From the Times Ledger:
The Joza family and neighbors rally with state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside) to denounce a developer for putting up temporary scaffolding over the family garage without their permission. Avella said the family should be properly compensated for the use of their property and that the developer should have received permission before the encroachment. Ling Zhang, the superintendant for the job, said the scaffolding is required under the building code. The Joza family has hired a lawyer and is in the process of suing.
Yes, but maybe you should read the whole, actual story and not just a one sided press conference. Www.queenscourier.com/2012/line-in-the-sand-its-neighbor-cs-neighbor-in-property-war/
What's wrong with this picture? The owner should have called the police to report trespassers on their property when workers erected the structure (it's huge) over the garage. In fact the owners have a right to get a court order to remove it and receive compensation.
You think what's in the Courier is the whole, actual story? No wonder Queens looks the way it does. Gullible residents siding with developers... You need permission before you cross onto someone's property, period.
Uh..."photo op" Avella...
isn't this really a city issue?
What has the Senator accomplished upstate so far?
Another law breaking Oriental developer...why are we not surprised?
Are they all related to the "Taiwanese terror", Tommy Huang?
Call the police?
Hell no!
I'd be up there tearing down that scaffolding myself if it were my garage!
Then I'd let my dog chew on that contractor's leg if he dared to
enter upon my property.
Once again,
those Asiatics think that they are exempt from following the law.
Now let's not offend the Orientals.
They contribute heavily to Democratic candidates' campaigns.
Where's their NYC councilman?
Shouldn't the CM
be running "the show"?
"Escape From Albany".
Another day, another press conference
in the Big Apple.
Not to worry,
mamma Stavisky is minding the store.
Anoither failure of BS&A. It granted a 7 story condo to be built in a property partially in R2 zone, after the proposal was rejected by both the CB7 & the Borough President....and it has a religious facility on the 1st and 2nd floors too!
Avella has set a new record for holding the largest number of useless, self-serving, photo op press conferences. Even the press no longer shows up but phony Tony doesn't need them. His office just sends out its own press release, complete with photos of the non-event. It would be nice if he actually did something productive.
This Senator is so disingenuous with his photo-op press conferences. He gives these people the impression that he's doing something for them when, in actuality, they're doing something for him by making a nice back-drop for his pressers.
It's so sad to see a politician so transparently self-serving and opportunistic. What has he really done since he's been in Albany? What are his results?
Come election time he's going to drop stack of pictures that, at first glance appear to show him getting things done, but really were nothing more than photo-ops
Photo-ops raise awareness of the problem. Don't be hatin'
At least he's out there doing something.
Have you seen you Council Member lately.
I don't care if it's a photo op, Tony has my vote.
The cm is pro development no matter who it impacts why would he do anything?
Avella has tallied up a lion's share of photo ops, since he first began his political career with the NYC Community Assistance(Affairs) Unit.
So why do all of the nabes he's "represented" over the years still still behind the 8 ball?
A vote for Avella,
is a vote for more press conferences.
Getting everybody's "attention"
is a far cry from achieving change.
Face it folks,
Tony has no real power to change much for the better.
Promises, promises!
If I had a nickel
for every one that was delivered upon,
I could retire early.
How to suck-ceed in politics
without really doing very much:
The medicine show's come
to your neck-o-the-woods.
Snake oil anyone?
Doing something?
If you believe that,
then you're "doing" yourself.
Where are Avella's success stories...
buried in that College Point toxic ball field?
This is a republic and a voter should, indeed, be free to vote his conscience.
It is incumbent
upon all of us, however,
to vote wisely.
The cure for cancerous mal-development and over-development will not be found up in Albany.
Those provincial apple bonkers
hate NYC.
Senator Avella first began offering miracle cures to the desperate while he occupied a seat on the New York City Council.
Some of those neighborhoods
he did his hawking in,
have since seen their further demise.
If your city councilman can't
(or refuses to) cure your malady, then what can a state Senator do for you?
Further proof needed?
Look at the Stavisky track record...zilch!
It's all about warming a seat and collecting a pension.
What else are these pols suited for but a career in huckstering?
Yo...20 comments so far...
almost as many press conferences as "Phony" Avella holds in 4 months.
of course its asians.
Yo...20 comments so far...
almost as many press conferences as "Phony" Avella holds in 4 months.
Yeah? What's your claim to fame? Sitting on your thumbs and posting anonymous comments on blogsites doesn't count---and I strongly suspect that you can't reach 10 without using your fingers. And what's really disturbing is the thought that you still suck your thumbs!!!
What's my claim to fame, you ask?
I'm a truth-speaking citizen
and somewhat of a political critic
in this particular case.
