A proposal to bring street sweepers to Long Island City has some residents panicked over alternate side parking, which they say would make finding a spot a nightmare in a neighborhood where it's already difficult to park.
Last year, hundreds of residents in Hunters Point signed an online petition calling for Department of Sanitation street sweepers in the waterfront neighborhood. The group says their streets are filthy, and that the current lack of parking rules allows non-residents to leave their cars in the same spots for weeks at a time.
But other residents say they'd rather put up with a little trash than deal with the harrowing prospect of alternate side parking, and having to shuffle their cars back and forth every day.
A street cleaning plan is being explored by Queens Community Board 2 and City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who asked the Department of Sanitation to come up with a strategy for the neighborhood after getting numerous complaints about dirty streets.
Representatives from the Department of Sanitation detailed a proposal that would bring street cleaning to a swath of Hunters Point west of Jackson Avenue, between 45th and Borden avenues.
The sweepers would come twice a week, cleaning the south and east sides of the streets on Wednesdays and the north and west sides on Thursdays. Streets in the area south of 47th Road would be cleaned from 9 to 10:30 a.m. while streets to the north would be cleaned between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Metered blocks would be cleaned in half-hour segments between 7:30 and 9 a.m.
Some residents supported the plan as a way to stop out-of-towners from using Hunters Point as a parking garage, leaving their cars parked for long stretches of time.
Why cant NYC residents sweep there own parking spaces. Why must these young new people rely on the government for everything ?
All these shitbox barracks going up is bad enough. Sounds like LIC is becoming Democrats and welfare brats
Ask Jimmy Van Bramer, who lavishes so much on them - schools, libraries, all kinds of inducements to move next to a railyard, on top of a brownfield, or next to a superfund site.
Meanwhile the Patricks and Muareens that he grew up with in Sunnyside and Woodside get little more than overdevelopment as they head towards resembling Vallonia.
Oh, those poor LICers. They have to live like all of us peasants. Boo hoo.
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