Anthony Weiner’s Long, Long Audition
That can also extend to his staff. His chief of staff, legislative director and communications director have all quit in the past six months, less than a year before Mr. Weiner will start campaigning in earnest for mayor. One former staffer told The Observer, “He doesn’t listen to his staff and he doesn’t believe in teamwork—and so people leave him.”
He doesn't listen to his constituents, either.
"Gee I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener.....
so all the girls would be in love with me".
(From an old advertising jingle) .
Forget it.
You're just a weenie!
Oh, goodness, previous poster, have you got the wrong jingle for the congressman...try something that mentions "boys" instead of "girls".
Do you ignorants have the slightest thing intelligent to say or are you just going to throw around gay comments and make fun of a persons name like you were in a school yard?
Has he resigned his congressional seat?
He will run again for congress. Then, after re-election, spend our time and money running for mayor.
After losing that race, he will resume ignoring and neglecting his constituents.
In this he's much like the ever treasonous Gallagher. Tax 'em; screw 'em; then roll over and forget 'em!
Frankly I don't give a damn
where he likes to stick his joint.....
as long as it's not in
his constituency!
It's been an open secret for years that Anthony leads an alternative lifestyle. Ask around Brooklyn. Why do you think he moved?
If one of Anthony's potential lovers (male or female) were ever to be dis-satisfied with the size of his,ummmmm,manhood, I'm sure he could substitute that big nose.
You are all so full of it, no better then a bunch of wash women. He is straight as can be and his girlfriend is quite young (legal age) and that is why he doesnt make it public. But if it makes you feel better to consider someone you dont like homosexual, if that makes you feel stronger and validated and that you have one up on him, so be it.
You sure it's not a guy in drag?
Wow, Mike sounds like a homophobe. Who said being gay was a bad thing? If you are, you are.
He says he’s currently seeing someone “from time to time,” though he declined to identify this person.
Heh. Sounds real committed to his partner. That's because he's busy screwing the taxpayers.
I went to bed one night under Crowley and woke up in the morning under Weiner!
I've seen many ignorant, bigoted comments on this blog, but now the commenters expand to homophobic statements. If you are over 12 years old, you may want to re-think making public comments.
I know, Michael should quit it.
What's homophobic about what was said? We aren't the ones hiding it.
don't think he's gay although i wish he was...he's adorable.
Let me add my 2 cents to this lunacy.
"E-I" is pronounced (in German) "Eye"
"I-E" is pronounced "Eee"
"Weiner" is correctly pronounced "Whiner" not "Weener".
Anthony [now that's a nice Jewish handle, no?], how do you pronounce it: "E-I" - Eye OR "I-E" - Eee.
[Old MacDonald: E-I-E-I-O!]
Inteligence isnt everything. You shouldnt boast about being smart. God will take it away and make you a ignorant dummy.
I am plenty smart. I just didn't bother with school. I had to make money early on. I have no regrets. I have a good salary job and I have a nice apartment unlike alot of nieghbors I know.
This guy is among the biggest tools (no weiner joke intended) of left wing special interests. He will make Dinkins look conservative. He might be the only guy worse than Mark Green. I'd rather see Liu or Quinn in Gracie Mansion, for crying out loud.
he doesn't listen to his staff? why does he hire them then?
Another dictator. Giuliani, Bloomberg, Weiner.
Liman, now you go sit in the corner with the dunce hat on, face the wall, and do not turn around until we tell you to.
Liman: "This guy is among the biggest tools (no weiner [sic] joke intended)"
No, you mean to say "no weener" [i.e. wiener] jokes intended.
[And this little piggy - not Gallagher - said "wee, wee, wee" all the way home]
Maurice Chevalier: Oui, oui, mais oui!
Crapper: "I went to bed one night under Crowley and woke up in the morning under Weiner"
I refuse, although it is tempting, I refuse to make a comment on that. Nope, you can't get me to budge. Just let it pass as a mild indiscretion of our hero. [Sssh, you promised, now go away]
Anthony Weiner aka, schmeggie: (from German, meaning political piece of crap). Der Weiner is a pathological liar, only interested in promoting his career and to hell with everyone else. Will do and say anything to get a vote.
Some say he is the illegitimate son of Schmuck Schumer.
Others say he is actually Schumer's gallstone that he passed 43 years ago in the back of a cab while playing footsies with Abe Beame.
Not a good sight.
See y'all at "the baths"!
Don't knock it 'til ya tried it !
I tolerate a liberal variety
of loving, safe, non-injurious lifestyles.
And, come to think of it,
NYC's government
could use a good cleaning
(But please, no wash women in attendance.
Actually I think it's washer-women)....
eh Michael.....
couldn't we at least agree on that?
Come on Mike....lighten up.
How do you think we increase our ratings ?
That's right.....through some comic relief .
these issues get far too serious to take straight
(meaning UNDILUTED )
without an occasional chuckle or two.
My lack of god, George! Take it easy. He says it "weener" regardless of how it should be said. But the truth is, the man is both a weiner and a wiener. And now matter how you say it or spell it, he's a menace.
say what you will about him but there's one thing you got to admit. The guy is funny and cracks good jokes. He told some real doozies on NY1 last year. So even if he becomes mayor and does a lousy job at least he'll keep us in good spirits. Quinn wouldn't be bad at this either. She's got a nice smile, probably insincere, but still nice. (It's so rare to see people smiling these days. Usually they just walk about scowling and growling like they want to tear your head off or something.)
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