John Choe would rather not talk about North Korea.
“This issue is of very little relevance to District 20,” said Choe, responding to claims made last week by District Leader Julia Harrison, who said her sources were wary of Choe’s alleged connections to North Korea.
Choe did agree to a lengthy interview to dispel the rumors and past allegations that his role in founding a group called Nodutdol somehow branded him unpatriotic or worse. He made no secret of his advocacy for peace on the Korean peninsula and explained his positions on the issues that have gotten North Korea in headlines around the world.
Nodutdol sponsors trips by American Koreans to visit the country and the blog posts they write are overwhelmingly positive, describing the new found pride they feel in their heritage and the warm welcome they received. Nodutdol has been criticized for not presenting the negatives of North Korea, but Choe says that is not the purpose of the group. Instead, the group wants to foster cultural exchange and understanding, traits that Choe considers prerequisites for peace.
Choe said North Korea, like every nation, is entitled to test rockets for civilian purposes. When asked if he believe the rockets recently tested are for satellites or weapons, he said is not aware of any evidence one way or the other.
In regards to human rights violations, Choe criticized the former military government of South Korea, especially their National Security Law, which he said led to the “restricted free speech and freedom of conscience, [and] allowed the authorities to detain, torture and sometimes kill their political opponents whether they were professors, poetry, labor activists.”
“If a similar system is in place in North Korea, I would also oppose it,” said Choe.
This guy is really a big dope, and simply abuses the English language through obfuscation and word semantics.
“If a similar system is in place in North Korea, I would also oppose it,” said Choe.
Good God, George Orwell is rolling in his grave! I suppose Choe would then further say some nonsense like: "But I have yet to see substantial evidence that this is occuring in the North." What a jackass!
This guy is sticking his middle finger and spitting on the graves of men from 17 countries who fought under a United Nations resolution against the North and the Chinese.
Who's his opponent? I think I'll donate some $$$ to him, this guy needs his ass kicked!
F*ck Choe.. or anyone associated with John Liu for that fact. These people have done nothing but helped the Asian community while ignoring the Caucasians of Flushing.
"Wade Nichols said...
This guy is sticking his middle finger and spitting on the graves of men from 17 countries who fought under a United Nations resolution against the North and the Chinese."
Well said. Fought, but died too.
A vote for John Choe is a vote for North Korea
John Choe = Communist
Check out Choe's Columbia University Revson fellowship on line.
It features his bio which tells of his connection to the NYC Taxi & Limosine Commission.
Isn't their head a partner in the "Parkside Group" along with Evan Stavisky?
Choe is a clubhouse tail that the Stavisky dogs hope wag just like they did with Liu!
Ooops...there's a "Commie" hidden under the Stavisky's bed!
Choe didn't want to make an issue of this issue 8 years ago and he's still dodging it!
He's in the midst of committing political suicide that way!
In politics your past can never be buried or fully digested.
It'll come up uncontrolled one day like a loud belch in a crowded room.
The Asian community isn't very happy with either Liu's or Choe's results in the district!
Johnny boy is known as "mister show business" among Asians because of his press conference jaunts all around NYC.
They feel he's ignored important issues right here at home.
So where's Liu's #1 man going to get his votes from?
I'll bet "Parkside" is running his campaign.
Isn't that what it's all about...duping Choe out of some money so that Evan can make his?
At her lowest ebb...after her so called anti Asian statements in the NY Times...Julia Harrison still took 65% of the vote!
So...is that 65% of the voting population likewise anti Asian?
Not likely...they were voting for a candidate that has delivered more than just photo ops for Flushing!
This was nothing less than a Stavisky lynching party!
Enjoy yours soon Toby.
That conflict of interest investigation ISN'T going to go away now that the Republicans have regained control of the state Senate!
I think Choe is too mild mannered to survive swimming in a crowded public swimming pool let alone in a political arena full of seasoned gladiators.
He needs some quiet cove to backstroke in.
He'll wind up losing but "Parkside" will wind up winning in regard to
being well paid for services rendered in the meantime!
So it's Evan & Co. that are the real villains here.
Parkside has managed to impose itself on every not for profit group around...to use them as their lobbyist to obtain funding...as well as forcing themselves on practically every politician who's running for office!
