Councilman Koo and CB7, the sidewalks of Downtown Flushing are still impassable.

Illegal vendors contribute clutter making them dangerously congested.

Sometimes people are forced to walk in the street.

Livery cabs clogging up northeast Roosevelt and Main in Flushing.

What do you intend to do about it? - The Flushing Phantom
Not a pretty picture....is it?
Jacob Rjiss would have loved Flushing for its many photogenic opportunities.
What do you think?
Or should I say, what do you STINK?
Peter Koo doesn't give a crap about Flushing.
He lives in Port Washington!
So that leaves us with community board 7 and the Flushing BID....and WTF have they been doing?
Not much, as you can clearly see!
This is why I avoid the area, unless I have no choice.
At certain times, downtown Flushing can be more congested than Times Square.
That its sidewalks are too narrow--
only adds to its many existing problems.
Can we expect some improvement in the new year, or will it continue to be business as usual?
Flushing = ghetto = slum.
I think that we need a new chair of CB#7...a new councilman...a new state senator...a new executive director of the Flushing BID.
Grace Meng is gone...and she never gave a shit about crap anyway!
CB#7 needs a good enema!
NO, make that a high colonic instead!
THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE for the mess you see here!
Flush that board, for the sake of Flushing!
WTF do they do? You've got to clean up that den of vipers before you can clean up the town!
You've got fossils like Arlene Flieschman and other self styled "duchesses" doing what? They seem to offer very little beyond loud lip service, "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH" and more "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH"!
Then comes their votes. What a joke!
Dump "follow the buck" Chuck Apelian.
He's only in it for himself and the printing contracts he can wrangle for his company, "Prestone".
Paul Vallone has imbedded himself in CB#7 real good...covering his bases when he runs for city council against Halloran.
OUT with Don Paulo too!
"Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown"!
The news media calls it, "Little Taipei".
Do you like my photos Councilman Koo?
Do I have to drop a chandelier on your head, before you take some real measures to improve things?
Maybe Flushing's Taiwanese-Chinese
are EXEMPT from having to follow the law.
It looks like they've been given a free pass by their good friends, Congressman Ackerman & Company.
The day that Toby Stavisky finally gets booted from office, there will be TOTAL Asian representation for the area.
Then they'll run the town like a real colony.
It will be extremely difficult to "declutter" the area.
Flushing follows the pattern of most squalid Chinese cities, where crowded and unsanitary conditions abound.
Europeans usually maintain a higher standard of living.
Anonymous said...
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
That will work until the ACLU decides to step in, and the cries of racism and harrassment against Asians start to ring in the offices of the local politicians and City Hall. Then, any and all enforcement will cease and desist, with a huge monetary apology to the "victims", and disciplinary action taken against those horrible enforcers.
Ah, who knew a urine-colored overlay could make Flushing kind of artistic?
Anonymous said...
Ah, who knew a urine-colored overlay could make Flushing kind of artistic?
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a pisser!
In 1951 Flushing Bus Terminal was dismantled. It was where Woolworth/OldNavy/DuaneReade is. Ever since, FLushing has beena treaffic disaster. Helen Marshal wants to build the new bus terminal at Shea Statium.
Have you been playing around with Instagram, Flushing Phantom? We would all be so lucky if the images were sepia colored photos of the past. Your tableau emphasizes the backwardness and squalor of Downtown. I almost expected to see piles of horse manure on the street.
Ah, who knew a urine-colored overlay could make Flushing kind of artistic?
LMAO!! Thank you, I needed that!
Stop feeding the pig-eons! They are scavengers!
Ah, who knew a urine-colored overlay could make Flushing kind of artistic?
dammit, this IS art. now what gallery in Queens will put these pictures on their wall?
I simply hit the "sepia" button on my cell camera... no fancy "Instagram". I thought that would soften the bite of reality a bit.
I leave all of the FULL COLOR..."bustling, diverse, vibrant" adjectives (and horse manure) to Flushing's phony spin doctors!
Flushing has enough of its own color! PHEW!
Someday...cameras will be equipped with "smell-o-vision"...then...GAG !!!...Lord save us all!
You know that you're in town,
when you've finally arrived in "Urinetown"
Let's take the Flushing road show to Broadway.
Maybe the Queens Hysterical Society
will mount a show of these flicks in their gallery.
Stop pissing on Floo-shing.
It's such a great suck-sess and a "destination of choice"...so the BID proclaims on its street banners.
I call it a destination to relieve one's self.
Excuse me while I join my Asian compatriots to take a long overdue wicked one.
Don't worry. The rain will wash it all away.
What phony address does Councilman Koo maintain within the district in order to comply with election law?
The Stavisky's have been doing that for decades.
The Taiwanese real estate war lords, that pull the strings in downtown Flushing, live far enough away from its filth and congestion.
Where does the BID director live?
He looks like he's as out of touch as the BID's recent web site was.
As long as Dian Yu cashes his pay check, why should he give a damn?
What phony address does Councilman Koo maintain within the district in order to comply with election law?
The Stavisky's have been doing that for decades.
The Stavisky's probably taught him how to do it. Ask Evan.
I've stopped wasting my time calling Koo's office.
I get curb service there, so
I post my complaints on Queens Crap instead.
RU following this , James?
The Taiwanese Americans who used to live in Flushing have moved out of Flushing. Flushing is now over-crowded by the Chinese who don't give a rat's ass about their community. Taiwanese for the most part are much well educated and more civic-minded. It's a very sad state that our beloved Flushing is so congested and dirty. I agree that something needs to be done about downtown Flushing. Voting these politicians out of a office is a good first step and they really need to enforce the law when it comes to these peddlers and local businesses with their trash and filth.
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