From Eyewitness News/AP:
NEW YORK -- It now appears Long Island Rail Road trains won't be stopping at Grand Central Terminal until 2019.
That's the word Tuesday from Joseph Lhota, the chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Lhota made the revelation at a meeting of business leaders on Long Island.
The MTA is building a new tunnel under the East River to allow LIRR trains access to Grand Central. Now, all LIRR trains go to Penn Station, on Manhattan's west side.
Lhota says there have been problems tunneling underneath a rail yard in Queens. The MTA has brought in experts from Europe to help with developing a plan going forward.
The project has been delayed several times. Earlier estimates were for it to be completed by 2015.
Get the 2nd ave subway and more SBS/BRT lines operating first............it can wait.
Isnt the MTA required to bring in "Experts" BEFORE they hand out blueprints and start tunneling under buildings, rivers, trainyards underground springs ?
Sounds like the "big dig" disaster up in Boston and Im SURE the WHOLE story of this F_up is being held from the public.
Some of these hacks and "son in law's" should be investigated, fined and FIRED !
Maloney always brags how much money she brings to Queens outside of a few photo-ops for news - its all capital projects to benefit others.
Far different in Manhattan.
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