They are nothing less than thuggish bunch blackmailers, in this regard, who need to be exposed!
And so they will.
Mc Lauglin hasn't finished singing yet. That 10 year prison term that was recently handed down to him will encourage Brian to sing another tune to cut his sentence.
Hitting that high "C" the FBI was hoping for can get him at least 5 years off for good behavior.
Our former Central Labor Council boss certainly knows where all the bodies are buried.
Are you listening and watching closely Toby & Evan?
Better pack your quick exit bags pronto and burn those incriminating (?) papers in the district office safe.
Could that be why no constituent was ever invited inside?
When their case is eventually cracked open the Mc Lauglin deluge will look like something that happened in a bathroom compared to the Stavisky tsunami!
some poster must have some inside info here!
Why not share it with the feds if you haven't already?
It looks as if Flushing's current political conflict will be lost on that very same 38th parallel!
Deja vu!
H-m-m-m....and what about that Korean Vet war memorial buried in Kissena Park?
Did Choe ever visit it along with his uber-boss Liu?
I guess for the dedication photo op.
A close examination of Harrison's office staff included an American woman of color, a Korean/American woman, a Chinese/American woman, a Latino/American man, a Greek/Italian/American woman, an Irish/American woman, etc.
That's strikes me as extremely open to all cultures.
And how does Liu's office compare?
Didn't C.M. Harrison start up the "Network For Intergroup Harmony" as soon as she became councilwoman?
That New York Times reporter stalked her and published Julia's quotes completely out of context (no doubt at the Stavisky's and the clubhouse's behest).
I think that when C.M. Harrison uttered that "...bilk their own kind..." line she was pointing to Tommy Huang who screwed his own countrymen (and women).
If you're tired of ethnic pandering and tribal politics, give Isaac Sasson a chance.
Sasson is a military veteran, cancer researcher, tenant's rights activist, leader of a small synagogue... with zero support from the party bosses and the local press.
He is a recent lottery winner, with enough campaign money to run independently, he can't be bought by developers.
Sasson donated a couple thousand to the 109 Pct Community Council. I like the guy, he was real nice
Going after Choe for going to N. Korea is (thank you, Yogi Berra) deja vu all over again: it's just like the red-baiting during the Cold War, when Americans who went to the USSR for cultural & citizen exchange were called traitors or, at best, dupes. Until he runs for Congress, who cares if he's a jerk about N. Korea? Does he know the local issues, and how to get services for constituents? What are his positions on the things that matter to New Yorkers?
Bakka Choe!
Judging by Liu's lousy record in the delivery of constituent services that his office is known for and Choe having served as his chief of staff for 8 years...what level of improvement would you expect to get should he win Liu's seat?
More of the same? Slightly better? Worse? Abysmal?
Or will he become Liu's replacement as the new photo op king...
here, there and everywhere...all around the town?
Going after Choe for going to N. Korea is (thank you, Yogi Berra) deja vu all over again: it's just like the red-baiting during the Cold War, when Americans who went to the USSR for cultural & citizen exchange were called traitors or, at best, dupes......blah blah blah
What if a candidate made trips to the Swat Valley in Pakistan, and visited with the Taliban/Al Qaeda? What if a candidate made sympathetic statements about Osama Bin Laden?
Would you consider that "Islamophobia"?
Not a relevant issue to the voters, in assessing a candidates character?
How about a white candidate that said: "I don't really think David Duke is a bad guy, he doesn't hate black people." Do you think voters should ignore a statement like that?
What if a candidate made trips to the Swat Valley in Pakistan, and visited with the Taliban/Al Qaeda?
One day when you're a big boy, Wade, you might be able to knock over more than straw men. Until then, watching you practice is mighty amusing, if predictable.
One day when you're a big boy, Wade, you might be able to knock over more than straw men.
I'll bet I can knock you on your ass, but that's not saying much for you.
Until then, watching you practice is mighty amusing, if predictable.
At least I sign my name, Ridgewoodian.
"Wade"-ing in the waters again or is that you're own piss puddle at your feet?
We're all so terrified of your verbal and (now it seems) your newly claimed physical "prowess"...ha, ha!
Choe is a chump...a clubhouse chump.
We see that Mr. Nichols insists on throwing in his 5 cent's worth again.
You can't buy very much with that!
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