I certainly don't claim to be an elected official.
That job would require
that I accomplish something good
for my constituents...not just talk up a good game.
How many laws has Avella gotten passed during his two careers as a lawmaker?
We can't hear you.
While we're at it...
what else do you do besides go on line to make excuses for Avella's failures.
What has Dan Halloran accomplished for his constituents? How about Toby Stavisky? Grace Meng? Liz Crowley?
What's my claim to fame, you ask?
I'm a truth-speaking citizen
and somewhat of a political critic
in this particular case.
I certainly don't claim to be an elected official.
That job would require
that I accomplish something good
for my constituents...not just talk up a good game.
You sound like an idiot, just like most of the trolls who post here.
The subject is Avella.
Halloran, Stavisky, Meng and Liz Crowley all bite the big one too,
when it comes to doing nothing
(or very little) for their constituents.
Maybe we voters have to wise up
a little more before we vote.
A informed voter is an insincere or lazy politician's worst enemy!
Not a total "idiot", though...
my comments are based on Avella's record.
Enlighten yourself
and check it out for yourself.
A little reminder:
Avella once worked for the Staviskys...a good friend of the clubhouse.
Now if Tony only learned
not to make political enemies
of practically everyone,
he might be able to accomplish something big.
Politics, after all,
is the art of the possible.
it's better to make a few friends
rather than a lot of waves.
When an imbecile
calls someone else an idiot,
he's clearly run out of logical thoughts to present.
I'm not exactly a "troll"...
having actually voted for Avella
3 times...but I'm obviously
highly disappointed.
If instead of bashing Tony Avella, with all these comments
That are so useless, you should all get together and
Make productive comments to support and help the
community so the people that should really be involved, like their councilman, in fixing these problems, wake up and go to work. The issue here started about these developers destroying our beautiful neighborhood, to build these monstrous buildings in any space they can find completely disregarding and disrespecting the lives of the people that have been there for years. Is not about Avella.
At least Tony Avella is making noise, the Joza family called for help from day one, to everybody that could possibly do something but nobody did anything to stop this invasion from happening. Anybody can see this building is out of character with this neighborhood, it doesn't belong there. It's a crime, and nobody cares, is all about money, right mr. bloomberg?
This is really a sad thing that is happening in our neighborhoods, and nothing against Asians but yes, they are operating like they are in their country. They are taking over, soon we all are going to have to learn their language.
Why are they being permitted to do as they please!
They build in any little whole they can find, some of these buildings are so anorexic looking, it's funny.
They get permits approved for everything, their business signs are on their language! Inside their business they only speak their language, you ask for something, they just look at you, is like if they don't need your money. I have to shop far from home to feel like I live in NYC. not to mention that I am very concerned about their products being safe. And driving!! No you don't want to drive near one of them. What is wrong with America! WAKE UP everybody!, let's take our land back!
This for the comment that sends you to read the actual real story? At the queens courier?Talking about taking sides! You must be Asian!
There is only one story here! This building is too close to this house! Period. It should have never been allowed to be built there. It is a residential neighborhood! with beautiful colonial homes that are disappearing because of these unscrupulous,insensitive developers. How would you like to have that thing on top of your property! Or next to you! That is why you have a choice to live in a building that are plenty of, or live in a house! I read about this Chang's quoting that "this is good for the neighborhood". How can this be good for a quiet nice neighborhood that has everything I mean everything close by!, how can you say that when just by looking at this building so out of place is so disturbing. Go back and build where you came from!
Of course that is impossible. You have no more space.
Yeah - Avella's done nothing since being elected to the City Council in 2001...NOT!
The previous Councilmember, Mike Abel, was a nice-enough guy, but he didn't do a hell of a lot during his decade in office.
The current Councilmember, Dan Halloran, is a train wreck that should be removed from office immediately.
Short list of Avella's acoomplishments off the top of my head:
- Rezoned his entire Council District - tens of thousands of properties - to curb overdevelopment and also helped create the R2A and R1-2A anti-McMansion zones
- Got Douglaston Hill landmarked (and, yes, Padavan gets a co-assist as well)
- Wrote and passed the first reforms to Community Facilities in over 40 years, including restrictions on houses of worship that the f--king Mormons are now trying to overturn
Since elected to the State Senate, defeating a 38-year incumbent (Padavan) who, though he had a great record on constituent services for his district, was increasingly out of touch with the actual people of his district:
- Uncovered the giveaway of State-owned land at Creedmoor and got the Attorney General and Inspector General's offices to investigate - and yes, they are getting close to indictments
- Is almost single-handedly leading the charge to stop hydrofracking for gas exploration in New York State as the ranking Democrat on the Senate Environmental Committee.
