Nordstrom Inc. is close to signing a lease for a Nordstrom Rack in Flushing, Queens. It would be the fashion giant's latest deal as it muscles its way into the New York retail scene.
Nordstrom Rack, the discount division of the Seattle-based company, is in late-stage negotiations to open a store at the Shops at SkyView Center, an 800,000-square-foot mall in Flushing, according to people familiar with the matter. The store would be the first in Queens for Nordstrom, which also has announced plans recently for two Nordstrom Racks in Brooklyn and its first full-line store in New York on West 57th Street.
Terms of the deal weren't available. But Brooklyn's two Nordstrom Racks are in the 33,000- to 41,000-square-foot range.
If the lease is signed, it would be the latest sign that Flushing is taking an upscale turn thanks to the growing buying power of the city's Chinese population. For decades, the neighborhood has been known for ethnic foods and small businesses.
Oh great, more traffic and congestion. I LOVE NORDSTROM and there isn't chance on this planet I will go and get stuck in that horrifying trap of a parking lot.
So why is Nordstrom allowed in NYC but not Walmart?
But will it last in a primarily Asian ghetto?
Notice it won't be located on crappy Main Street.
And don't bother to contest my use of the term "ghetto". A ghetto, as defined, is composed of a concentration of a group of particular people.
Therefore ASIAN GHETTO is most appropriate when describing Flushing. I did not say "slum".
Now, the term "slum" requires a very different description.
Will they be including a shoppers' snack bar featuring fish head soup?
Maybe "La China herself, Grace Meng, will launch the opening.
Lipstick on a pig! Too little and too late.
Flushing is a dump which can't be sweetened by introducing a more upscale retail venue.
I'm for Walmart. It's guaranteed to have more longevity. Nordstroms will be gonejust like Caldor bit the dust.
They better rethink this one.
This is not their "First" NYC lease: they've already signed for the retail outlet going in at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. Why is so much of our development based on eating and shopping? Where do people make the money to engage in the eating and shopping that supports this development? meanwhile, we're "incentivizing" this development with all kinds of goodies... this isn't sour-grapes, I'm just wondering about the big picture. . .
Ghetto is ghetto, you cannot slice and dice it or spin it any other way.
Can someone tell me just where is this "Asian buying power" coming from? How many Chinese restaurants can there be?
Sky view management should get their neighbors to remove the graffiti from their buildings. Sky view looks horrible surrounded by it, especially when one is driving on the Van Wyck Expwy.
" Where do people make the money to engage in the eating and shopping that supports this development?"
Essentially from debt/credit at all levels, personal, corporate and government. Plus debasing of the currency by printing money for QE. Eventually the Ponzi scheme that is the US Dollar will crash, and then there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
At least the Asian bottle and can collectors will look fashionable and stylish when they go to the bottle redemption centers.
Will it have many rusted balconies filled with trash and storage like the rest of the Flushing architecture?
This is going to be a Nordstrom's "basement" store. It's not a first line Nordstroms.
like Filene's basement was in Fresh Meadows...which is long gone.
When the RKO Keith's went, so did Flushing!
Burlington Coat Factory refused (because of Asian demographics) to open where the Hong Kong market is located today.
Caldors didn't last long.The crap pile that replaced it isn't doing so well...except maybe their basement food court.
You've got the Flushing BID , "One Flushing", etc.
and Flushing still looks and smells like crap.
The Asians that live in Flushing DO NOT comprise any significant buying power. They are hustling bargain hunters who resent and try to avoid paying sales tax.
Cheap Chinese will not rescue this fetid ghetto's low class image.
Muss Development made a very big mistake building what they did.
Maybe they can cut their losses by offering section 8 housing.
This is Nordstorm's Rack. This is the down market version of the upmarket store.
There is nothing worth an aggravating trip there except for Target and BJs. The rest of the mall is like a ghost town. Even the Five Guys Burger joint hardly does any business and is contemplating closing.
Well not the worst thing for Flushing. I much rather see that then another ugly building or Asian supermarket. Not a bad thing it's a step up. But honestly more retail stores is not neccessary and especially the stupid mega mall planned for Willets Point. People need to find more valuable things to do with their time instead of just shopping.
A barbecue restaurant, featuring a good "rack" of baby back ribs, would do far better in that location.
The Chinese love their pork and so do the Latinos.
So do ALL of us! Yummy, yummy, yummy!
Remember when those chain bakeries "Arnold, Pepperidge Farm) had their "day old" bread discount stores?
It'll b the same here. This is where Nordstroms will dump their unsold "day old" inventory.
This is Chinatown..."vibrant, bustling" and cheap!
"No likee pay too much".
Wasn't there a Benneton outlet near Roosevelt & Main that closed?
Nobody seems to learn from past mistakes.
Muss CANNOT rescue Flushing's low class image.
The BID hasn't done squat. The Flushing Chamber of Commerce closed down.
Resign yourself to the town's failure. It's only success is that it remains a major transportation hub.
Willets Point will become a Flea Market.
So the Chinese and Koreans are doing in Flushing today what your ancestors did on the Lower East Side and in the Bronx and in Ridgewood a century ago. Who cares? Let 'em.
And Muss sold Sky View Parc years ago.
I fully agree.
Low class is low class...whether on the lower east side or Ridgewood.
BUT DON'T try to suggest that these low class Asians (mainly Taiwanese and Fujianese) have brought anything much to Flushing beyond corruption and fetid streets.
Ooops...wait a minute...weren't they introduced here to keep Flushing's African American community from taking over like in Jamaica?
Talk about xenophobia!
At least that's what I heard 2 elected officials say, behind closed doors, in 1987!
Wake up son, and smell the real truth!
A mere detail...so Muss sold Sky View Parc years ago.
Big deal! SO WHAT?
I made an error and stand corrected.
That don't change diddly squat! It's still a failure.
Notice the spelling of "parc" instead of "park". LOL! That's because there IS NO PARK VIEW worth seeing.
Flushing CAN NEVER be raised from the mire of it's lowly image.
Show me ONE Chinatown, anywhere in the world, where cleanliness and adhering to the law abides.
Anyway, "Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown"!
"So the Chinese and Koreans are doing in Flushing today what your ancestors did on the Lower East Side and in the Bronx and in Ridgewood a century ago. Who cares? Let 'em."
I don't recall Ridgewood being an overcrowded slum. In fact, it was a well-planned community meant for the working class. And the type of people who moved in - Germans - would never have let their neighborhood turn into a filthy shithole.
As we all know, no matter what. Flushing's economy is really growing very fast by the support of big developers and the city. I think we should shut up and work harder, so we can buy a house or an apartment, not renting from the Chinese's properties, shame on us!
They own Bergdorf
You Anonymous people are all very funny!!! I have enjoyed so much reading your stuff. Hahaha!!!
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