Mayor Michael Bloomberg singled out City Council Speaker Christine Quinn Friday as the only "rational" Democratic candidate to succeed him — because she's the only one who refuses to criticize his policies, he claimed.
“I will say, you know, the one aspirant that we know of on the Democratic side that really hasn’t engaged in any of this — most of this foolishness — is Quinn," said Bloomberg, speaking during his weekly radio show with WOR's John Gambling.
"She’s much more rational and understands there’s no simple solution to complex problems,” Bloomberg said.
Quinn has a difficult balancing act to play when it comes to positioning herself vis-à-vis the mayor. While she can benefit from his endorsement, she has also been criticized from the left for not challenging him on a range of issues, including term limits.
Don't Ever Forget Her "Slush Fund" Scandal.
Quinn's head is so far up Bloomturd's butt she can see hizzoner's dinner!!!
She's on the road to victory if she campaigns as if she's Bloomberg's fourth term.
Christine sold St. Vincent's Hospital to the highest bidder. Her political career is dead in the water.
Christine sold St. Vincent's Hospital to the highest bidder. Her political career is dead in the water
Anywhere else, yes. But this is NYC. Your career doesn't die until the Machine SAYS it is dead!
This friendliness and support for Quinn
is some kind of political smoke screen that's being laid
just to confuse and disorient the voters.
These 2 would turn on each other in a heartbeat
if it benefited either one of them.
Who is the real candidate
that Mike wants to succeed him?
Something's up, I tell you! Watch out, folks!
John Liu for mayor.
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