The students of P.S. 139 in Rego Park planted new trees at their school Tuesday, thanks to funding from Con Edison's new online payment program, E*bill. Every time a customer goes paperless the company donates $1 to planting trees in city neighborhoods.
Con Ed Helps Pay For Trees In Rego Park
oh cool. i'm gonna enroll.
I remember going to PS139. Back in my day, it was a huge blacktop schoolyard. It's only saving grace was a mural by Al the janitor contratulating the 1996 Yankees.
Today, the schoolyard has a playground, seats, and trees.
Glad to hear that Con Ed is doing this.
Lets put pressure on Katz to have trees planted on 63rd Drive. Quite barren up there.
This should be a dog run.
As the person who got this effort started I would also like to thank TreesNY; This is the non-profit group that purchased the trees, did the work, provided an education coordinator for the five classes that planted trees and was involved in the process from beginning to end. They were too busy working in the rain to promote the fabulous things they do. I would also like to thank all the members of the Green Committee, a Rego Park P.S. 139 P.A. committee that worked hard to put this thing together.
Green Committee Chair
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