- got involved in the 10,000+ property rezoning of Bellerose / New Hyde Park after Mark Weprin refused to listen to the concerns of his constituents (the districts overlap)
If that's the kind of game-changing things that get accomplished when Avella is in office, then he can have as many photo-ops as he wants, particularly when it's bringing attention to shitty development happening in our neighborhoods.
And for your information, troll, Avella ends up getting involved because the local elected officials don't. That's why they don't get along with him - he exposes them for the lazy/corrupt/criminal actors that they are.
FACT: Tony Avella got that lot in Whitestone cleaned up a full 2 months before Dan Halloran claimed he did. And the fence was not up for 8 years as Halloran claimed, more like 3, which is his entire tenure as council member.
How about that?
Tony Avella also doesn't drink to excess like a certain council member does. In fact, he doesn't drink at all.
I've also never heard rumors about Tony Avella hiring a mistress as a legislative assistant. Can't say the same about some others.
Is Tony Avella's house in foreclosure like Halloran's? Has he stretched the truth on DOB applications to build bigger than what's allowed under the zoning? No, I think that's another politician.
Is Tony Avella the one that's tossing Joe Franco's salad or is that Halloran? How about the Marino variance? And the owner of the garbage dump-turned-wildflower garden on 24th Rd went to which one to beg for help?
Aren't we getting
a little away from ourselves?
Look to yourself as a voter,
before you blame anyone for anything.
Will the choice that you make
put the right candidate into office?
Answer that question first.
Only that poor homeowner's lawyer
can put a stop to what's happened.
Trespassing on their property
is strictly a legal issue.
That poor homeowner shouldn't have to pay for a lawyer to defend them from something they didn't Do! Why should they ! The crime was committed against them and their property and these Criminals including the DOB and BSA (for giving them permits before investigating if the site is ok) not only trespassed onto their property they have caused so much damages to their home and their lives. Do you know what it is to live with that for over 5 years! Everyday! Can't imagine unless it happens to you. it's absolutely an aberration what they have done to this family.
The community should raise up as a whole and fight together against these crimes that are being committed to our neighborhoods, the community board members and politicians are doing NOTHING to protect our rights so maybe we should take matters into our hands like ages ago!
There must be something we all can do to help this
Family, speak up and let them know we don't like what we see happening to our neighbors, demand justice.
It could happen to you.
I've also never heard rumors about Tony Avella hiring a mistress as a legislative assistant. Can't say the same about some others.
all i gots to say is mapes baby mapes
look at who the current councilman is hang with at his old job/bar
nice company
Bell blvd is about to be renamed Halloran blvd
FACT: Tony Avella got that lot in Whitestone cleaned up a full 2 months before Dan Halloran claimed he did. And the fence was not up for 8 years as Halloran claimed, more like 3, which is his entire tenure as council member.
How about that?
thats it crappy seems like dan likes to take credit for a lot of things he and his cronies dont do in the hood
Again, Senator Tony Avella has my vote. He can have as many photo ops as he wants.At least he's out there working.When was the last time you saw your NYC Council Member.
I'm sure you ain't no daisy...
life ain't perfect!
If the cops aren't there in time to safeguard your family, then what choice do you have left but to do it yourself?
If DOB and all the city idiots won't protect your property rights then you have little choice but to hire a lawyer.
So he gets 1/3 (or more) of the settlement, but you still wind up ahead.
Yeah, it all stinks, but it has to be done.
I had to add a rider to my homeowner's insurance to cover any damages that might occur while a construction project was going on next door to me.
That way the insurance company's lawyers deal with the developer.
That was the quickest cheapest way to prevent any disaster from occurring.
I fully agree with you that NYC's various agencies should be doing the job and they damn well aren't!
I often spot my city councilman
along Bell Blvd. Cheers, Danny!
Once he was buying beer
at at Marino Bros. market.
Let's throw another "kegger"
me bhoys"!
Photo ops are the life's blood
of any politician....period!
I don't particularly fault them
for holding press conferences.
I do, however, fault voters
for making their choices
based upon what's said by the pols
during these sessions.
Don't judge the book by its cover.
Polished scripts and good lighting
make anybody look better.
"My lawyer can beat up your lawyer"!
Unfortunately,really is.
Equal justice under the law applies only to those who can afford to pay for it.
That's what I'd have inscribed over the portico on the Supreme Court building in DC, instead of the phony babble that's currently there.
It's funny how a lot of Asian developers (like this one) seem to be walking around with a "get out of jail free" card given to them by NYC's crooked politicians.
Is that because a lot of Asian political campaign contributions
have wound up in these politicians' pockets?
