Saturday, December 22, 2007


Interesting how 3 of the 4 worst train lines service Queens.


And soon we'll be paying more for this great service.


Anonymous said...

You get what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

The second Ave line is a folly and unneccessary. Let these rich folks take buses and black cars as they can afford it.

Reallocate the money for a light rail system that runs down the center of Queens Blvd or electric rail buses like in Europe to serve unserved areas of Queens. The city allows developers to squeeze crappy building every in Queens - now they should solve the transportation issues that the new residents need to get to Manhattan to serve the rich needy people there.

Anonymous said...

"The International Express" (#7 line) got a "C-" !

Somebody ought to tell the film maker
who made that documentary.

Now the remaining question is.....
Who's responsible for its general grubiness....
the "internationals" who ride it
or the MTA

Anonymous said...

subways suck.

Anonymous said...

Until I can afford a chauffeur driven limo....
I'm stuck riding those suck/f-----g subways!