[Congressional candidate Bob] Turner blasted [Marty] Markowitz for giving Turner's Democratic opponent -- Queens Assemblyman David Weprin -- the chance to address thousands of spectators before the Aretha Franklin concert in Coney Island last night and denying Turner equal time.
"This is 100 percent electioneering with the taxpayer money," fumed Turner spokesman Bill O'Reilly.
Markowitz admitted that he extended a stage invitation to Weprin -- whose Assembly seat does not cover any part of Brooklyn -- because the assemblyman's a congressional candidate.
But Markowitz said last night he's willing to allow Turner to address spectators at one of the two remaining summer concerts, either next Thursday or Aug. 18.
They all do it. Nothing new here.
They also keep on doing us (in the tookas)!
Nothing there new either!
If I were Turner I would raise total hell over this crap.
I'd refer this to the Conflict of Interest committee that just nailed Markowitz for his wife's travel expenses and using his chief of staff for a real estate closing.
Maybe Three strikes and you're out!
Also, on the 11th El Gran Combo is playing and on the 18th Cheap Trick. Not even close to the draw of Aretha.
@BobTurner9th offers $1K reward to anyone who can "make sense" of #Weprin's comments on cutting $$ to Palestine #NY9
Figures, these politicians just love freeloading off these stages & 50,000 watt sound systems when they can grab the mics and grandstand.
I'm surprised Aretha Franklyn didn't pull a "Pete Townshend" kept quiet and let this crap go down. This stuff is usually banned on her concert riders (contracts)
We were supposed to play "a benefit" in Memorial field in Whitestone tomorrow.
That was till the organizers from the Dept of Sanitation and parks (mostly local Whitestone Irishman) once again had plans to turn it into turned it into a political booster for John Liu and his buddies.
I pulled both the band and our sound system out when I got wind of it.
I'm sure they found some sucker band or anybody with a sound system and mics.
We were supposed to play "a benefit" in Memorial field in Whitestone tomorrow.
That was till the organizers from the Dept of Sanitation and parks (mostly local Whitestone Irishman) once again had plans to turn it into turned it into a political booster for John Liu and his buddies.
I pulled both the band and our sound system out when I got wind of it.
I'm sure they found some sucker band or anybody with a sound system and mics.
Lets set something up at Francis Lewis Park. Maybe soemtime in Sept.
i wonder if J.liu told the crowd that he voted to raise your property taxes 20.8 % since 2002, while he was CM from Flushing ?
never forget the tax and spenders in government.
"Set something up at Francis Lewis Park"
Fat chance (I'm likely the wrong skin and eye color) and 2 you cant get a permit for "amplified sound equipment" without a politician pulling strings via a middle man who usually works that park(so they can pretend)
In return you have to set up "extra microphones" before the city IA electrician even turns your power on. If you don't let the Pol bastards (sometimes 3 or 4 of them at a time) or you get a noise ticket, electric or safety problem or shut down.
I wont play ball or be blackmailed by these special interest phoney bastards that be.
Long gone are the days of playing Led Zeppelin and other classics in Juniper Vally or Forest park. People never fought cleaned up the city even supplied trash cans
(That was till some hotshot new Captain at the 104 decided to cut power and shut down a peaceful non destructive concert in Forest park bandshell peak mid set resulting in a nasty 6000 person riot with four B-55 city buses completely destroyed)
Jones Beach State Park just had a "Latin Night" with a DJ at the Jones beach boardwalk band shell.
By 8 PM 1/2 the people were piss drunk, fighting, 5 rapes, busting car windows, one gang ridden war zone. 1/2 of Nassau county's police department was called to the scene complete with snipers on the bathroom roofs.
Not a PEEP in the news !!!
Now get this !!!
Cuomo II and Albany's state parks and recreation solution was to pulled ALL funding for live bands (playing Beatles and clean family music) yet kept funding for "Multicultural entertainment" like Latin Night DJ and all the animals it attracts on salary.
Your State tax $$ at work
The democRATS are reeeeeeel a-scared............
I didn't do nuthin'!
What's that? Markowitz and not Markell. Oops, Never mind...
Better watch out! Markell is well connected...her lips are solidly attached to Claire, Moby, and Helen's butts. If Debbie's nose was any browner, she'd make Snooki jealous!
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