Like any patriot, Cohen is wearing a US flag pin on his suit. Unfortunately, when he posed for a Bukharian community magazine, something went wrong with the flag. You take a look.

In my opinion, it's better to not wear a flag pin than to wear it wrong.
If the Crowley & Reich Clubhouse try to knock Cohen off the ballot, the Bukharian community will not go down quietly. At the same time, if more candidates try to run for the same seat, Koslowitz will an easy time returning to power, because of a divided field of newcomers."
-local resident.
Hey...the Russian mob took over Brighton Beach...now the Bukharian mob will be running Forest Hills.
They might have even launched their own candidate.
What's Kasiev the plunderer of the Trylon Theater doing these days?
Scratch a Buko-barbarian and you'll find a Russkie cossack under the skin...wielding a saber from atop his horse ...bearing down upon the sleeping community.
These former herdsmen from the hills
are anything but civilized!
Look at the racist posts above, and they're anonymous, too. What a shame that the Queens Crap audience prefers ethnic slurs over actual policy debates regarding Cohen's candidacy.
Stereotypes come from somewhere, Sergey. They dont come out of thin air.
Buks dont want to be pigeon-holed as classless, tasteless, barbarians?
Get some culture, get some taste, respect the community you move into, and respect the laws of the land. Pretty simple.
Stereotypes come from somewhere, Sergey. They dont come out of thin air.
alas, true, alas.
If it acts like a clan, thinks like a clan, then my friend ... it IS a clan.
The clubhouse certainly thinks like that.
Every see the papers after election day where the voting pattern of each community is reviewed like describing a subspecies?
And believe me, bringing in a bunch of clueless needy ethnics into a community who drive out the middle class is every politican's dream.
Zionist occupied government.
Anonymous said...
Zionist occupied government.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Mind occupied by Anti-Semitism and hatred.
(sigh) Is this the best we can do?
Another jackass running for public office, using our flag in the worst possible way.
Sergey, you toss around the term racist a lot. Isn't that a cop-out for dealing with the conflict that undeniably exists between the Bukharan immigrants and the existing community? Shouldn't both sides deal with the issues instead of engaging in the crap tossing in print? Could it be that the Bukharans are more than a little insensitive to their new neighbor's criticisms?
what was wrong with his flag pin? I'm not sure of the protocol.
Did you notice it was upside down?
Crapper, I think this "pin flap" is a non-issue. It's called Photo manipulation; bear with me for a moment.
He was probably wearing the pin correctly when the photo was taken.
The brochure's graphics person probably flipped the picture horizontally to make him appear to face the correct way or for some other consideration.
So Mr. Cohen probably wore the pin correctly, but on the other side of his jacket, and the graphics person did not flip the pin back after flipping the picture.
Whatever actually happened, it's certainly possible he did not make the mistake you claim he did. I understand you're upset about the McMansions, but that doesn't mean this guy disrespects the flag.
I did not write this post; it was sent to my e-mail with the title you see here.
I honestly don't care about Albert Cohen or his flag pin but I thought some others might.
And if the photo was flipped horizontally, then the flag would still be upright, just backwards.
What rubbish. Photo manipulation? If an aspiring politician can't be bothered to check that the flag pin is on correctly, s/he should not run for office in this country.
This is yet another example of profound disrespect for American customs. And, no--we're not being thin skinned about nor is this an assault on all Bukharans If you're going to use our flag as a prop, be respectful and make sure that you follow protocol.
An upside down flag signals distress--an apt emotion if this jerk gets voted into office.
BTW, our representatives represent ALL the members of their community, not just their own interest group.
Wow, the Queens Crap demographic is out in full force! Just look at these comments!
It's like the love children of a Klansman and Forrest Gump!
Is your readership incredibly racist, increibly idiotic, or both? I vote BOTH!!
Oh, and as much as it may pain your readership, the Russian community will soon have proper representation in Forest Hills, and will overturn the moronic downzonings that are threatening the community.
Wow!!! Attorney Albert Cohen is a "Buko-Barbarian","jackass" and "jerk"! Shame on you, bunch of racists who forget that America is a country of immigrants!
