Councilman Larry Seabrook, who was convicted last July on 9 counts of wire and fraud charges, was sentenced in federal court today to 5 years in prison. Upon his conviction, Mr. Seabrook was immediately expelled from the legislative chamber.
“Councilman Larry Seabrook sacrificed the public trust on the altar of greed,” U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement. “He was a flagrant and serial abuser of City Council discretionary funds in a far too familiar New York tale of corruption,” Mr. Bharara said of Mr. Seabrook. “Today’s sentence finally vindicates the interests of the constituents whose trust he so casually violated by his fraud. We remain committed to making those who are corrupted by power pay the price, and the public can expect more arrests of politicians who have not learned this lesson.”
is not nyc democrat dictatorship grand ?
Hooray!!! What a bum.
He'll be back. Maybe even go for governor.
Dems don't care about right or wrong, just their political party.
One down, 51 to go. (Yes, I know there are 51 members of the City Council, but Seabrook has already been replaced)
It's time to examine Toby Stavisky's "generous" (flagrant?) distribution of her discretionary funds to one particular organization.
She's doled out a whopping portion to the
"North Flushing Senior Center" over many, many years.
It's the largest amount given to any of her groups.
Everybody else gets leftover table scraps.
WTF is going on in that place?
I'm for following Muslim law on this.
Cut off this thief's hands!
I'm sorry to hear this. He was one of my professors in John Jay. While I can't comment on his guilt or innocence, I can tell you that he is a very nice, personable and articulate man. He has to pay for his crimes now, but I wish him nothing but the best.
He's a wolf in sheeps clothing
He'll get sprung in a year...
Come on, look at that picture and folks can't say he's NOT crooked? His smile is as phony as a 3 dollar bill. But gullible spineless people just keep voting these assholes back into office.. "Oh he's so nice I will vote for him" What bullshit!!!
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