Landlords who let disgusting conditions fester in buildings for years will soon face massive fines if they fail to make real repairs — or criminal charges if they lie about the fixes.
A tough new law that won unanimous City Council approval on Wednesday would force slumlords to sign an affidavit swearing they’ve repaired filthy or dangerous conditions or pay fines of $1,000 per unit or $5,000 per building. If they lie in the affidavit, they could face perjury charges. Current law requires landlords to fix poor conditions in their buildings, but critics say they get away too often with painting over problems instead of addressing the faulty roof or busted water pipe that caused the issue.
Under the bill, which Mayor Bloomberg is expected to sign into law, city inspectors will be charged with identifying buildings with recurring violations and determining the underlying cause of the damage.
Landlords who don’t make the real fix within four to six months will be subject to fines until the landlord certifies the fix in an affidavit.
Great - another real estate law, another photo op, another pointless flurry of 311 calls, another reg to be ignored, another ....
Not fair, these new immigrant tenants are learning the system to start flack over paying the rent money !
Throw grease and chicken bones down the sink, toilets reinforced by soap it turns into this "wax" like substance no chemical drain buster can penetrate.
3 hours plumbing work with a roto snake if you lucky, 800-1000 dollars
"Not fair, these new immigrant tenants are learning the system .."
Yes thanks the Democratic machine for tweeding: nothing gives them better street cred than photo ops with immigrants - shows their concern for the 'people.'
Plain ignorant or ignorant slum landlords? How ignorant can you get? Only immigrants need repairs? Renters,investigate who your possible landlord is (especially the large landlords, i.e. Lefrak) and check their reputation.
Not all tenants are trouble and not all landlords are slumlords, but good news don't sell.
I agree, I was really replying to first posters ignorance
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