll take a couple of generations for them to solve their issues. In the meantime, whites will have to accept that not all blacks are ghetto trash. Many lower class blacks are going to be surprised when Obama asks them to straighten their asses out. You'll see.
And who's fault is that? It's definitely not the women. What are they supposed to do when the men in their culture are in jail or not marriage-material?
Perhaps they're casting their lines in the wrong oceans.
I've read several articles which state that Asian women are the most desired by men of all races. Asian women in this country also marry outside their race at a pretty high rate. Maybe black women should follow the example of Asian women, and they won't be so miserable, or alone.
In the meantime, whites will have to accept that not all blacks are ghetto trash.
Conversely, most whites will have to accept that most blacks are not like Barrack Obama.
"I've read several articles which state that Asian women are the most desired by men of all races."
Really? Never woulda thunk it. Personally, I don't find Asians to be very attractive. Some who are half-Asian are. I find the men very small, scrawny and wimpy-looking.
"Maybe black women should follow the example of Asian women, and they won't be so miserable, or alone"
What black women need to do it stop having babies at 16 and set good examples by going to college and having their families later in life, like the rest of us. If there's no black men available I agree look outside the race.
good get the fuck out
Bloomie and his Parkside boys can Gucci-facci any polls they want...
pump them up to a 68% popularity rating...whatever!
Der Mayor just slit his political throat with a keenly stropped blue steel razor!
His head will hit the sidewalk soon.
The Dow keeps falling along with Mike's "great" ratings!
He'd better plan on beating a quick retreat to his warm Bermuda compound come November 2009.
And take your
Wall Street/real estate rats with you commissar!
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