Among the more important findings of the study, which was released on Wednesday:
- Nearly 57 percent of the cyclists observed failed to stop red lights.
- About 13 percent of cyclists (and a quarter of cyclists under the age of 14) were observed riding against traffic.
- Almost 13 percent of cyclists (and more than half of cyclists under the age of 14) were observed riding on sidewalks.
- Nearly 14 percent of cyclists did not use a designated bike lane when one was available.
- Only 36 percent of cyclists wore helmets. About half of female riders wore helmets, compared with just about one-third of the males. Nearly half of the children under the age of 14, and nearly three-quarters of commercial cyclists — like messengers and delivery workers — did not wear a helmet, even though the law requires that both groups use helmets.
Study Finds Cyclists Disobey Traffic Laws
As for running red lights, [Wiley Norvell, a spokesman for Transportation Alternatives] said, “It doesn’t surprise me to see high rates of traffic infractions on streets that do not have provisions for bicyclists.”
Spoken like someone who doesn't wear a helmet himself. You're supposed to stop at a red light even if you're in a bike lane, pal.
I am a burly guy. I sent a lil stick figure on his arse while he thought the red light didnt matter on Broadway, just off Prince. Sorry sweaterbump, I love relivin college football mowin these fagnuts down.
Again. I had the right of way. Got bowled over b4 by an arse who should have stopped.
Now I bowl.
Motor down Broadway in Soho, 8:10 am, I want others who want hospitalization by my shoulder.
Sorry sweaterbump, I love relivin college football mowin these fagnuts down.
You go there numb skull.Arent you a reading and writing man.Good luck when you get your ass kicked beyond belief by someone 50 pounds lighter than you.Or a car that runs a red light every minute or less in Manhattan,Queens,and Brooklyn.Wait for that ambulance when your laying in the street and people dont care.By the way many bikers obey traffic but theres stll tons of lost or sadly wanna be tuff pedestrians who walk against a red light when a biker has a green.I wonder if any bitching old regular on here has biked NYC recently?
Major shock:Less than two weeks before the do nothing sad blog complains about bicyclists.
Do you bike besides the park crapper? Or at all?
Hmm. They caught us. What to do? I know, let's point to other bad behavior. You know, cars run red lights and pedestrians don't obey traffic signals, either. There. I feel much better now that I have rationalized my own assholish ways.
"Good luck when you get your ass kicked beyond belief by someone 50 pounds lighter than you."
No, the technique is to raise your arms first to aborb the initial blow, and then bring them back while the wiley bikester has lost his balance. Then, with your opposite foot firmly planted, throw the shoulder. Its like blockin on special teams.
Then watch the pasty assed fagnut whine like the dickens. Even if you are quite the wimp, dont worry, they are in a beaucoup amount of pain and can be thrown down again like a leaf in autumn.
These guys arent tough. They are the losers who failed the sanitation dept exam.
not surprising that the crapper didn't actually look into the study and its flaws, but instead just poured on the bike hate. says a lot.
What are the flaws of the study?
Hey !
The problem seems to be if on bike or car as I am - there are so many reserved lanes on Ave going North - South that I feel criminal driving.
If a single lane is created - an emergency one if you would prioritize it by that - could also be used by cyclist - although they would have least priority.
Cyclist should absolutely abide by traffic laws if only not to wind up as roadkill.
I'd love to see the actual complete paper this study produced. Only then can methodology be questioned. Though I have to say, judging from the NY Times article, the survey does seem to take in a good cross section of the cyclist community. Even if the numbers are slightly off, the simple fact that cyclists steadfastly believe they are above the law is both as disturbing as it is obvious.
WHAT genius!
Then watch the pasty assed fagnut whine like the dickens. Even if you are quite the wimp, dont worry, they are in a beaucoup amount of pain and can be thrown down again like a leaf in autumn.
These guys arent tough. They are the losers who failed the sanitation dept exam.
That my friend is the most illiterate diatribe of mush ive ever heard im life except from a mockumentary on the habits of inbred cromagnons.So burly, how long have you been cleaning up puke from grade school kids at your job?
If you screw with someone biking and not running lights, be prepared to have legal action against you to fullest extent.
*Hmm. They caught us. What to do?
Not all bikers run red light lights and ride bad.But if were going for generalizations it looks like you prove the point that a lot Queens residents dont talk they just bitch about everybody else cause they have no life.
"Not all bikers run red light lights and ride bad."
No, just most of them, as we have been pointing out all along and which this study proves.
Every major blog in the City has posted this story. I guess it's not just Queens folk who can't stand bike jerks.
Every major blog in the City has posted this story. I guess it's not just Queens folk who can't stand bike jerks.
OK.Then instead of having people post stereotyping violent garbage advocate for tickets to be giving.I cant bike down 31st in Astoria or in Woodside without pedestrians running\walking in the street when I have a green.I dont run red lights.Should we post piano wire going up for pedestrians like some socio path as people on here have said about doing to bikers?
Its pretty discrediting.Your referring to messengers in Manhattan who have to deliver quite a bit to make any money and fixed gear riders for the most part.