At least Senator Avella
is out there working?
We don't dispute that.
But he's also out there working
to get re-elected.
Remember that job #1 of any politician is to get elected and then re-elected.
The constituent's needs come in 2nd.
Community involvement INSURES
that the delivery of constituent services don't wind up on the slow track.
Someone on this topic really seems to have an axe to grind with Avella.
Name one other elected official in the borough who does anything close to the community or civic-based initiatives or press conferences that Avella has done, even when they are unpopular or unknown...without the community or civics forcing them to do it, or that the elected official jumps in when the issue is sexy or already almost resolved.
Dizzy "Blowjob" Lizzy? Hollerin' "White House" Halloran? Leroy "I Hate Preservation" Comrie? Peter Vallone "Hair Club for Men" Junior? Karen "Permanent CM" Koslowitz? Jim "Cultist" Gennaro"?
That's all I ask.
I agree with you, can't even think of one name!
That is why Tony Avella has to go out of his district sometimes to try to help with other community problems. Where are the others? Like people from CB 7? What are they doing? Like Marilyn Bitterman or
Tyler Cassell? Is he still active? Yeah, Just looking pretty in his pathetic suits like he is someone important. Does anybody knows what has he done for the community when he is called? 0
Tony Avella should be reelected. At least is trying to do something by making some noise, people do see him around trying to help.
Does Avella have some special assistant who jumps to his aid on line?
Avella ran this press conference.
Now let's see how effective it will turn out to be.
It seems that the homeowner's lawyer will be the one that effectively deals with this rotten situation.
It also seems someone out there is extremely thin skinned regarding criticism leveled at the senator.
If this were a Halloran, Liu, Stavisky, Ackerman or Bloomberg press conference, there would also be plenty of criticism that followed.
I think that mysterious critic is criticizing this particular politician's lack of effectiveness in certain matters.
The only axe being ground is against ineffective politicians.
If the shoe happens to fit Avella, then so be it.
There's a lot of overcompensating and electioneering going on here.
Pay attention to our upcoming national election as well please...
instead of just focusing on this
particular New York State senator's.
This is really outrageous what the city is doing, allowing these ruthless asian developers to destroy our system and our ways of living in USA! I see the change! these used to be so beautiful neighborhoods and are being transformed into these piles of ugly buildings filled with these ugly signs that nobody understand but them, full of neon signs blinking all nite like if we were in Vegas or times square! If I want to see that I will go there. I wouldn't want to have it next to my home.
MAYOR BLOOMBERG? and GOV. CUOMO? would you allow what you are doing to Flushing, Queens, right next to Gracie mansion? Or your home? Better yet would you allow to transform Madison or Park avenue, like downtown flushing is. I don't think so!!!
You think you are above all of us, letting our once beautiful neighborhood get trashed this way. You should come more often here and smell our streets, I think you want to get rid of your NYC Chinatown and move them all here to flushing, don't worry it won't happen. They are stronger than you, we will have NYC with Chinatowns in all boroughs. They already there! Soon they will have their own state.
They are so rude! No respect or consideration to anybody.
This Ling Zhang where did he get his license? Or how much did he paid to get what he wants, For what I read he can't even speak English well. Where did he get the ok to trespassing the way he did on this family's home.
I took a look at this mistake, and he doesn't even know how to measure, to say that the building is four to seven feet from their property line! He is right on the property line! He is on top of them I tell you he doesn't understand english, how he can operate a business, very easy money and sign language.
And as for the representative's quote from the DOB? he must be another crook taking bribes from Zhang to say that and offer no explanation on WHEN an audit on that site MUST BE DONE What are they waiting for? Well, the city officials, for a new project's money and the developers, to finish this one up and go to the next neighborhood to cause the same disaster.
It is really appalling what they done to the Joza family, and the worse is that they have to paid legal help to protect themselves from this crime, that they didn't commit. Where are their rights? They pay their taxes, like you and I and deserve to have some respect.
I hope this get read by many and write their opinions too so Mr bloomberg doesn't think I am alone on this...
Enough of both
the Avella bashing and ass kissing.
Damn it...
no politician is an avatar!
You've got to
always keep an eye on them.
And if you don't have a reliable representative in your district, then you need to fire that representative at the polls.
Hoping that someone outside of your district can help you very much is living in denial.
are you children or grownups?
Take some responsibility!
Yes there would have been negative comments no matter who the pol. But 60 on just this post? Avella is the closest thing we have to a friend in politics. Knock it off.
Hey Guy
I agree with you..
I would like to see what Avella does for this family. This would shut up a lot of these negative comments about him..
Good luck!
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