The New York Police Department will be allowed to hire at least 128 new police officers using federal funding under a deal brokered by U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer.
The department will then promote more experienced officers to beef up the department's elite anti-terror units.
The previous federal rules restricted NYPD to hiring new officers only for anti-terrorism. Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly argued it made more sense to hire rookies for regular duty and promote experienced officers to elite units.
Schumer says the department will get millions in federal economic recovery funding. The exact figure hasn't been decided.
Photo from the Daily News.
WOW! 128,please hire some vets.We do not need any more cowards like the female Lt.in the 109
eventually the feds will fund everything. the exact opposite of what the founding fathers wanted.
That comes to less than 2 cops per precinct. But most of them will likely go to influental precincts in Manhattan, so don't get your hopes up on Queens North getting many.
Hey, we here in Maspeth would be happy if we had 1 police car to patrol the area. Whenever we see a car (rarely) we figure they made a wrong turn or are lost. Maspeth has no police force. If there is a robbery, we have to wait 8 hours for the precient to send a car. However, the city makes sure we pay our taxes to fund the Police Deparmtent.
In other words, you're against this city getting funding to hire more polics officers.
Once again, knowing the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
I take it that you're a psychic, and have contacted the founding fathers to see if they disagree with this action [heavy sarcasm].
Whenever I am in Maspeth and I see a police car, it is usually a car from another precinct or another borough entirely, after paying a visit to the vehicle repair shop on 58 Street, the communications section, the quartermaster or the property clerk, all based in Maspeth/Woodside. They aren't patrolling the neighborhood, and won't respond to any jobs in the neighborhood, but they will stop off at a local deli or piaazria, to see if they can score a freebie sandwich or a few slices.
So, thanks to Schumer, the city will gain 128 new cops.
Hopefully, the 128 will be spread throughout the most crime-ridden precincts.
And so, thanks to Schumer, the experienced officers will be taken out of those dangerous precincts, to be replaced by rookies.
Yeah. Now that's some demonstration of serious, competent thinking.
In case I forgot, thanks, Schumer.
Thanks Commissar Moron for allowing this arrangement. Probably, it will now be part of your campaign blather.
As for Anonymous # 4: We don't need to be psychics to know what the founders thought about this. The intelligent among us call the process "reading". Maybe you never knew any of this before, but the founders and their successors wrote all their thoughts about government onto paper. They wrote. We read. Adults understand that process. You need to try this procedure. It beats heavy sarcasm.
Taxpayer said...
So, thanks to Schumer, the city will gain 128 new cops.
Hopefully, the 128 will be spread throughout the most crime-ridden precincts.
And so, thanks to Schumer, the experienced officers will be taken out of those dangerous precincts, to be replaced by rookies.
Yeah. Now that's some demonstration of serious, competent thinking.
In case I forgot, thanks, Schumer.
Thanks Commissar Moron for allowing this arrangement. Probably, it will now be part of your campaign blather.
As for Anonymous # 4: We don't need to be psychics to know what the founders thought about this. The intelligent among us call the process "reading". Maybe you never knew any of this before, but the founders and their successors wrote all their thoughts about government onto paper. They wrote. We read. Adults understand that process. You need to try this procedure. It beats heavy sarcasm.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Gee, thanks for the lecture, "Taxpayer".
Senator Schumer got the money for the NYPD--he isn't saying where the officers should or shouldn't be assigned. That's up to the NYPD (and the contract the city has with the PBA).
But then, again, he could have gotten funding for thousands of officers, and you would have found reason to criticize him.
And I've read the Constitution and the other major documents myself. The point I was trying to make (not well, obviously) was that the Founding Fathers wrote a document that was meant to be amended, not carved in stone.
We can only guess (not declare) what the founding would think today. Sure they wrote the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Federalist Papers, but nowhere did they say, "On June 26, 2009 Senator Charles Schumer of New York will secure federal funding for the New York City Police Department. We disapprove of this action that will occur 230 years in the future."
We can (and must) apply their writings to today's issues, but a valid case can be made for either side of the argument. To describe the "Founding Fathers" as a monolithic block is disingenuous. Some wanted a strong Federal government (Hamiliton) others were for state's rights (Jefferson). You quote one, I quote the other, and we both have the Founding Fathers on our side.
"We can (and must) apply their writings to today's issues, but a valid case can be made for either side of the argument. To describe the "Founding Fathers" as a monolithic block is disingenuous. Some wanted a strong Federal government (Hamilton) others were for state's rights (Jefferson)."
Just when you think you understand them.
Adams (Federalist)
“The happiness of society is the end of government.”
