Fifteen miles off the coast in the Rockaways in Queens, state and city officials once planned to dot the skyline with wind turbines.
First announced in 2008 and endorsed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the massive offshore wind farm was set to start spinning by 2015. Currently, it is sputtering.
Jonathan Foster, the vice chairman of the New York Power Authority, whose chief executive officer just resigned, said the project is not at the top of the agency's priority list.
"At this point, with our leadership somewhat in flux and having also announced two other major projects, the Hudson Transmission Project and also Recharge New York, we've got a full plate," said Foster.
It has been more than a year since the Power Authority got approval to apply for a federal lease on the ocean floor, but they have yet to apply.
The authority also just withdrew a key application with the state's independent power operator.
i recently read reports that the wind farms were killing the eagle population.
drill baby drill and dig that coal .....
Anon No. 1:
That's funny. I was recently reading articles about all of the ecological damage done by people drill baby drilling...
an analysis of "GREEN" energy costs done by the heritage foundation states that coal energy costs $78.10 vs.on shore windmills $149. and off shore windmills$191.
(based on 2016 prices in 2008 dollars per mega watt)
it claims that obama's own energy information adm. on wind and solar power are lies.
see:american thinker,"the epa'sclimate change tyranny"
Funded by the petroleum interests?
if "GREEN" energy is going to cost me double or triple, i do not care who is exposing these facts. DO YOU ?
If the people who pay for it stand to profit by knocking off the competition, yes.
Does the phrase "Conflict of Interest" ring a bell?
is it possible that these "GREEN ENERGY "profiteers are george soros, al gore and bill clinton ?
No. Is it possible that the petroleum profiteers are the Koch Brothers?
you did not answer the question.
do you prefer spending three times the cost of coal and oil energy for your leader's FAKE GREEN ENERGY ?
Who says that what you're saying is the truth?
Who says that green energy is fake?
You keep quoting people with a certain political bent. What do people without political biases say?
Answer those questions and I'll answer yours.
a "normal "citizen would buy the gallon of milk for $3.30, rather than the one for $5.00.
but the "GREEN EARTH DAY SOCIALISTS " are not "normal".
A "normal "citizen" (you forgot the other quotation mark, Gramps) definitely wants to spend less for a gallon of milk. I hate to spend that much.
But that comment of yours proves nothing.
A normal "citizen" (like myself) also wants his children to have air they can breathe and live in a GREEN environment as they grow older and, hopefully, become parents themselves. That's why I want to see new safe sources of energy to continue to be develop and why I don't want to see the petroleum interests do more damage by their drill, baby, drilling. Apparently, you don't care.
Anon No. 13: Who said you were normal?
"once a shining light for solar power SOLYNDRA goes bust" ,8/31/11, wsj.com they will lay off 1100 employees.in 2009, the obama adm.approved a $535 milliion federal loan as part of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (STIMULUS).the total loss to the investors will be about $1 BILLION.
they follow evergreen solar,(MA.) and specrawatt solar (NY), into recent bankruptcy.
the cost of thermal solar per/mega/watt/hour is $256.60 and photo-voltaic solar is $396.10.
coal is $78.10 ??????????
american thinker,11/7/2010,chuck roger
from heritage foundation analysis of Obama's e.i.a. on FAKE GREEN POWER.
obama stated that our energy costs would rise,but double and triple is unacceptable to my family.
socialist failure is a fact.
The Petroleum Interests have failed and they're trying to tear down the competition.
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