From the Times Ledger:
[Assembly Member Rory] Lancman...stood with civic leaders in Bowne Park Friday to discuss the proposed Homes and Essential Landmarks Preservation Act aimed at combatting overdevelopment at the federal level, which Lancman would look to enact if he wins the Congressional election.
The HELP Act would limit tax deductions for property owners not in compliance with zoning laws, promote tax credits for properties listed in the National Historic Register, fund the city and state’s zoning enforcement, and clarify the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act to ensure religious institutions do not ignore zoning regulations.
“Overdevelopment destroys the character of our communities,” Lancman said. “The HELP Act is a federal solution to the proliferation of McMansions, improperly zoned offices, inappropriate commercial development and overly large community facilities where single-family homes and small businesses once stood, and the desecration of historic sites and neighborhoods by developers who put profits ahead of the interest of residents.”
Should close the door on Halloran and the republicans who are very pro overdevelopment.
did they forget taking my shoes ,if not properly polished ?
the federal government's primary job is to protect your family from a foreign invasion.
these proposal's are city and state duties.(see States Rights).
That's a really big promise
which I sincerely hope he can deliver upon.
In the meantime,
I'm reminded of an old slogan...
"Promise her anything,
but give her Arpege".
he's politician on the campaign trail telling the gathered group
exactly what they want to hear.
when daddy gets his unemployment check can we go to Disney World"?
My vote's for Rory.
But can over development be stopped on the federal level?
Lancman had better go to David's sling maker for a super-shooter.
There are many Goliaths out there.
Anon No. 3:
But if the state and city are unwilling to do something about it?
Creating a federal tax deduction for those who live in a nat'l. historic district? Sounds cool to me. In light of how LAME the City is on creating landmark districts in Queens, it's good to see Lancman's willing to try something on a federal level.
Should close the door on Halloran and the republicans who are very pro overdevelopment.
The Democrats are not? Whats in your pipe?
historic preservation in New York City (especially Queens)
is an extremely low priority matter in Washington D.C.
Residential tax credits are a good idea for National Register properties, however.
But I doubt that a Republican Congress would be willing to
give anyone a tax break except their good friends in the
multi-national corporations.
Good luck Lancman.
In the mean time,
preservationists would be well advised not to hold their breath.
...while the above may be true, it does give you a sense of where Lancman's coming from and how he's the only candidate with integrity and a feeling for the community issues at stake.
the queens democrat machine is not your ONLY option for a congressional representative.
Cm. Halloran has patriot credibility. TAX ENOUGH ALREADY patriots will support him to do the RIGHT thing.
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