Day by day, the wide open upcoming race to replace Mayor Michael Bloomberg is getting more entertaining, and morphing into a new year's gift for reporters, political junkies, and maybe the public.
Last week, Mayor Giuliani's former deputy mayor, Joseph Lhota, a man not known for conversational subtlety, confirmed he was running as a Republican. This week, we learned that supermarket mogul John Catsimatides, an old-fashioned boot strap guy turned billionaire, put up $1 million of his own money to start building a campaign operation. Local newspaper publisher Tom Allon has raised $234,000. Doe Fund founder George McDonald has declared, but has yet to report any fundraising numbers.
Who are these people?
These are the usual garden variety of political opportunists, who have crawled out of the woodwork.
It always happens around election time...
just like when a household exterminator sets off
one of those cockroach bombs.
Here they come...some with matching funds.
They're legends in their own minds.
Hey, where's Issac Sasson these days?
At least there are potential candidates that can fund their own campaigns or have backgrounds that can take up the challenges of the job. I hate the career POL like THOMPSON who knows only of being a POL.
just like Mayor Doomberg funded his own campaign and bought the election!
Why is it that there's always somebody out there...
that loves to suck the dicks of businessmen...as if their business experience alone qualifies them to hold public office?
Not voting for either clown no matter how wealthy they are.
then vote democrats and pay more taxes and get more illegal immigrants
Lhota. Ha! "Runs" MTA just long enough to raise fares, then runs for mayor. Don't think I'll be voting for him!
Lets all vote for the guy who has raised all the transit fares over the years.
Good luck .
Isaac Sasson is taking on Rory in CD24. He's already run three times before.
Anon No. 9:
Lhota raised the fares once.
Going back to politics the old way is CRAZY. Remember when the labor unions hired their own mayor (Walker, Beame, Dinkins, McLauglin, Quinn) to negotiate with? Even Thompson is not nostalgic for the shootouts outside the windows of his youth or the real estate trough caused by the 1977 blackout looting. Do you want to go back to "Ladies and Gentlemen, the Bronx is burning"? That's what career politicians will bring you if you let them back in power.
I'm not rooting for Lhota just yet, but despite the fare hike, the MTA has improved under his watch. Maybe not as much as we need the system to improve, but it has at least a little.
Lhota or whichever Repub. is running has no chance, but at least after the Democratic primary there will someone to put the Dem. candidate's feet to the fire on some issues. It's healthy for democracy for candidates to have to put their beliefs and projects for scrutiny, and let's face it, it is entertaining for us too.
Maybe we'll even see our favorite candidate from the Rent is Too Damn High Party come out of the woodwork . . .
Lhota has plenty of chances given his former deputy mayor experience and holding MTA chief job - he did a great job with the subways - he had a plan and worked it well - better than some POL beholden to spending your money on some social liberal cause that will go into the pocket of some former POl with City contracts. Get real the city can go down the tubes much further than this really quickly if the wrong A-hole like Thompson is in office - remember that drone Dinkins and what he dealt us?
These lice ridden Democrat and Republican squabblers are ruining the country!
They don't give a flying fuck what happens to America as long as their team wins.
My wife's weekly paycheck just took a $40 witholding tax cut. That was transportation money!
Now some lazy welfare Democratic voter winds up being subsidized by us!
obama said "every one has to pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes ". Even NYC libs.
live with it and vote out the dem/lib U.S.Senate in 2014.
I'm voting for anyone who is against illegal immigration
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