There's a time and a place for everything — even farebeating, in one City Councilman’s opinion.
Councilman Robert Jackson said he told his wife to duck under the turnstiles at the 181st St. station on the A line, which had a broken MetroCard machine, rather than walk to a staffed entrance at 184th St.
“I told her to go under,” Jackson said. “I would have gone under.
“Whoever goes to buy a MetroCard should be entitled to a free ride if the machines aren’t working, if there’s no token booth clerk there,” he added.
The MTA swiped back.
“Farebeating is a crime,” MTA spokesman Adam Lisberg said. “It’s wrong. It’s illegal, and it deprives the MTA of the money it needs to carry you on the subway.”
Our elected officials, ladies and gentlemen!
WORSE with the LIRR.
No ticket agents outsid epenn station and Half the cash ticket cash machines are 15_ years old and always broken to take cash.
When they do work they a run Windows NT4 OS with a slow Pentium II processor
If you don't have a metro-card and pay on the train they slam you the full 5-11 zone fare $3 even if your going 1 stop
I had an incident with the LIRR many years ago. It was one of the last trains to the city. No ticket office, no machines to buy a ticket. I was ready to buy a ticket but the LIRR made it impossible for me to buy a ticket. Why was that my fault?
The LIRR wants to force people on to metro cards so they don’t have to service the aging cash machines or pay manned ticket agents
People been buying extra tickets however now only good for 14 days and subject to a $10 refund fee. (A fee costing 2X most fares)
The MTA has written it own rules to keep customers money and both the mayor, govoner and attorney general is doing nothing about it.
Another words "like it or drop dead Long Islanders"
The MTA is a bunch of mobbed up criminals and felons from Island countrys IMO.
BTW these "new and improved" Canadian and Japanese trains are already falling apart.
It feels like you rolling on rocks, banging, squeaking and all sorts of nasty noises. (serious flatwheel and suspension issues)) The MTA is not maintaining them so a very nasty accident in a tunnal or elevated track is waiting to happen.
If you go to the Coney Island or 34th service yards you find its 95% Caribbean people with zero or useless 5-10 year banana republic educations doing most the machining and mechanical union work.
Many of them drop shaftes & wheels on there feet then sit the rest of their lives at home on disabiliety.
Like that useless Jamaican who lives in the 6 family welfare flat on Seneca & Stephen st (Ridgewood). He reeks of pot as he walks to the bodega every 2 hours for a jerky & cold 64oz beer all summer long with my tax dollars.
I refused to pay the full 5 zone $12 fare to Manhattan +$3 service fee on the train.
I was going Manhasset to Little Neck on the PW line (2 stops)
I actually told the ticket taker
"Im not paying $15 for a $2.75 fare, Ill get off right now.
"You greedy corrupt employer the MTA needs to fix there equipment and clean up its own house"
--Go-ahead stop the train, lock the doors, call your conductor call the cops. All im paying is the $2.75 fair your always "out of service" ticket machine prevented me, now take it or leave it, I will de-board next stop and take a cab. If you lay one hand on me I'll throw you through that window.
People were clapping it was quite a scene, The conductor came over the speaker and said "just let him off" next stop Great Neck. I walked the rest my way in 12 minutes.
Why doesn't the police enforce farebeating on the busses? Think of all the miscreants with open warrants,carrying firearms,knives,etc!?!?!?!?!? You Listening Mr. Vallone
Why doesn't the police enforce fare-beating on the buses?
Perhaps because most if happens in Queens and is committed by immigrants of color. Too it would send crime-stat numbers soaring and upset the mayor.
Now add the fact if its still a crime. This is thanks to the mayors lapdog at the helm living the life of Riley in his Battery Place penthouse and personal park.
Enforcement - no free rides. MTA must get it's act together - they are losing tons of money due to their stupidity.
Cut service to the lines with the most fare evasion..............
1. This is one time I agree with a politician. If there is no staff and the metrocard machine is broken, you should be able to enter for free.
2. Joe, what are you talking about with the LIRR? First off, they do not take metrocards. Secondly, the fare on the train is the normal fare plus $5, rounded up to the nearest dollar. If you buy a ticket that is normally $3.50 on the train, they will charge you $3.50 + $5 = $8.50 rounded up to $9. I am a daily commuter on the PW line and if you tell the collector the machine is broken, they will not charge the step up providing there is another passenger - not sitting with you - who confirms. I see it ALL the time. Joe be careful about threatening MTA employees, you're super lucky they didn't have you arrested for menacing. Also Joe, Manhasset has a bunch of ticket machines and has for years, so I'm unclear as to why you were unable to procure a ticket.
Quote: I am a daily commuter on the PW line
I smell a Wall street know it all with a monthly.
--Likely in a house mortgaged with my once high interest CD dollars & T Bills.
I ride at night weekends after 7:42 PM westbound, all the other passengers at this time are teenagers using mommy and daddy's monthly passes and credit cards to hit the clubs in the city and Bell Blvd. THERE IS NO one else using cash to confirm the machine isn't working.
The LIRRs ancient cash machine rarely works, the 2nd ancient credit card machines is WORSE. That ancient piece of junk from when the stations on the PW line were re-built in 1995 are broke or have been tampered to jam and eat cards.
The crooks from the city then have the cards retrieved before you can even get up to ground level a find a cellphone signal to call the card or the cops.
I refuse to put my credit card in any of these old machines, all the crooks know how to hack them. Anybody who uses a quiet platform MTA ticket machine that takes plastic is is a fool.
The MTA-LIRR has gotten SO SLOPPY with it maintenance the data ports, power cables, CAT5 cables are assessable on some of these machines.
When the cash machine is out of service the lazy "b" grade rookie ticket takers working weekends/night trains **make you pay all the fees** and tell you to apply for a refund.
You then must provide the number of the broken ticket machine, the time, the train number to apply for a 5-8 dollar "service & surcharge" refund that's subject to a $10 processing fee.
I know somebody who sent in a $8.20 refund and received a bill from the MTA owing them $2.20 !!
I kid you not ! LIRR $10 processing fee for all refunds, no exceptions !!!!
Crappy I can send you a scan of a recent unused ticket.
The MTA-LIRR has been run a muck slobs operating unchecked for far too long.
""Manhasset has a bunch of ticket machines""
Were 6 but NOT ANY MORE --Manhasset, Plandome 1 for cash 1 for plastic center platform
The machines inside the lobby are gone replaced with a schedule rack and rented space for Paki's to sell candy, ciggs & print paraphernalia.
The ticket machines upstairs have been replaced with a Bank ATM machine outside by the cabbies.
Little Neck, Douglaston also now have only 2 ticket machines at the very ends of the platforms by the cabbies--also often broken.
--I know I actually use these stations
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