I cant stand car jerks with thousands of pounds of metal who run lights, or pedestrians meat head\thug jerks who have no manners when walking\ crossing the street properly on a green light.Or cars double parked without warning.Do you think a cop cares if a car its a biker? No they blame the biker even if they were being careful.There giving tickets according to other blogs down by the Manhattan bridge and Brooklyn bridge to bikers running lights.Watch your blog when people advocate violent idiocy.
A few days ago, I posted a video of a bunch of biker assholes and was told they do not represent the majority of bikers in NYC who were made out to be some kind of eco-friendly saints. Then this study came out which has no agenda, it was just students observing and it showed that no, the majority of a cross section of bikers do constantly break the rules, as has been frequently noted in anecdotal observation on this site and others.
57% of drivers do not run red lights.
We need a Michael Moore wannabe to do a real "expose" on all law breakers. What a fun indie film that would be. Just stand at a full-stop with a camera and film drivers and bikers run it. Then when they notice you, do the whole "Roger and Me" bit where you ask them questions and they are so excited they answer them honestly.
"Sir, you just ran a red light, why?"
"Because I'm on a bike. Isn't that OK?"
"sigh" - If only I didn't have a real job and a real life.
If done carefully and cautiously (pausing at the red) running red lights on a bike is safer than trying to ride with traffic. It lets you get a jump on the cars and get some emptier road to ride on without being pinned at the edge of the road dodging doors and taxis.
Most cyclists in New York are fully aware of the dangers around them and their riding habits change to suit their surroundings. Traffic flow for cars isnt always ideal for bikes, and in general can be rather dangerous.
Most of the bike lanes are fairly useless as they have become a place for cell phone calls and delivery drop offs. Most riders find it more dangerous to ride in them than in the traffic. Until the lanes get enforced by NYPD then its a waste of time and money.
*57% of drivers do not run red lights.
Not a very good amount of drivers making it safe for anyone not in a car.Pretty shitty actually.
If done carefully and cautiously (pausing at the red) running red lights on a bike is safer than trying to ride with traffic. It lets you get a jump on the cars and get some emptier road to ride on without being pinned at the edge of the road dodging doors and taxis.
Yes its good in my book to get a head start just before it turns green to get away from the cars that dont care if they leave you 2 feet by the curb.
???"Sir, you just ran a red light, why?"
"Because I'm on a bike. Isn't that OK?"
"sigh" - If only I didn't have a real job and a real life.
Ask that to a pedestrian, a vehicle driver, and a biker.Look at the whole picture.Ask some bike commuters who are not a part of some silly fashion statement of fixed gear riders who dont have brakes.Theres even polite riders who work at the NYC library main branch if thats a real job.
Just because theres many rude people in NYC i dont stereotype everyone living here. Oh, and not all bikers care for critical mass either.I do my best to avoid cars because I know theyre not looking and couldnt care if they hit a biker.Crapper get out and ride a bike down even a somewhat less traffic congested one lane street for a few hours and 4 days out of the week.DO that and get back to us.
AMEN! Traffic flow for cars isnt always ideal for bikes, and in general can be rather dangerous.
Most of the bike lanes are fairly useless as they have become a place for cell phone calls and delivery drop offs. Most riders find it more dangerous to ride in them than in the traffic. Until the lanes get enforced by NYPD then its a waste of time and money.
Never know when a car stops without warning in a bike lane.
I am fully aware of the dangers of bike riding in this city, which is why I take mass transit when in Manhattan or on the weekends, drive in. I was mowed down by a reckless biker and I see this behavior happen all too frequently. There may be reckless pedestrians, but they still have the right of way.
There are reckless people everywhere, not just on bikes. Bikers, pedestrians, drivers, its all over the place. Its NYC, everyone is just trying to get over on the next guy. Darwinism will take care of all these idiots that fly through lights without looking or pausing, or pedestrians that defy moving vehicles. They give the rest of us cyclists a bad name, so I cannot defend them, but I will say that I do run red lights after a look left and right and only if Im not causing anyone inconvinience. It just makes my ride to work (10 mile daily commute from Astoria to Manhattan) a little safer.
Also, there is delivery guy parked in the bike lane in that pic. So that makes it two people being a-holes.
Love how the pic shows a truck illegally parked in the bike lane.
Trucks need to make deliveries. Where are they supposed to pull over?
Trucks need to make deliveries. Where are they supposed to pull over?
Not in the road where cars honk at them because they also dont care about driving in bike lanes.Its that art of squeezing around the crowded mess.In busy streets go ahead and ticket the dumb bikers who run red lights.
Dumb bikers are a universal plague.
I almost ran over some fool who darted out of nowhere right in front of me on a dark morning.
Ticket away. But until the roads become more bike friendly and share-able , I doubt it will change a thing. It certainly wont change the way I ride.
OK.Dumb bikers are a universal plague.
I almost ran over some fool who darted out of nowhere right in front of me on a dark morning.
Then tcket the dumk folks who give others a bad name.I didnt like going to court for a ticket biking on the sidewalk for 10 feet under the Queens boro bridge because its a dark curve with tons of cars by the park.
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