“The way to secure liberty is to place it in the people's hands, that is, to give them the power at all times to defend it in the legislature and in the courts of justice”
A strong government indeed. They were not monolithic, however they seem at times to be contradictory.
Anonymous said:
"And I've read the Constitution and the other major documents myself. The point I was trying to make (not well, obviously) was that the Founding Fathers wrote a document that was meant to be amended, not carved in stone."
Which amendment says that citizens in Omaha Nebraska must pay for Schumer's reelection campaign through his taxing of them to pay for any more police in NYC? What about their needs for improved schools, firehouses, or, even additional police?
That's all this miserable, measly 128 new officers represent - improving the election odds for Schumer and the Commissar.
It was the Commissar who drained the NYPD of more than 5000 officers. Now, he has to answer for that, so he scratches Schumer's back and vice versa. And, both rip off out-of-state taxpayers who, though lucky enough to never have to be harmed by either of these two morons, shouldn't have to pay with their food and tuition money to assist the political dreams of this corrupt, incompetent pair.
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From Anonymous:
"Senator Schumer got the money for the NYPD--he isn't saying where the officers should or shouldn't be assigned. That's up to the NYPD (and the contract the city has with the PBA)."
From the post itself:
"The New York Police Department will be allowed to hire at least 128 new police officers using federal funding under a deal brokered by U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer.
The department will then promote more experienced officers to beef up the department's elite anti-terror units.
The previous federal rules restricted NYPD to hiring new officers only for anti-terrorism. Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly argued it made more sense to hire rookies for regular duty and promote experienced officers to elite units."
Taxpayer to Anonymous: Write, read, comprehend. It really is not all that difficult if you apply yourself and focus on the issue, not the sarcastic attack.
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From Anonymous:
"But then, again, he could have gotten funding for thousands of officers, and you would have found reason to criticize him."
Taxpayer to Anonymous:
There you go again. Trying the psychic hotline routine. What crystal ball tells you what I would think about anything that has not happened?
Stick to reality. It is actually much easier to handle.
Clearly, Anonymous, you did need the lecture (and much more), so, you're welcome.
So now Taxpayer thinks he is an expert on how to manage and deploy law enforcement personnel. What a joke.
Hey Taxpayer - we are still waiting for your comment regarding Bob Holden's article in the Juniper Berry magazine putting a positive light on McMansions in Middle Village. Where is your rambling, incoherent comment criticizing that article Taxpayer? Can you say "hypocrite"?
- A Bigger Taxpayer
Preventing a terrorist attack in New York is a national issue, not just a local issue. It is absolutely appropriate for federal money to be used to enhance local law enforcement's ability to guard against a terrorist attack in this country's leading city. How small-minded can you be to think otherwise?
That's right. It would be so small minded to think that we don't need police in NYC to protect Omaha Nebraska.
But, you better take that up with the teeny, tiny minded Commissar. He's the one who eliminated 5000+ police officers here in NYC.
So, by your logic, his tiny-minded thinking has endangered Omaha Nebraska and other faraway cities.
By the way, little taxpayer, nothing I said referred to my expertise on deploying police. Instead, my comments referred to the police elimination (undeployment? dedeployment?) by the Commissar. With not a word of protest from Chucky Schumer.
Reading comprehension is not all that difficult if you learn to concentrate. Now, concentration requires discipline and use of the brain. It must be done alone by you. Nobody can be your reading comprehender and pass on to you the comprehended matter. It is a do-it-yourself activity. Now, go upstairs and give it a try. You have to get out of the dark, danky basement, anyway. Sunlight, though rare, is a big help.
Taxpayer, where is your comment on the Bob Holden article?
So in your warped view, protecting New York City against an attack from international terrorists is not a federal concern? You should try quitting while you're behind.
- A Bigger Taxpayer
A Bigger Moron said:
"So in your warped view, protecting New York City against an attack from international terrorists is not a federal concern?"
You apparently didn't read this correctly:
"...my comments referred to the police elimination (undeployment? dedeployment?) by the Commissar. With not a word of protest from Chucky Schumer."
He said the exact opposite of what you're accusing him of saying.
You all need to take the 3rd grade again. Schumer arranged for the federal money to allow for the NYPD discretion in adding police to the anti-terror unit, instead of the federal money having to be earmarked directly to hiring police for that unit. Therefore, taxes from Nebraska and the entire nation are being used to bolster the NYPD's efforts in fighting for this nation against international terrorist attacks in NYC. Am I going to fast for you still?
Taxpayer, where is your comment on the Bob Holden article?
First grade math:
-5000+158 still leaves us very short on cops.
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