Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials told the NYPD and other local police departments in New York that the controversial Secure Communities program will be activated Tuesday across the state.
The program is already running — feeding fingerprint information from local police to Homeland Security through the FBI — in Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk counties.
Last June, Cuomo unsuccessfully tried to pull New York from the program, which the feds initially characterized as voluntary.
Homeland Security officials now say it is mandatory.
ICE calls Secure Communities their “single most valuable tool” to find and deport dangerous criminals.
Are illegal aliens exempt?
There go a lot of votes
for a lot of Democratic candidates!
Floo-shing might wind up losing
about a third of its Asiatic population.
That'll even hurt the Nussbaum/Shenkler..."massagee, massagee, massage" business!
It's about time.
America for Americans!
Where are all those short
brown folks in Corona going to run to
for cover?
No community is ever really secure with all the crooked politicians we have in Queens.
Where are all those short
brown folks in Corona going to run to
for cover?
The hard part is finding these Eastern European crime bosses and their cohorts. They blend in fairly well from afar. We can send them right back to rock country where they belong.
About time. This is long overdue. The Feds finally grew a pair.
ICE calls Secure Communities their “single most valuable tool” to find and deport dangerous criminals.
Fear not fellow "people of color"!
I'm only doing this because it's an election year, and I have to make sure I look good so that I defeat Mittens Romney in the election.
As soon as I win, it's back to business as usual - day laborers on the streets cat calling women and "undocumented guest workers" driving drunk and without insurance!
Remember "undocumented guest workers" - voter early, and vote often for ME - Barack O'Blarney!
"No-Bama" for president!
But who in their right mind wants a Mormon high school bully for president either?
I think I'll sit one out
and think about a move to Canada.
Very true!
It's an election year,
and Mr. President suddenly decides it's OK for gays to marry and for America to have more secure borders.
He certainly did a lot of "evolving" since his political handlers last had a beer with him.
Political rule #1.
Promise the dummies anything they want to hear from you.
Political rule #2.
After you've won the election you can break faith with them.
It's a great new world order
that we're living in.
It looks like there are a rabid bunch of Republican haters
who really resent having a black man in the White House.
Let's see what kind of job
a "white-bead" (Utah controlled) reactionary can do for the country.
It looks like there are a rabid bunch of Republican haters
who really resent having a black man in the White House.
Is that you Rev. Jeremiah Wright?
Posting messages on Queens Crap?
I wonder if the 2 Mikes (Schenk n' Nuss) attended Donald Manes' orgies back in the day. (Read "City For Sale" to get the skinny on it all).
They're the right age
and were his among his closest pals.
Good grief...
can you imagine Ackerman, Nussbaum, Schenkler...Stanley Friedman and the PVB scandal boys, etc. with their clothes off in some Taiwanese brothel?
And what was that "delegation" from community board 7 doing in Taipei?
Oh...was it just an information gathering junket...or "tune-up" time for Chuck and company...
with a touch of money laundering on the side?
And you want to know why Flushing smells like shit?
Dirty politics always stinks!
a bunch of lies. they are letting illegal aliens work under fake social security numbers and hand them rewards for overpopulating Queens.
why is there so much sympathy for illegal aliens and nothing for American citizens who vote and pay taxes?
Rev. Wright?
Now we know that doofy Dan Republic-can't Halloran paused from guzzling to post on his blackberry.
Or is his COS Chrissy, "doing" it for him?
Happy MF day Mr. Hollerin' !
And an
"Erin go bragh" to you Danny boy's followers and fellow drunkards.
Talk about Blarney.
This is good. We Don't hate the blackman in office,we hate the incmpetent man in office.......
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