Friday, October 24, 2008

Tweeders united

The NYC Council and Mayor Bloomberg have officially joined the club now. Congratulations!

Yes, the fix was in.

Now it's time to Throw Them All Out - Every Single Goddamned One.

Caz Dolowicz to Christine Quinn & Mike Bloomberg: Fuck You

Bloomberg crowned royal dictator of NYC

A must read: The Bloomberg Way


Anonymous said...

We just witnessed a modern day mutiny. These impudent municipal employees have tried to overthrow the voting employers.

QC is correct. Every last traitor must be expelled from any elected office. Any time any of them appears on any ballot, the opponent must be the choice.

Let this pass and fear for your children's future.

Either you're in control, or, the Commissar and his street thugs are in control. Time to choose!

Anonymous said...

The only ones who will profit from the Wall Street melt down is the mayor and the corrupt City Council

Anonymous said...

It is a joke that we need to reelect a City Council to help with the Wall Street crisis who wasted million in their member itmes slush fund.


Anonymous said...


Thanks to those city council members who voted YES for more choice for New Yorkers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you to those who voted "yes" on the amendment that would have forced the mayor to hold a special referendum.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to throw the bums out, but they often run unopposed!

Anonymous said...

Word has it if the Dems take over the state senate they'll overturn the term-limit decision.


Anonymous said...

What a disgrace!
Government of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE has been trashed.
I am not often an ideological supporter of the ACLU, but I have a great amount of respect for Norm Seigel, and I will support him in his fight against this latest endrun around the democratic process.
It is well past the time for a Justice Department investigation into the currupt policies of this Mayor, and the city council. It starts right here on blogs like this because most of the New York media is blind or in the pocket of the administration.
What say the people?

Anonymous said...

Explain to me how allowing an incumbent billionaire whom will either buy out his opponents or buy out their parties gives any of us more choice. Either you’re to naive to see what just happened or you stand to benefit from this council decision. The way the real world works is no one will support any candidate against an incumbent billionaire. They know that he will spend unlimited amounts of money thus making any monetary support for another candidate zero. Without money how are you going to challenge and win? These tactics are no different than what dictators all over the world have done throughout history. Some use force, others intimidation and others bribery, but the results are the same, no free and fare elections. You can't believe that this is fair. With this vote he and the other members have voted themselves another third term. I am a New Yorker who feels like we just stepped through a gate and my freedom did not pass through with me.

Anonymous said...

W"ord has it if the Dems take over the state senate they'll overturn the term-limit decision. Thoughts?"

Non-sense, and it can't be done.

Anonymous said...

Proof that we need the 2nd amendment.

Anonymous said...

If the people really don't want Bloomberg then a candidate will surface and he will have financing.

The people now have a choice to keep Bloomberg or go in another direction.

Previously they did not have that choice.

That is good.

Queens Crapper said...

This "giving more choice" bullshit is getting old. The people had the choice to approve or reject term limits twice. They chose to accept them.

This is dictatorial and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

As if the Machine is going to run anyone against the dead weight incumbents that vote the "right" way on the council. Choice? No. More like politics as usual.

Anonymous said...

Candidates run unopposed for city council? Don't think so! Look in the repug column, or in Working Families.

Anonymous said...

Can we get the feds involved?

Anonymous said...

Non-sense, and it can't be done.

The city is a creature of the state, you know.

Anonymous said...

The people still have term limits. Three terms is more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

"The people still have term limits. Three terms is more appropriate."

The people voted for two. What the people voted for is more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

If the people really don't want Bloomberg then a candidate will surface and he will have financing.

The people now have a choice to keep Bloomberg or go in another direction.

Previously they did not have that choice.

That is good.


How simple! The idea is brilliant! Right up there with taking care of retirement by winning the lottery.

The money controls the media. The money will buy votes.

Get real. Stop bullshitting us.

Anonymous said...

Did you see how fast he cleared out of there when he was being yelled at? Wimp.

Bloomie, if you can't take the heat stay away from public office.

Anonymous said...

Third parties in the city offer little choice to the voters. Often, the Working Families and Conservatives endorse the big party incumbents

Anonymous said...

Any incumbent runs unopposed?

Think you have no choice?

You certainly do!

Skip over that ballot.

Let the unopposed "winner" celebrate the "victory" with a count of just a few votes.

Let the unopposed incumbent learn that even his family failed to vote for him. Oh! Yeah! Or her.

NEVER vote the PARTY line.

Split your vote all over the place. Never let ANY politician color his map showing your vote is in the bag.

Remember the old western movies would have a scene where the bad guys would shoot at the feet of the good guy and make him dance?

Split your vote every time and you'll see the politicians dancing to YOUR tune!

Plan to vote. Vote with a plan.

The plan is: you must be in control - ALWAYS!

Otherwise, the politician is in control - of YOU!

Anonymous said...

why dont you just run for office?