There is nothing wrong that Bukharian Jewish community of Queens decided to win this open seat. In terms of his flag pin, common, give this guy a break! He is running for office for the first time and I am sure he is a very much pro-American.
Wow!! This post really set off the Bukharan terrorists and allowed them to show their true colors.
Call those of us who were born here and criticize you for your slash and burn tactics through our neighborhood all you want. You still don't have enough clout to steal an election yet.
Cohen is running for election in an American city and is "pro American!" Well, that makes us very glad that the person running for office actually likes America and Americans, even if he exploits our flag improperly.
Sorry, America's a melting pot,not a cacophony of battling immigrant groups with their own interests.
America stopped being a "melting pot" many decades ago.
Melting pot implies surrendering some of yourself over to the greater collective. New waves of newcomers don't want to bother.
For a while there, "salad bowl" would have been more appropriate, but even that is now reaching.
The USA, and New York, has become a take-out buffet. Come here on the cheap, load up on the good stuff, and then go run home when you have had your fill, but not before sliding your plate to friends and family so you only get charged once.
The USA, and New York, has become a take-out buffet. Come here on the cheap, load up on the good stuff, and then go run home when you have had your fill, but not before sliding your plate to friends and family so you only get charged once.
Absolutely brilliant!!!
Many people are going back home because there is no American Dream for them or us. Some are finding out life is worse here than back home. Doctors, lawyers, and other professionals driving cabs or any other job being exploited.
Also many Jewish immigrants thought they were escaping anti-semitism and found just as much here.
Bukharians are not Russian.
Slovenly thinking.
You put a suit and tie on to get your picture taken. You purchase a flag pin at the corner newsstand and then you pin it on upside down not caring what kind of message this sends.
"God" is in the details.
I betcha he needs a change of underwear as well.
Many people are going back home because there is no American Dream for them or us.
Oh Pa-lese, you know better than I that they are not going back to some shithole.
This place, as degraded as it is, is still better than just about anywhere (except possibly parts of Europe)
Look at the racist posts above, and they're anonymous, too. What a shame that the Queens Crap audience prefers ethnic slurs over actual policy debates regarding Cohen's candidacy.
Welcome to Queens Crap, Sergey!
This guy is the one representing owners of all those hideous oversized houses in Cord Meyer. He will make it his point to ensure the laws DOB wants to implement do not take effect. In other words----all construction regulations will be overturned in order to accomodate those families with so called multiple generations living under one roof. Question: Has anyone seen any elderly folks
going in or out of these homes to date? I just see young couples and kids...
Has anyone here ever taken the time to speak with a Bukharian person or understand their morals??
I have done business with many Bukharian people within our area, and i must say that they are a very knowledgeable and civilized group of people. I believe in Albert Cohen and believe that he is running for a greater good in our society.
It humors me how some can stereotype Bukharian people by calling them "barbarians" and "uncivilized third world immigrants"
I encourage you to take some time to know a person before giving them a stereotype. The Bukharian community is filled with Doctors, Lawyers, Pharmacists, and Entrepreneurs who are just as American as we consider ourselves.
My barber is Bukharian. Best barber I have ever had. He listens to what I tell him.
love your posts here. My lawyer, doctor, pharmacist and investment rep are Bukharians. The prices are great and they are all from the same family :).
I have to give them credit for building these palaces on 110th street in place of rat ridden moldy slums. They can't go back to the country that they came from, all of them from Uzbekistan and its a Muslim country, they can't go back there and to prove it they are building these huge houses and investing into the community (for an immigrant group, far from sub-prime)
I lived here for 35 years and I am glad that Forest Hills got that particular immigrant community.
georgetheatheist said...
My barber is Bukharian. Best barber I have ever had. He listens to what I tell him.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Well, that's because you pay him.
bukharians are ugly, nasty, arrogant, shady people. send em packing.
kipping real estate prices artificially high in Forest hills Kew Gardens and Rego Park areas...
who is in favor of setting up concentration camps just for them, on this post? (I am sure the number will be high).
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