From DNA Info:
Seventeen schools have been placed on the chopping block for sub-par performance, Department of Education officials announced Monday.
The schools, including the Herbert H. Lehman High School in The Bronx, the High School of Graphic Communication Arts in Hell's Kitchen and Sheepshead Bay High School in Brooklyn, were among 60 schools that were identified by the DOE as struggling late last year.
A second round of proposed closures and phase-outs — where schools are eliminated one grade at a time as students graduate — is expected to be announced Tuesday.
Of the 17 schools, six received grades of 'F' and nine received 'D's on their most recent school progress reports. The remaining two had received three 'C's in a row.
28Q140 P.S. 140 Edward K Ellington — elementary school phase-out (Jamaica)
29Q494 Law, Government and Community Service High School — high school phase-out (Cambria Heights)
And Bloomberg thought by changing the school names would boost education results. Academy for Heroes my ass.
Bloomberg fails big time again!
Notice how two mostly "Black" neighborhood schools in Queens (Jamaica and Cambria Heights) are being shut down....while the predominantly "White" P.S. 32 (Auburndale) isn't in any immediate danger of closing!
I don't get this - the building and the name of the schools are at fault? Give me a break.
This is "legacy Bloomberg"!
The NYC public school system is worthless.
The system is a total ZERO!
The system is a total JOKE!
Countless kids get passed through the system without learning how to read or write.
Educating kids is dead last on their list of priorities.
Former mayor Giuliani said is best..."The entire system needs to be blown up and started all over"
Hey, I just came up with a great new name for one of those fancy sounding, new, "innovative" schools. How about the "Basic Reading, Writing and Arithmetic School"?
Notice how two mostly "Black" neighborhood schools in Queens (Jamaica and Cambria Heights) are being shut down....while the predominantly "White" P.S. 32 (Auburndale) isn't in any immediate danger of closing!
Shocking, I say, positively shocking.
Shocking, I say, positively shocking.
before using the RACE CARD, list the E.L.A. and MATH scores that the pupils of these schools are attaining ?
That determines if the school population is acheiving at 90% or failing at below 50%.
correction: ACHIEVING
All kids hear about is schools are failing and closing
They are thinking why bother going to school....
Bloomberg's legacy
I say good riddance. Closing the schools means that the school administration and teachers behind the poor scores are ousted and maybe newer more competent staff can take over.
Lord knows you can't fire a teacher in this town. Until an effective teacher evaluation system is put into place, the city is going to keep closing schools to hold someone accountable.
I don't think failing schools are given enough support, but I also am not so naive to believe that having a poor curriculum and keeping ineffective teachers year after year isn't to blame either.
I'm not pulling the "race card", Bubba...
them's just the facts, as anyone can clearly see for themselves. Put your eyeglasses on.
BTW "friend",
I happen to be what you might call, "White"...
just in case you think I'm a person of color with an agenda to promote.
#13...navigate the D.O.E. website and give us the E.L.A. and Math scores of these three public schools ?
will YOU accept the Facts then ? I doubt it .
Your argument is faulty.
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