A handful of backroom power players in city and state politics turned out for Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito swearing-in ceremony this afternoon–including many of the people who soon will be lobbying the City Council on behalf of clients with interest before the city.
Ms. Mark-Viverito, the front-runner to become the next speaker of the City Council, was sworn in for her third term in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx today, where she was greeted by throngs of supporters at a cramped public housing community room. Beyond the elected officials and dozens of boosters from her East Harlem base, she was joined by a number of notable lobbyists and political consultants.
The appearance of these various political players, insiders said, was no surprise. If a deal brokered by Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio holds, Ms. Mark-Viverito will hold the second most powerful post in the city come January 8.
Beyond the behind-the-scenes crowd, Ms. Mark-Viverito’s closest allies in elected office showed up as well. Council members Ydanis Rodriguez and Jimmy Van Bramer, two of the 30 members publicly supporting her bid against rival Dan Garodnick, heaped praise on her record. And Bronx State Senator Gustavo Rivera and Assemblyman Luis Sepuleveda, another earlier de Blasio backer who has his own complicated history with Ms. Mark-Viverito, boosted her too.
Jimmy, will you be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at your events, hmnnn?
Shame on you for supporting this Bolshevik witch.
But what can you expect from a total nitwit and his hee-hawing moronic staff, the "JVB Bunch"? Definitely no time for any Pledge of Allegiance here.
Veterans. Are you going to take this outrageous display of contempt for our flag lying down?. Dammit. Man the phones. Van Bramer's office number: 718 383-9566 Tell this spineless weasel to dump his support of that flag-hating Commie Mark-Viverito before it's too late.
uh oh,more lobbyists.
how come they did not give free tickets for this "ceremony".
where their lobbyists for the lower and middle class there?
Is that pond scum pig Van Bramer on the left?
Van Bramer got a good start kissing the asses of developers. But, then again, isn't he good at that?
He got some candy money, $10,000 from the Wolkoff family, who destroyed 5 Pointz.
Jimmy Van Bramer? Jimmy Van Butcher is more like it!
Jimmy is a power grabbing hack that has turned his back on his community and is getting even more despised than Vallone - no small achievement. At least Vallone had his few dozen supporters in UCCA and Astoria Civic, Van Bramer doesn't even have this.
He is found in every photo in Sunnyside - all year was mugging around Chrissy Quinn, now this one.
You have turned you back on us, Jimmy, and that is why we call you "Stonewall" cause that is what you do every time someone from the old neighborhood shows up thinking one of their own is there to help them.
You have crawled into bed with the worst of the developers. Do you think we want Sunnyside to look like Dutch Kills, that master work of your library buddy "Upzone" Stamatiades?
We are waiting for you to take our community board away from us and give it to the hipsters in LIC - anything for the developers - even closing the St Mary Sr Center to get rid of all the 'riff raff' - so yuppies can move in and displace us, eh?
We are all watching you. Sooner or later you will slip up.
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