Colleagues of State Senator Hiram Monserrate, who has been indicted on six counts of assaulting his companion, have discussed setting up a fund to aid his legal defense, senators said on Thursday.
The idea of helping Mr. Monserrate cover his legal expenses came up during a closed-door meeting of Senate Democrats this week. Though senators were not directly asked to contribute, Majority Leader Malcolm A. Smith told them he would not stand in their way if they wanted to assist Mr. Monserrate, who is accused of slashing his companion in the face with a drinking glass.
Have they no sense of decency, sir?
Isn't that so sweet of his fellow Dems? It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that they might lose their slim majority and everything to with their concern for his personal well-being?
"Mr. Monserrate’s case is different; he is accused of crimes that have no obvious connection to his role as a public official."
But isn't true nowadays that elected officials commit crimes all the time. They see it as a perk of office. Look at Gallagher with his drunken assault on a woman.
Then, look at DA Brown, who kissed his ass and let him go.
Ragusa, Tabone. If you can't make hay when this sun is shining. . .
Can they save a few bucks to pay for the cosmetic surgery on the woman's eye?
I am a life-long registered Democrat. If these people start boldly fund-raising for him, I will change my party registration, AFTER showing up at the next Democratic primary and voting against every last incumbent.
Like the public accepting the overturn of term limits, the closing of firehouses and hospitals, and yet remaining glassy eyed over American Idol, we have started down a slipperly slope.
These forces will continue to test the public's capacity for abuse and erosion of citizenship.
Have they no sense of decency, sir?
"What are you going to do about it"
Boss Tweed
Instead of addressing the most important issues of their constitutents, like balancing the budget, the MTA fare hike, this is their priority -- to raise money for a criminal. I think this little fundraising drive is criminal. It's time to vote ALL of them out of office and start fresh. FLUSH THE TOILET ON ALL OF THEM.
Back in 1983, Culture Club had a hit with the song Church of the Poison Mind. I didn't really understand the song back then, but I think I know what they're talking about now.
They must pass around the collection plate for slugs like Monserrate at the Church of the Poison Mind. Malcolm Smith and the other New York Democrats are faithful parishioners.
Ragusa, Tabone. If you can't make hay when this sun is shining. . .
Good point. Here's a question: What is the ratio of registered Dems to Republicans in Monster Rat's district?
Mr. Monserrate’s case is different; he is accused of crimes that have no obvious connection to his role as a public official."
Don't we refer to these bafoons as law makers? So isn't breaking the law obviously connected to his role?
Another thing about the depravity of chipping in to fund a fellow criminal's defense attorney: These same spenders couldn't have found the time to prevent the two hospitals from closing?
They couldn't have prevented the Commissar's criminal overturning of the citizens' twice voted Term Limits law?
They cannot find the time to prevent the Commissar from destroying Ridgewood Reservoir?
They don't want the bother of outlawing the use of the carcinogenic artificial turf in public spaces in NYC?
But, on our dime, these lowlifes can find time to preserve a slender majority by funding their fellow criminal.
I'd contribute to hiring a couple of
thugs to give Hiram a good beat down!
Would you believe that stupid woman planted a kiss on him in court today and begged the judge to lift that restraining order.
There has got to be some sort of hush money here.
I have to believe that or I'll go crazy.
This guy should be in jail waiting for his court date, period.
Please be sure to find out the address for donations and send him a canadian penny scotch taped to a piece of paper.
Make sure to call and demand a receipt for tax purposes.
term limits for the senate and assembly!
Send those canadian pennies now!
fuck him go to jail
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