But you seem like the type of person that just likes to sit at their computer and write complaints on blogs?

like crappy.

Anonymous said...

How do you know he isn't?

Anonymous said...

Because from his rantings he reads like the type of person that would be an immediate turn off if you ever met them in person.

His rantings sound like those of a person who does not socialize in public and spews invective on anyone he actually meets.

I picture "taxpayer" muttering in the corner of some coffee shop while pissing off the waitress and acting like they owns the place because they paid 1.00 for a cup of coffee. And left no tip/

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and I pictured Bloomberg as a great reformer and unable to be corrupt because he owed nothing to no one.

Boy was I wrong.

Anonymous said...

Elected officials are some of the most thin-skinned, egomaniacal, self-absorbed, self-important and selfish assholes on the planet. What they did yesterday proved that.

Anonymous said...

anyone who runs for office has meglonomaniacal tendencies

Anonymous said...

Not all of them are. Some of them just want an easy paycheck in lieu of a real job.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:
…from his rantings he reads like the type of person that would be an immediate turn off if you ever met them in person.

His rantings sound like those of a person who does not socialize in public and spews invective on anyone he actually meets.

I don’t see that at all. In fact Taxpayer makes a lot of sense. When you don’t have much of an argument, just cry just cry hatred and hope that the opposing argument crumbles. The mayor is not going to get away with subverting the expressed will of the people, and for that matter neither will the city council members that opted to rubber stamp this benevolent coup d’état.

The council vote notwithstanding, voters don’t take kindly to politicians ignoring the will of the people. There will be repercussions that will extend well beyond the Bloomberg administration.

George Washington knew that in order for the nation to survive beyond his presidency, he would have to step aside and complete the process of democracy. Mayor Bloomberg could draw from this lesson, but I doubt that he will. He believes that New York City cannot do without his business acumen, but frankly Mr. Mayor it can. Leave with what legacy you have remaining and don’t embarrass yourself any further. The people have spoken. Twice

Anonymous said...

MORON wrote:
"Because from his rantings he reads like the type of person that would be an immediate turn off if you ever met them in person.

His rantings sound like those of a person who does not socialize in public and spews invective on anyone he actually meets.

I picture "taxpayer" muttering in the corner of some coffee shop while pissing off the waitress and acting like they owns the place because they paid 1.00 for a cup of coffee. And left no tip/"

* * * *

First of all, you'll never get to meet me, because my standards are way too high to give you a moment in my presence; reading this will be as close as I permit you.

As for being an immediate turn off? Probably. To the likes of you. My admirers - and you are forbidden from joining them, no matter how you throw a tantrum - are all over the place, and, they are very decent, civil, thoughtful people, capable of intelligent discourse, even when in disagreement with me, as many occasionally are.

If I left you no tip after you sloppily poured cold coffee, then take that as a message. Next time be professional, polite and civil to ALL of your customers. You will be surprised at how your good cheer will improve your life, mentally, physically and most of all, spiritually.

Be more like me. You'll be attractive to people instead of your ordinary, repulsive self.

Oh! Yeah! I did enjoy telling you this. I love to correct morons. I never know if at least one moron will change.

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer is actually half Cherokee and Hatian.
Settle down big guy, there hasnt been democracy in this country for many years and its been eroding over the last 8 years.I let ya have a few Amero's when they come out in a few months or so.Ill build ya a cargo home to live in with the money bloomie's made off the real estate boom here in this wacky moneyocracy town.

Anonymous said...

come to think of it "taxpayer" is arrogant and self absorbed so he may be a good candidate for public office

Anonymous said...

Moron Commented:
"come to think of it "taxpayer" is arrogant and self absorbed so he may be a good candidate for public office"

Aside from the Moron being so utterly boring and predictable, let me ask the moron a question: What is it like to be such an imbecile?

When you look out from your empty skull, what do you see?

It will help us who try to understand the stupidity of empty heads. So, please, be honest.

Anonymous said...

boring and predictable is defined as spewing the same rhetoric repeatedly ....

like writing "all politicians are crooks" ten times a day

A moron is one who does the same thing repeatedly and expects different results

Like ranting in an online forum ten times a day

You should look in the mirror

Anonymous said...

I think the bigger moron than the one who writes it is the one who repeatedly reads it and complains about it.

Anonymous said...

"The people still have term limits. Three terms is more appropriate."

The people voted for two. What the people voted for is more appropriate.

Friday, October 24, 2008

And what happens when the Mayor or Council decides that a FOURTH term is necessary? And a FIFTH...

The people's choice was and always will be the appropriate choice.

Anonymous said...

It's very appropriate
that the old Tweed Courthouse is located directly behind City Hall!

Wait until "hizzoner"
hoists his banner above the cupola
for all to see that King Michael the first has suspended democracy...
uh for at least 1, 2, 3... or how many more terms? !!!

"All hail "Freedonia",
says Groucho Marx !

Anonymous said...

The sky is falling!